Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 1039

Bamboo light rain feel, recently, like into a whirlpool.

No matter how hard she tries, she can't get out of it. On the contrary, there is a tendency to sink deeper and deeper.

And this vortex is called Ji Huan.

"Little bamboo, isn't today basketball club activity day? Come on, it's too late. The president will curse again! "

It's been a week since the last club activity. Zhu Qianyu, who has always actively participated in club activities, is lying on his desk and lazily unwilling to move.

Under the push and roar of her friends, Zhu Qianyu reluctantly props up and slowly tidies up the textbooks that she has been sleeping for two classes, which obviously has a pile of wrinkles.

"Ziqing, go ahead. By the way, ask for leave for me."

Fang Ziqing came over and put her palm on her forehead. "Are you sick?"

Bamboo light rain imitation is not even the strength to wave her hand, let her hand on his forehead for a long time, until the desk open books and notebooks put away, just hold Fang Ziqing's hand, move.

"I'm not sick!"

But her words were obviously not convincing. After all, her words were powerless.

"No, you are very active at ordinary times. Even if your aunt came to visit you, I didn't see you leave a club activity."

Fang Ziqing also feels strange that her good friend is just like Tieda in her eyes. She is not comfortable at all. It can't be an excuse for her not to participate in club activities.

"In a bad mood?"

Fang Ziqing put her face closer this time, because only in this way can she see the expression of bamboo light rain.

Zhu Qianyu put her hand over her face and pushed it away.

"Who said I was in a bad mood? Come on, don't guess. Go and report. Remember, ask for leave for me. "

Zhu Qianyu throws his backpack back and walks out of the classroom, leaving Fang Ziqing scrambling to clean up the textbooks.

Fang Ziqing casually crammed the textbook into her backpack, trotted to catch up with her, panted slightly, and followed Zhu Qianyu's steps down the stairs.

"What a leave for me?"

At this point, Fang Ziqing is still not sure whether Zhu Qianyu's words just now are laughing or serious.


Bamboo light rain light should be a, eyes, through the corridor transparent glass window looking at the blue sky outside, eyes some misty.

"Oh... Ok..."

Fang Ziqing is not interested in basketball at all. "Otherwise, I won't go either. I'll go to your dormitory to play. You taught me to play that game last time!"

Bamboo light rain subconsciously refused, "you don't go home early, aunt but always looking forward to you go back to help."

Bamboo light rain recently annoyed very much, but the friend is not aware of, always in her want to quiet time chattering in her ear said some messy no nutrition topic.

Sure enough, even friends. No one can be like Ji Huan, no matter how long we chat, she will not feel bored or boring.


Bamboo light rain sighed in the heart.

"Little bamboo, are you a spy sent by my mother?" Fang Ziqing, who doesn't know her friend's inner activities, is extremely depressed by her friend's reminder.

"Yes, my aunt gives me a lot of money every month. Go away quickly." At the end of the conversation, they have already reached the first floor. Zhu Qianyu pushes his friend to the school gate, and he turns to the dormitory.

Fang Ziqing stood in the same place, watching her friend's figure disappear in the thick shadow of the trees, and then walked to the playground.

Bamboo light rain did not immediately back to the dormitory, but carrying a backpack silently aimlessly walking on the school road.

Vaguely, she imitated to see the back of two little girls in front of her.

The tall one has a ponytail and the short one has short hair.

Two hands holding hands, short feet short, step small, slightly tall girl will deliberately slow down to cooperate with her.

"Sister, other students have only one mother. Why do we have four?"

The short girl looks up at the tall girl with her small face and big curious eyes blinking.

"Because..." the tall girl thought for a long time, then said, "because, our father..."

The short girl saw that her sister had no answer, so she asked, "what's wrong with our father?"

"I don't know..."

For a child who is only six or seven years old, it is impossible for them to understand, let alone know, the world of adults.

But now, the short girl who has grown up has already understood why other students have only one mother while she has four.

It was because she understood that she would be so alert when Ji Huan approached at the beginning.

But even though she was on guard from the beginning, she was still in deep mud.

Up to now, she vaguely understood why my mother would rather live such a miserable life than choose the present way of life.

Even, in order to please the old man who only has a quarter of her mind on her, she did not hesitate to ignore a pair of daughters. All day long, she only focused on the man, happy or angry, just for him.

A woman like my mother is more sad than stupid.

As a lesson from the past, Zhu Qianyu doesn't want to be a woman like her mother, so no matter how painful she is, she has to bite her teeth to survive.

And want to let her grit teeth to survive, Ji Huan this person, she is absolutely can't see!

Back to the dormitory, half an hour later, Zhu Qianyu remembered that he had not called to ask for leave.

Dial the president's phone, "president, I have something urgent today, I can't participate in club activities."

"Well, I know. Ziqing said you are not feeling well. Take some medicine, take a bath and have a good rest. Don't worry about the affairs of the society."

"Where is Ziqing?" Bamboo light rain some surprised, that wench, isn't say to go home?

"Well, all the members of the club are here, except you and coach Ji."

The president's words surprised Zhu Qianyu again.

"Coach Ji didn't come, either?" Bamboo shallow rain without notice, his voice suddenly reduced a few decibels, sound, especially careful.

"Well, he called a few days earlier and said he was going on a business trip. Maybe he couldn't come in a short time."

Hang up the phone, the president's last words like opening the repeater mode, repeated in the ear of bamboo light rain playback.

Originally, she did not have to escape, after she refused, he has, chose to stay away.

Yes, since you know that you can't get a response, who will continue to pay foolishly?

But even if she understood this, her heart still couldn't contain the feeling of disappointment. Even in the disappointment, there was a bit of sadness.

And this kind of sadness, probably, is because he has left, but she is still in the depths of the vortex, thinking about his all kinds of good, thinking about the charm and charm of his actions.