Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 412

The man put his hands around her waist and buried his face directly in her stomach. His hair was short and hard, and the stubble pricked her across the clothes, which was very uncomfortable.

Compared with the physical discomfort, the psychological discomfort makes Letong at a loss.

There was a moment's blank in his brain. He hung his hands on his side for several seconds, then slowly handed his hands up and gently put them around his broad shoulders.

This man is really awkward occasionally, but he will admit that he is awkward, which is beyond Letong's expectation.

And he will show weakness like now, which makes Letong even more surprised.

"Letong..." the man's stuffy voice came out from her stomach.


"In fact, I envy the baby..." the man's voice, with a bit helpless.

Letong Leng Leng, instant reaction, he said the envy, should contain two meanings, one is that he envies the baby can get her Letong so much love; Another important thing is that he envies that the baby can have a mother who loves him so much.

Think of the man mentioned his mother's fragile look, Letong's eyes slightly acid.

"Ji Rui, both baby and you are very important to me."

Yue Tong's words are not entirely out of appeasement.

In the past, she deliberately ignored that only when she became an ostrich on emotional issues, could she not distinguish the behavior that even her eyes could not help chasing him because she liked it.

Now looking back, I find that as early as I don't know when, her heart has been lost, and she can't extricate herself from the swamp called "Ji Rui".

She can't measure how deep her feelings for Ji Rui are, because she has never had similar feelings for other men, so there is no way to compare.

But one thing she can be sure of is that when she knew Ji Rui was stabbed, her heart was the same as when she knew that her mother and baby were ill. In a flash, the sky collapsed and the world became dark and suffocating!

The man buried in her trembled slightly, and the hand around her waist tightened.

Letong thinks that the man will prove something to her, but the man just quietly buried in her arms, even the hand around her waist, also very quietly stay in the original place.

At this time, Ji Rui's thoughts are surging in his heart, but he is forced to restrain his eagerness to verify with her.

It's not that he doesn't want to ask too much, but that after he has done so much to her, she can put him in the same important position as the baby, which makes him feel guilty.

It's said that he won't receive any merit. He's afraid that under his own pressure, she will see her deep feelings for him. Then she will find that she has been paying for him silently all the time, but Ji Rui has hurt her again and again.

So, he wants to wait for himself to be good enough to her, and wait for his inner guilt to subside before he can verify with her. At that time, no matter how much she likes him and loves him, he can be worthy of it!

Because by then, he has been able to give back to her with the same love and love.

They didn't talk any more. They just held each other so quietly. Ji Rui didn't let go until the sound of footsteps came from outside the door.

He is not afraid that his son will bump into his intimate relationship with her. He is just afraid that she will be thin skinned. If the baby son teases her at that time, and her hard stretched head retracts into the snail shell, he really doesn't know who to cry for.

Although, vaguely feel that she is not so affectable, but they finally break the deadlock, developed to the present stage, he dare not casually test her bottom line.

"Daddy, Mommy, baby is hungry..."

The door was pushed open with a bang, and the baby stood at the door holding the handle, pitifully looking at the parents in the bedroom.

Letong did not hesitate at all. She turned around and walked toward the baby. She kneaded the baby's head and said, "Mommy made porridge. What else does the baby want to eat? Mommy is going to cook it now. "

Ji Rui, who is mercilessly left behind, has no taste. But the baby, then tilts the body to look at Ji Rui, "Daddy, what do you want to eat?"

In the baby's view, daddy is a patient, so he has the priority to be taken care of.

"I've already had it. Let your mother cook what your baby wants."

The baby is obediently led away by Letong. Ji Rui, sitting on the bed, stares at the back of the big one and the small two. His eyes are gentle and doting.

For a moment, he even had the illusion that the picture of a thin woman pulling a child was the most beautiful and precious picture in the world.

At least, in his mind, this painting is the most beautiful and precious one!

Letong and Baobao go to the kitchen together. Ji Rui in the bedroom has no spare time. First, he has a close chat with Yang Sheng, who is still in Beijing, for more than ten minutes. Then, he turns on the projector and has a simple meeting with Ji's senior management to arrange the work for the next few days.

Finally, he chatted with a blonde man in English for a few minutes. When Le Tong led the doctor in, he had finished his important work and was leaning against the bed to read the mail.

The doctor who came to examine him was no other than Dr. Fan who operated on him.

Doctor fan, who has always been opposed to his discharge from hospital, helped him finish the examination, and his face, which was originally taut, finally had a little smile.

"Mr. Ji, your wound has healed better than I expected. It seems that Mrs. Ji really knows how to take care of you better than the nurses in our hospital!"

Doctor fan's words easily made Le Tong blush.

Ji Rui's smiling eyes seem to have inadvertently swept Letong. In fact, he has taken her every smile into his eyes. I don't know why, every time he sees her blushing because of her relationship, he will be in a special good mood.

Dr. Fan didn't notice the ambiguous atmosphere between them at all, but dutifully explained a lot of precautions, and then prescribed some medicine for taking and external use.

Seeing off Dr. Fan, Letong turns back to her bedroom and sees Ji Rui sitting next to him on the bed, looking at the computer. She doesn't know what she's looking at, while Baobao is sitting next to him reading a fairy tale book.

"Ji Rui, since you're OK, I'll go back to work and have lunch."

Ji Rui, the president of the company, is absent, and Yang shengtezhu is absent. If even her secretary to the president is absent, there is really something wrong. People in the company can't even find someone to convey it.

Anyway, it's not far from the company, and it doesn't take much time to come back.

Ji Rui thought about it, but rarely did he say anything to stop it.

"Well, you can go back and have a look. If you come back for lunch, what do you and your baby want to eat? I'll let Xiao Li buy it instead of coming back to do it."

Ji Rui sees that Letong is also very tired these two days. He is very distressed. He wants to let her stay at home and have a good rest, but he knows that she is a worried person. Even if he asks her not to go to the company, she will not listen.