Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 162

She will tell Wenwen the story of snow white or the story of Kitty, but Wenwen is a girl, and she is also a little girl. Baobao is a very smart and mature boy.

"As long as it's said by my sister, my baby loves to hear it!"

Ji Baobao was promised by Letong. He put his mobile phone close to his ear and happily got into the quilt. He covered himself with a small smiling face. The bright dark eyes on his face were especially spiritual. Which one was like a child going to sleep?

Yue Tong pondered a little and asked tentatively, "does baby like to listen to detective stories?"

According to her inference, Ji Baobao should be a child with strong logical thinking, preferring this kind of reasoning story.

Ji Baobao blinked his eyes, "mm-hmm, baby likes to listen!"

Although he has never heard of bedtime stories, he does like detective stories most in kindergarten.

"My sister didn't prepare a detective story today. I'll tell her a little story for about ten minutes. After listening to it, she'll go to bed, OK?"

Letong thinks that children should be spoiled, but there is a limit to this kind of pet, and we can't indulge it too much. Therefore, she negotiated with Ji Baobao in advance. Baobao is a smart child and will not go against her on this issue.

"Well, the baby will be obedient. After my sister tells the story, the baby will go to bed."

Sure enough, Ji Baobao is safe in bed, obediently agreed to Letong's request. In fact, the reason why he is so peaceful is that Letong indirectly promised him that he would tell him detective stories another day.

Letong raised her wrist to look at the time, organized the language, and began to preach.

Brother monkey is the smartest man in the forest. Little monkey brother has a little monkey brother. He is as stupid as he is. Brother monkey often sighs for his clumsy brother: "brother, brother, when can you become smarter?"

The small animals in the forest come to brother monkey to solve any problems they encounter. For example, the little pig wants to build a house, the Oriole wants to learn the staff, the panda wants to learn to draw... Brother monkey always says with a smile: "this is simple!" He told the animals how to build the house, how to recognize the staff and how to paint the colors.

Piggy will concentrate on learning to build a house; Oriole also gets up early every day to practice singing; Pandas also go to the wild to draw pictures every day

One day, little monkey brother also went out of the door, I don't know what to do.

Only little monkey brother is still at home, drinking tea, listening to music, lying in bed with his eyes closed.

Many days later, brother monkey felt that the animals had not come to his house for a long time. What did they do?

Later, little monkey brother picked up the new evening paper and found that little pig had become an architect, oriole had become a pop star, Panda had become a painter... Even his stupid little monkey brother had opened a clinic and became a doctor.

"How stupid they were, but now they are all celebrities. As for me, I'm so smart but I can't do anything. Why on earth

The clever little monkey can't understand it

Letong's voice is very light and soft. Ji Baobao, who is lying on the bed, has been holding the phone and listening to it quietly, without any words.

"Does the baby know why?"

Finally, Letong asks Ji Baobao in a soft voice that the phone is too quiet. Letong almost thinks Ji Baobao is asleep.

"Well..." Ji Baobao tilted his head and thought for a while, and said, "is it because brother monkey only knows fantasy, but he doesn't do anything?"

No one has systematically told Ji Baobao these principles, but he is very savvy. After listening to the story and analyzing it a little, he came to this conclusion.

"Yes, the baby is so smart! OK, sister, kiss one

Letong takes the initiative to kiss the microphone. Ji Baobao, who is here, immediately smiles and beeps. She also gives a loud kiss to the microphone.

"Thank you, sister. It's a good story!" After kissing, I don't forget to give Letong honey.

Letong thought, this little guy's mouth is really sweet. It's not like his father. Maybe it's like his mother?

Think of this, Le tong can't help but get a moment God.

The baby's mother must be a smart, capable and beautiful woman. Otherwise, it's impossible for a man as good as president Ji to refuse one beauty pursuer after another for her so wholeheartedly. She's been keeping her secret for so many years.

However, Letong can't imagine that a woman like that can leave Ji Rui as a boring man, but as a mother, how can she be so cruel as to leave Ji Baobao as a clever and lovely son, and then ignore him for so many years?

"Sister, will you tell the baby a detective story tomorrow night?" Ji Baobao gives Letong honey, and then cleverly starts to make an appointment for tomorrow night's "appointment".

"Huh?" Letong is pulled back by Ji Baobao's words, but she doesn't understand what Ji Baobao said.

Ji Baobao thought that Letong wanted to break the debt. After repeating the words, he added, "sister, you just promised the baby, you can't cheat! The teacher said, "a deceitful child will wake up in the morning and look like a nose..."

Ji Baobao's tone is very pure, which is consistent with his five-year-old age.

Letong chuckled, "well, my sister doesn't want to have a long nose. I will tell her a detective story tomorrow night. Ten minutes. The baby is going to bed

Ji Baobao said with a smile that he gave another kiss to the microphone and said "good night, sister!"

Letong also said "good night to baby". Listening to Ji Baobao hanging up, Letong just hung up.

Letong is dazed with the phone. In a trance, she just feels that her acquaintance with Ji Baobao these days is like a dream.

A few days ago, Letong's impression of Ji Baobao was limited to the enlarged photo of Ji Rui's home and the glance in front of Ji's building.

It can't be denied that he is a child that people can't hate. Even though she didn't really know him at that time, she thought of him several times.

Probably, it is because of his bright smile and good-looking eyes, or that he has a kind of trait that attracts her. It is difficult for her to refuse his request.

Up to now, Letong still doesn't believe that such a beautiful child, like an angel in a painting, should be close to her.

Ji Baobao's closeness is different from Wenwen's muddled closeness, but it is very direct and domineering.

Letong has no time to think about why Ji Baobao is so eager to get close to her, because she is flattered by the little guy's love!

It's one watch short. It'll be before twelve