Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 110

Therefore, Letong does not think that what he has been doing privately for Ji Rui is simply because he is his boss!

In fact, even Letong doesn't know when to start. Ji Rui is no longer just a boss for her. Or, for what reason, let her Ji Rui have a subordinate to the boss of the feelings?

Is it because of his admiration for his strong and capable work that he is regarded as an idol in his career?

Or because he worked too hard at work, causing his own compassion?

Or, just because he is regarded as a partner in his work, he always takes good care of his feelings and preferences?

All of these make Letong feel upset.

In fact, Letong has always been a person who is very good at dealing with interpersonal relationships. In current words, she is a person with high Eq.

She seldom gets upset because she gets along with others, because she knows who to get along with, needs to put some sincerity, and then will get some reward.

But Ji Rui, but let her is very at a loss, also very helpless.

She could not guess his joys and sorrows. In his opinion, all the things she did just for his good were misunderstood by him as flattering and flattering.

She also thought that she would never be sentimental again and be nice to Ji Rui. Even if she is not as good to Ji Rui as she is to Yang Sheng, what she can get back from Ji Rui is not only more suspicion and dislike, but also little benefit.

But yesterday, Ji Rui, who was so sad and tired, broke her reason. As soon as her mind became hot, she did some other things that seemed to be very flattering to President Ji.

At this time, Letong really wants to rush into the office and destroy the coffee she just made and the breakfast specially prepared for president Ji.

Ji Rui, who enters the office, immediately sniffs out the familiar smell floating in the office.

Approaching the desk, I saw a cup of hot coffee.

Next to the coffee, there is also a lunch box. Ji Rui recognized it as Letong's own lunch box. Once, Letong used this kind of lunch box when he brought breakfast for him.

Ji Rui just slipped to the bottom of the slope and climbed up the new high slope like a roller coaster.

Although he had breakfast, Letong's breakfast was always right for him. Therefore, the first thing to sit down is not to drink coffee, but to open the lunch box happily.

Inside the lunch box, there is a box full of XO Sauce Fried radish cake.

The radish cake is cut into small pieces, both sides are fried with golden fragrance, the entrance is slightly crispy, but inside it is soft and smooth, with the fragrance of XO sauce, the taste is not generally good!

Fortunately, she is his secretary, otherwise, he would really think that this is the skill of the star hotel chef.

It's no wonder that Baobao has always been obsessed with her craftsmanship. Even a person who has tasted all kinds of delicious food from all over the world, when he ate such a common but not ordinary cake, he also thought it was delicious in the world.

Ji Rui finished a whole box of radish cake and ran to make a cup of tea. The fragrance of tea mixed with the sweetness of radish, and he was full of sweetness.

Ji Rui is drinking tea, and suddenly he wants to invite Letong to a meal.

Letong also brought breakfast for Yang Sheng, so Yang Sheng often invited Letong to dinner. And she often brings breakfast for herself, but he never seems to invite her to a meal.

Before, he always felt that what she did for herself was her duty.

But now, she has clearly told him with her actions that it is not her duty to make coffee for him or to block wine for him.

Since it's her extra business to do this, he should treat her to an extra meal just like Yang Sheng.

It's rare for president Ji, who has made a little bit of sense, to walk out of the office at lunch time, thinking that he would invite Letong and Yang Sheng to have lunch together. For this reason, he specially searched the food information near Ji's family.

But unexpectedly, the desk outside the door is empty, there is no Yue Tong.

Isn't it just after work time? Where are you running so fast?

Until this time, Ji Rui found that he didn't know anything about Letong.

Before, he thought that he didn't need to know a secretary. As long as she worked at ease, Ji Rui didn't care about other things.

But now, he even wants to know how Letong spends her two-hour break at noon every day.

Most of the time, like him, he just goes on working after dinner. Ji Rui has no idea where he went when he disappeared like this.

Took out the phone and pulled out, "Yang Sheng, is Letong eating with you?"

She's not here. Most of them are looking for Yang Sheng, right?

Yang Sheng there is very noisy, "no, I made an appointment with a customer for dinner, now outside, Tong Tong is not in the company?"

Ji Rui hangs up and wants to call Letong. Thinking about it, he thinks it's too deliberate, so he turns back to the office and calls a hotel to send a takeout.

At this time, Letong was having dinner with lawyer fan.

"Lawyer fan, thank you for this time!"

Although Le Tong said this thank you to lawyer fan in more than a month, this morning, lawyer fan not only appeared in court for her, but also successfully recovered 50000 yuan for her mental loss. Just now, he took the check to Ji's and handed it to her, so she invited him to dinner to show her gratitude.

"What do you mean, Miss Le? It's my job."

After witnessing Ji Rui's thoughtfulness towards Letong last time, lawyer fan always thinks that the relationship between the two people is not just that of their superiors and subordinates. After all, the two men's handsome and women's pretty looks are really a perfect match.

Because of this idea, lawyer fan was very polite to Letong.

Originally, Letong said to invite him to dinner, but he insisted on asking Ji Rui to join him. However, Letong told him that Ji Rui had a lot of work to deal with, so he didn't dare to disturb him. So they found a restaurant opposite Ji Rui and sat down.

"Anyway, if someone like me who doesn't know anything goes to court, it won't be so easy to win."

Of course, Letong also understands that most of the factors that make the case so smooth are Ji Rui's powerful man.

"Miss Le, you are too modest. I always hear Ji always praise you for not only your intelligence, but also your eloquence. You can't be defeated by such trifles."

Le Tong laughs. She doesn't believe that the praises of lawyer fan are from the harsh and poisonous president Ji.