Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 1042

"Very good, very lovely character, very beautiful girl."

This is Niu Niu's real impression of bamboo light rain, without exaggeration.

Letong intuitively feels that the feelings between her little son and Zhu Qianyu are probably on the rocks, but if she doesn't tell her little son, she doesn't know.

"She talks to you well?"

"She said she was my fan, so I talked to her for a while, but I tested her." Niu Niu's face was almost the same as that of beibeiguoguo's.

Letong can't help but raise her foot and kick her ass, "how do you try, let's hear it."

"From my experience, she certainly doesn't have a boyfriend."

Yue Tongbai glanced at her, "what experience do you have? What's your experience with Dabao? "

Niu Niu glared back at her and said in a loud voice, "Mommy, is your emotional experience more than just that with daddy?"

Sure enough, Ji Rui, holding his granddaughter, stares up at Letong.

Letong stares back at him and pats Niuniu, "did you feel that she has any boys she likes?"

Niu Niu was embarrassed. "Well, I didn't feel it out. It's only ten minutes. I don't have time to feel it out. However, I have exchanged contact information with her, and I will inquire about it slowly. "

"You have to be careful. Don't show your identity. After all, your identity will be exposed sooner or later."

Even though the relationship between Xiaobao and zhuqianyu is still unclear, Letong seems to be determined that zhuqianyu will become her own person sooner or later.

This determination is not so much a guess as a woman's intuition.


Xiaobao has been away from R city for 20 days. In the past 20 days, he hasn't been back to r city. It's not because he's far away, but because he's too busy to go home.

During this period of time, he arrived at the project site at more than 7 a.m. every day to supervise and direct the work, and didn't return to the hotel until more than 10 p.m. every day.

But fortunately, it was such a busy job that he didn't even have time to think about bamboo light rain.

On this day, Dabao called. After the two brothers finished talking about their work, Dabao, as a brother, began to care about his brother's private affairs.

"Xiaobao, you have been away from R city for such a long time. Is it OK with bamboo light rain?"

Bamboo light rain was clearly rejected this matter, Xiaobao did not mention to anyone, so the family only as if he was still in the pursuit of fighting, did not know he had been kicked out of the game.

"What's the problem? She has her own study and work to be busy with. Don't tell me that you and your sister didn't even work and stuck together all day

Xiaobao is the most clear about Dabao and Niuniu.

"Well, in any case, you have to explain it to her clearly. Don't neglect people, and don't let her have a chance to think wildly." Dabao said in the capacity of elder brother and passer-by.

Xiaobao answered "well", thinking, would you like to take some time today to call her or wind up a message?

"Yan Shao there, has released the news, bamboo shallow shadow is the only one through the trials. In other words, as long as there is no accident, our family and Yan family are likely to become relatives. " Dabao conveys the news he just heard to Xiaobao.

This news is just a bit unexpected news for Xiaobao or Dabao. But if it turns out to be true one day, it will definitely cause a huge sensation in China.

"It's early!"

Xiaobao said so, it's not that he didn't have confidence in himself and Zhu Qianyu.

Instead, he is not optimistic about Yan Shao and Zhu Qianying.

From Zhu Qianyu's usual words, it's not hard to imagine that Zhu Qianying is by no means an ordinary weak woman, but Yan Shao is a famous big man and turtle hair man. Can they have good results without emotional foundation?

To be honest, Xiaobao is not optimistic.

On the contrary, although he has been bumping into the wall in Zhu Qianyu, he has always been convinced that Zhu Qianyu does not dislike himself.

So even though he has been frustrated, he is not discouraged.

"Well, indeed, I'm not very optimistic about Yanshao either."

The way of thinking of the two brothers is surprisingly similar.

"How are you doing recently? I miss them so much... "

Xiaobao sighed, imagining the lovely appearance of those two soft naughty men drilling around in his arms. Thinking about it, he felt itchy.

"They're fine, but as soon as they get off work every day, they go to the gate of the yard and yell," uncle, eat sugar. " Dabao laughed helplessly.

One is his younger brother, and the other is his children.

Therefore, a large part of the three evils were also spoiled by him.

"Ha ha, these two little villains sold me!" Xiao Bao's mood is much better because of the joy of these two little guys.

"Who let you do something so blatantly? Even Mommy said that when you come back, you should confiscate your salary card, so that you will have no money to buy sugar. "

Dabao, these are just jokes.

For the two brothers, Ji's salary card only accounts for a small part of their income.

It's also that these two brothers have no habit of showing off their wealth. They just eat, wear and use. They don't pursue big brands.

Probably because of this, Zhu Qianyu didn't know the identity background of chuanjihuan for such a long time, and even had no doubt.

Until now, bamboo light rain still only when Ji Huan is a middle-level manager of a large enterprise. At all, he has never been associated with the prominent rich Ji family.

"By the way, when do you want to explain your identity to Zhu Qianyu?"

Dabao himself, because of his special relationship with Niuniu, has never experienced the worry that the other party likes his money and family background more than he likes himself.

But Xiaobao has to face this problem.

"At least, I won't tell her until our relationship is confirmed."

Xiaobao is a proud man. Even though he knows that the identity of the young master of the Ji family can win him a few points, he never wants to win Zhu Qianyu's heart with this.

In his view, if a man can only rely on his life experience and money to get a woman's favor and love, it is a kind of sadness.

Even if Dabao reminds him, he still doesn't think it's necessary to mention it for the time being.

Fortunately, he never mentioned it.

If he had made it clear from the beginning that he was the second prince of Ji's group, he would not even have the idea of making friends with him.

It's even more impossible to develop to the present. Although she doesn't admit it and doesn't want to face it, it's true that he and she are now in a state of mutual affection.

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