Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 435

Ji Rui puts his hand on Letong's shoulder and shakes slightly. He has always boasted of being powerful, and suddenly found himself extremely vulnerable!

"Dr. Fu, what's wrong with her body?"

As the party's Letong hasn't opened her mouth, she hears Ji Rui standing behind her asking the doctor anxiously.

The old Chinese medicine doctor glanced at a baby sitting on a bench playing with himself. Just now, he heard the little guy called mother Letong.

"Was Miss Le not well maintained when she gave birth to the first child?"

Le Tong Leng for a while, slow slow, slowly nodded.

At that time, she suffered from the psychological pain of her own son being carried away. Physically, she had to pretend to be nothing. She had to take care of her mother, who had been very weak after her illness. In addition, she also had to take care of her studies and work. In Letong's view, the convalescent process of confinement, which was necessary for every puerpera, became an extremely luxurious thing.

Feeling Ji Rui's hand on her shoulder tightened, Letong raised her hand and patted the back of his hand, turned to the baby and said, "baby, Mommy is a little thirsty. You and Uncle Li go to the car to get a drink for Mommy, OK?"

"All right! Mommy, you wait! " Baby does not doubt him, obediently took Xiao Li's hand, a jump to the parking lot.

Until the baby's figure gradually far away, Le Tong turned to see old doctor Fu“ Please, Dr. Fu

"Miss Yile's current physical condition, if you want to have a baby again, it's very difficult!"

Hearing the diagnosis, Letong's face was dignified and clenched her lips.

If it had been told to her a few months earlier, she probably wouldn't have cared. Because at that time, she never thought that she would have another child.

But now she has a romantic relationship with Ji Rui. That is to say, as long as they go well, it is inevitable for them to get married and have children. Baobao has also mentioned eagerly that she wants to be a brother. But the diagnosis given by Dr. Fu now turns the baby's hope into extravagance.

The unspeakable sadness in Letong's heart is not because of her expectation for the unknown little life, but because she can't realize the seemingly simple wish for her baby.

Ji Rui sees all kinds of reactions of Le Tong in his eyes. He tightens his arm and hugs her painfully. With the other hand, he grabs her hand and holds it tightly in the palm of his hand.

"Dr. Fu, is there nothing wrong with her except this?"

It's hard to have a baby again. This result really disappoints Ji Rui, but what he cares more about is Letong's physical condition.

Fu doctor did not answer him immediately, just raised chin, motioned Letong for another hand to give him another number pulse.

Letong silently takes his hand out of Ji Rui's palm and puts it on the soft cushion. Dr. Fu drops his eyes, numbers seriously for a few minutes, raises his eyelids and looks at Ji Rui seriously.

"Mr. Ji, Miss Le's physical foundation is very poor. Take some Chinese medicine for a while and then have a look."

From doctor Fu's home, there was a big bag of Chinese medicine on the bus.

"Letong, I want aunt Guan to help take care of the baby. Why don't we move to a new apartment?"

Ji Rui thinks that Letong's poor health is largely due to his own reasons.

During the baby's illness, her body and mind are in a state of high tension. After that, she goes back to work for Ji. During the day, she is busy with Ji's busy affairs. At night, she has to take care of her baby and herself. All iron people will be exhausted. Besides, she is just an ordinary person.

Letong instinctively wants to refuse, but a pair of Shangji Rui's worried face mixed with pleading can't say how to refuse.


Letong, who is not in a high mood, looks out of the window at the scenery flying by.

Thinking of the diagnosis, she didn't know how to face her baby son.

Sensitive baby seems to be aware that his mother is not happy, in Ji Rui's arms struggling to pass his arm to Letong, "Mommy! Hold on

At this time, the baby, just like an ordinary five or six-year-old, is charming to Letong.

"Darling, Mommy is not feeling well today. She's sitting quietly." Ji Rui claps the baby's buttocks with one hand and holds his body with the other, forbidding him to get close to Letong.

Looking out of the window, Letong, distracted by the baby's words, turns to squeeze out a gentle smile.

"Baby, come on, Mommy Open your arms to your baby.

No matter what the baby asks her, she can't refuse.

"Letong..." Ji Rui looks at her anxiously.

He knew that she was in a bad mood. After leaving doctor Fu's house, she didn't say a word.

"I'm fine!" Yue Tong smiles at Ji Rui and hugs the baby.

Ji Rui sighs in secret, but holds the baby's buttocks to her arms.

Back home, the baby is playing in the living room. Ji Rui accompanies Letong to prepare dinner in the kitchen.

Letong is cutting meat, Ji Rui is picking vegetables.


Ji Rui thought about it all afternoon, but decided that it would be better to spread out the words.

"Well?" Yue Tong didn't look up. He answered with a dull voice.

Ji Rui has a look at her side face that can't see any emotion. Her mood is complicated, and what comes up with it is bursts of powerlessness.

If he could, he really wanted to take her in his arms and comfort her. But he knew that all the comforting words were extremely pale in the face of such a fact.

He tried to organize the language, then said, "don't think too much, if the baby wants, we can adopt one or two children in the future."

Although, not long ago, he did dream of seeing himself and her child fall to the ground and grow into a child who can run from a baby baby, he erased this dream in a very short time.

Now he just wants the woman around him to stay by his side well and undamaged. The others, yes, naturally, are good. No, it's no big deal.

"This is not the same..." Yue Tong is obviously not as open-minded as he is.

She couldn't forget the brilliance of her beautiful eyes when the baby mentioned her younger brother and sister!

"Letong, if you're OK, the rest is not important!"

For Ji Rui, more than a year ago, children were just tools for inheritance. Now, even if the baby's position in his heart is becoming more and more important, it does not mean that he will have feelings for an unknown life.

So, now he doesn't even have a little regret. He just thinks that as long as Letong is good and the baby is good, everything else doesn't matter!

"What's more, Dr. Fu just said it was difficult, but he didn't say there was no chance at all, did he?"

Since she doesn't accept adoption, she will believe it?!

And I can meet her, itself is the biggest miracle!