Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 143

"I said, I will never try to be brave again!"

Although, the original intention of her words is not so.

But anyway, it's still Luo Yifan's birthday. Some words should be kept for later.

"I must have drunk too much. I feel dizzy. I'll sleep for a while..."

Afraid of Luo Yifan to say anything more, Yue Tong simply leans her head on the back of the chair, closes her eyes and pretends to be drunk.

Luo Yifan took a deep look at her, sighed in his heart, and drove the car away from his parking lot.

Along the way, Letong didn't sleep. In her mind, Luo Yifan's behavior today and the helpless look just now are constantly surging up.

Luo Yifan should be a very patient person. In nearly six years, from her 18 years old to her nearly 24 years old, he has never done or said anything beyond the boundary.

Long ago, she thought that he had already given up.

But it turns out that he is not dead hearted, just waiting for a suitable time.

She didn't know how he would have picked out his feelings for her without Zhang Yi. However, judging from his performance today, he should not be able to hide for long.

"Tong Tong, I like you!"

Just when Letong closes her eyes and pretends to sleep, but her heart swings, suddenly comes Luo Yifan's voice.

The low magnetic sound, set off by the whine of the car engine, seems a little ethereal, some unreal.

Letong hesitates, whether to open her eyes or not, continue to pretend to be drunk and sleep.

But I heard Luo Yifan say, "I know you're not drunk, but you'd better keep your eyes closed and listen quietly, so as not to embarrass us. I should have said that I like you, but I haven't said it all the time. It's not because my feelings are not deep enough, but just the opposite... "

Luo Yi fandun for a moment, seems to be organizing the language.

Letong obediently closed her eyes, because, as Luo Yifan said, at this time let her open her eyes, she really don't know what eyes to look at him, also don't know what words to respond to him.

"When I met you, you were only 18 years old. I was 22 years old. You had the innocence of an 18-year-old girl, but you had the delicate sensibility and steadiness that yuan'er didn't have. Maybe it was because you and yuan'er, whom I knew most, were two completely different people. The qualities that attracted yuan'er in you also attracted me deeply. I believe you already knew what I thought of you at that time. Just when I wanted to express myself to you, you suddenly disappeared. Even yuan'er didn't know where you went. Later, I learned from Professor Liu that your mother was ill and you had to leave school to take care of her. "

These past events, Letong has been reluctant to think about, although, only five or six years ago, but in Letong's view, it seems like a world away.

Once upon a time, when she thought of the day when she would never see the dawn, people would fall into inexplicable anxiety, loss and great fear, struggling in the thought of self loathing and spitting.

Even now, she still can't get away from the huge net, and recently, the feeling that makes her suffocate is stronger and more frequent than before.

She knew that in this life, she would live with this pain, but she deserved it!

"Your mother's illness must have made you suffer a lot. After you come back, your whole life has changed."

Luo Yifan's words are floating in her ears, but Letong's heart seems to be hollowed out by those past moments she doesn't want to recall.

She knew that she should not blame herself. Under the circumstances, she had no choice.

But she couldn't help blaming herself.

Especially recently, too much touching has made her strongly repressed self reproach. The seedling of self reproach has grown into a towering tree as if it had been fertilized and seen the sunshine. It is pressing on her heart and she is about to suffocate.


Letong suddenly opens her eyes and looks at Luo Yifan, who seems to be concentrating on driving, but in fact is also in pain.


Luo Yi Fan slightly side over a face to see Le Tong one eye, under the dark light, Le Tong still can distinguish the gloomy in his eyes“ My words make you feel bad, don't they? "

Letong wants to shake her head, but in the end, she nods, because now she is not strong enough to bear the painful memories.

"I'm sorry..." Luo Yifan took his eyes away and focused on the road ahead.

Facing Luo Yifan who is so complacent like a little daughter-in-law, Letong is not only guilty, but also guilty.

She breathed a long breath, staring at the side of Luo Yifan Junlang.

"It's me... I'm sorry..."

This man is actually handsome. Unfortunately, he doesn't know how to appreciate it.

Or, dare not

Le Tong seizes her idea of going deep. When she is rational, she will never let herself fall into the mud of memory.

Luo Yifan didn't look at her, "Tong Tong, I don't know what you are afraid of, but I will wait!

Having known Letong for so many years, even if she conceals it well, he can still vaguely detect her uneasiness and escape.

What Letong fears most is Luo Yifan's persistence.


"You don't have to persuade me. If I can go back, I will go back a long time ago. But you don't have to bear any burden. I'm still young and can afford to wait! " Luo Yifan interrupts Le Tong.

Such Luo Yifan gives Letong a headache.

In fact, there are many people chasing her these years, but under her indifference, no one can keep an interest in her for a long time. Only Luo Yifan has been around her all the time.

At first, she cheated herself. He just loved her because he hurt her.

But now that he has made it clear, she can no longer deceive herself.

"Yifan, you are excellent and worth a better woman. Don't waste your time on me any more."

Letong can only respond to his heartless refusal.

But these merciless, it is her show of affection for him.

She was very clear that knowing that she could not respond to his feelings, she was not responsible for him.

"Tong Tong, you don't have to persuade me! I'll wait. It's my business

Luo Yifan's obstinacy is far more than Le Tong imagined.

See persuade not to move him, Yue Tong has to no longer speak.

After that, they were silent all the way until the car stopped at Letong's downstairs.

"I'll take you up. It's late." Luo Yifan said, looking at Letong as he unfastened his seat belt.

"No, all the people here are old neighbors. There are no strangers. You're tired, too. Go back and have a rest early. "

In the past, Letong paid great attention to being alone with Luo Yifan as little as possible. Now that he has made it clear, she naturally doesn't want to give him the chance to be alone.

If changed before, Luo Yifan most will obediently, Ren Letong himself upstairs, but today, he did not listen to Letong's words, after she just got out of the car to catch up.