Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 381

These words, Letong never thought that one day he would face Ji Rui and say it.

And Ji Rui, hearing her open-minded words, is also a little shocked and slightly embarrassed.

Unconsciously looking back, I found that my former self was really too harsh on her, although many of those criticisms and suspicions were due to his feelings that he didn't know when to sprout quietly, and he was worried about gain and loss because of his ignorance.

But as a reason to reprimand her severely, she was too autocratic. No wonder she had such a bad impression of herself at that time that now it is very difficult to change her outlook.

Compared with the injuries she had caused to her by her words and actions, the embarrassment she had brought to him by her frank words was only a drop in the bucket.

No wonder she is so wary of herself that even if he stands in front of her and says he likes her, she would rather not believe it.

Because, don't believe, may represent to miss an opportunity, may also represent to escape a disaster.

"Letong, if I make you feel so bad again unintentionally in the future, you can protest directly with me, and you don't need to bear it silently."

Ji Rui's identity determines that he stands at a higher starting point than ordinary people in terms of both living environment and interpersonal context. Therefore, he has no understanding of the psychology of a group of people at the lower level, such as Le Tong, who is both arrogant and self abased.

He was very afraid that he would make the same mistake again in the future, because he had never done or could not do such a thing to put himself in the position of the other party.

Yue Tong said that, not to turn over the old debt to ask Ji Rui for anything. Even now, if Ji Rui embarrasses her at work, as long as she can bear it, most of her will endure it.

"Mr. Ji, I'm your secretary. No matter in ability or power, I'm on the weak side.

As the weak side, I have enough psychological endurance to face all kinds of oppression and ridicule from strong forces in the process of becoming stronger. After all, even if I don't want to admit it, I still have to accept that in this world, the strong side always has more power to control the weak side.

Therefore, for your past sarcasm, although I am angry, but I understand that it is the honing that I have to bear to become stronger.

Therefore, even if I have a lot of dissatisfaction with you, as long as I am not out of line, do not interfere too much in my privacy and violate my human rights, I can tolerate it. If it exceeds my bottom line, I will resist naturally. Mr. Ji, don't you forget? I've tried to be brave enough to call you bloody

The bloody incident referred to by Le Tong is naturally the curse caused by the five million dollar contract.

Ji Rui is very clear that he deserved the abuse. As she said, it really touched her bottom line.

"You don't have the feeling of revolt except to scold like that?" Ji Rui in addition to feel that they deserve, but also a little angry, Letong's forbearance.

The so-called "sorrow for his misfortune, anger for his indifference" is probably a reflection of Ji Rui's current mood.

Ji Rui's words with pity and regret, let Letong Leng God, in a twinkling of an eye, but to Ji Rui burst out a big smile.

"Mr. Ji, a real strong man, is not always thinking about resisting others, but trying to make himself stronger than others, so that others have no ability to resist themselves. This is the real victory!"

This kind of truth, from Letong to say, actually appears very convincing. Probably because she has been interpreting this sentence with her own actions and trying to make it come true.

Ji Rui's starting point has always been very high, so he has never tried the process of climbing from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. Naturally, he who has been standing on the top of the mountain will never think that the efforts of those who are still standing on the hillside may not be less than him.

Just like Le Tong, although she is only a secretary, she really spent a lot of efforts to be able to stay in prison in this position.

Before, he despised her standing on the hillside, but now, he has to say, he treats her differently!

Not because she is the mother of her son, not because she is the person she likes, but because she has such thinking personality and action ability that he has to look at her differently.

"So, have you ever thought about being stronger than me?" Ji Rui found that it was very interesting to chat with Letong.

There are many worlds and ideas in her words that Ji Rui has never seen or thought about. She would show him a world that he had never seen before, as long as he was willing to put his mind and time into it.

Letong blinked mischievously, "I didn't think about it. Although it may not be possible to achieve it, I did think about it!"

"Ha ha..." Ji Rui, who seldom laughs freely, is very rare to be amused with Letong's mischief and loveliness.

After laughing, Ji Rui hands his hand to Letong and shakes it, "Letong, come on, I'll wait for you!"

Le Tong Leng for a long time just understand, also handed up the palm, with him in mid air to a loud high five!

Ji Rui has forgotten when he did it with someone last time.

He only knew that after listening to Letong's words, he really had a kind of blood boiling, like a moment was ignited by people's fighting spirit.

Over the years, he has been working like a tireless machine for Ji's high-speed operation, and the results are obvious to all. Ji's assets rank from more than a dozen to the top five within a few years. This year's latest ranking is the third, and there is only a slight gap of more than one billion between him and the first.

However, even with such brilliant achievements, he never felt happy.

Now, however, he was happy to know that he had such a pursuer.

And the next road, also because there is this chaser in the back has been chasing, and let him feel the expectation, even excited!

"Mr. Ji, has anyone ever told you?"

Yue Tong, who walks a few steps before, suddenly turns around and walks backward. Her bright and beautiful eyes are filled with the charm of Ji Rui.

"Tell me what?" Ji Rui is looking forward to pick eyebrows, heart, because of Letong that shining eyes and crazy jump.

"You look very handsome when you laugh!"

Letong is still smiling, slightly curved eyes, in addition to with a slightly drunk smile, it seems, seems, there are some inexplicable luster, this color, Ji Rui has never seen in her eyes.

Strange, but very attractive!