Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 1094

Ji Rui, Letong and Ji Dabao's attitude towards Chen Jing is totally different from that of Ji's attitude towards Zhu Zhizhou during the day.

What's more, Chen Jing found that the Ji family are very considerate. They can basically talk around other people's wounds and get along with them. They are very comfortable. Moreover, they can sincerely feel their respect for themselves.

This is exactly the same as what I felt at home.

Chen Jing vaguely understands why her youngest daughter has been helping the Ji family speak.

At night, mother and daughter sleep in the same bed.

In fact, it's still early to go to bed. Letong probably wants to give her mother and daughter some independent space in private. As soon as ten o'clock arrives, she excuses that she is tired and goes back to her room to have a rest.

"Mom, what's up? I didn't lie to you, did I? "

Bamboo light rain happily pillow Chen Jing's arm, mother and daughter between rare intimacy.

"Well, I've seen it with my own eyes. I'm really relieved."

Originally, Chen Jing was very dissatisfied with being forced to go to r city. Now, she thanks Zhu Zhizhou for forcibly turning her around. Otherwise, it will be a long time before she knows that her little daughter has found a good home.

"Xiaobao... I mean Ji Huan. What kind of person is he?"

Chen Jing one night to listen to Letong they are Xiaobao Xiaobao's call, so, she also followed a time called out.

Bamboo light rain pillow in her arm, one foot up, one foot up gently shaking.

"He? It's hard to describe. "

Chen Jing did not say a word, quietly listening to her daughter slowly go on.

"He's very outgoing and active. He's not as steady as brother Ji, but he's also very reliable. I've met a lot of problems in recent months, which he helped me solve."

Chen Jing thought about it, "maybe, on the surface, she looks outgoing and active, but on the inside, she is very stable? Like your sister? "

Bamboo light rain listen to mother so a mention, eh, really don't say, Ji Huan and sister, really a bit like!

"Mom, I don't think you know your sister very well."

Bamboo light rain turned over, holding Chen Jing's hand coquetry.

Chen Jing raised her hand. Finally, she put her hand on her forehead and rubbed it a few times.

"You are my daughters. With a little thought, I can understand you."

"Well, mom, it's so nice of you to be like this!" Zhu Qianyu buries his head in Chen Jinghuai and rubs it hard.

The mother and daughter said a lot of private things that night, which is probably more than the sum of so many years in the past.

The next morning, the Ji family and Zhu Qianyu's mother and daughter went out for morning tea. After one night and one morning, Chen Jing was already very familiar with the Ji family. When Zhu Qianying arrived, she saw that her mother, who was not very good at communication, was able to talk and laugh with the Ji family. After greeting, she pulled Zhu Qianyu and asked in a low voice, "Xiaoyu, Mother seems to have a good chat with aunt Tong? "

Bamboo light rain raises an eye to see a few elders who talk and laugh, nods to reply a way.

"Yes, I think it's strange. This time, mom seems to have released her nature."

"What are your two little sisters talking about?" Chen Jing, a mother, seldom plays a joke on her daughter.

"I'm talking about you!" Bamboo shallow shadow does not hide, generously admit.

"Me? Do you speak ill of me? "

Bamboo light rain puffed a smile, "Mom, my sister and I are really saying bad things about you. We think you are very talkative and like a changed person. We all wonder if you have lifted some seal and released your nature."

Everyone is amused by the words of bamboo light rain, Beibei fruit has always been sticky, this, sticky in bamboo light rain sister side, do not want to go away.

So, Niuniu and Zhu Qianyu sisters will lead a pair of live treasure to play in the yard together.

Although it was December now, the sun was very bright today. Sitting on the grass, it was warm. Bamboo light rain simply lay down on the grass and closed his eyes.

"Sister Han, I heard from Xiaoyu that you want to make her play?"

Although Zhu Qianying is a sister here in Xiaoyu, she is two or three years younger than Sihan. Politely, she can't call her name directly.

"Yes, Xiaoyu's script is very interesting. It's different from those old screenwriters. The angle is more unique. If I can, I hope Xiaoyu will write and direct by himself, and I will act."

When Zhu Qianyu heard the praise of his idol, Zhang Kaiyan said, "sister Han, your current status, not to mention the first sister of Xinying, is that you are the first sister of the film industry, and no one dares to criticize you. As an unknown intern, you really can cooperate with me?"

Niu Niu patted her head. "I'm also a little artist from obscurity. I've come to where I am today step by step. Your work is very good. What you lack is just some practical experience. Anyway, you've learned a lot in your internship in cardiography? I'm not in a hurry. I'll wait for you. It doesn't matter for two or three years. "

Bamboo light rain is very moved, from the head nest to the side of the bamboo light shadow shoulder rub a few times, "sister, you see how happy I am, even idols spoil me, longitudinal me!"

Bamboo shallow shadow is both angry and funny, Qu Qi fingers knock her head, "Hey, you this is red fruit show off, illegal, you know?"

After laughing, he looked at Niuniu again with regret, "sister Han, I'm sorry, this silly girl has caused you a lot of trouble, right?"

Niuniu waved her hand with a smile. "There, Xiaoyu is not stupid. Besides, she helps us a lot. Just say Beibei and Guoguo. Every morning, she opens her eyes and looks for her aunt."

Bamboo shallow shadow patted bamboo light rain's head, "fierce, in Han elder sister here stole not small teacher, later help me with children."

Bamboo light rain a listen, eyes are bright, eyes subconsciously sweep to bamboo light shadow of the abdomen, "sister, you have?"

Bamboo shallow shadow rolled a big white eye, "who said I have? But isn't it a matter of time? "

Bamboo shallow shadow can't naively think, inflammation little marry her door, for of, is to ask for a wife.

The ultimate goal is not to add to the family?

Although Zhu Qianying occasionally laments that she has become a tool of procreation, she will comfort herself later. Since Yan Shao's goal is to have a child, as long as she gives birth, he will probably be able to give her corresponding freedom.

Bamboo light rain did not hide his disappointment, "Oh, I thought I was going to be a sister-in-law."

Bamboo shallow shadow smiles to push her, "beautiful you! I like children so much that I can have one early? "

Bamboo light rain face immediately red, "elder sister! Where do you want to go! Ji Huan and I... "

In the middle of the speech, I seem to realize something, but bamboo light rain can't go on.

Bamboo shallow shadow funny ground looks at her, "you and Ji Huan how?"? "Ha?" He hit her with his arm.

Bamboo light rain a turn body don't open a face, "don't tell you!"

Bamboo shallow shadow puts face close to past, small voice teases her, "how, haven't opened meat?"