Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 1036

After a friendly competition, it's time for the club activities. Fang Zijing, who had been acting as a cheerleader, came running with her bags and belongings.

"Bamboos, you are so handsome just now!"

Bamboo light rain toward her smile, took his bag, take out a towel from inside to wipe sweat.

"Ziqing, let's go out for dinner?" Ji Huan suddenly asked Fang Ziqing.

Fang Ziqing did not answer, bamboo light rain on the mobile phone in the bag rang, bamboo light rain took a look, two show eyebrows immediately twisted into a ball.

"Ma!" After getting through the phone, Zhu Qianyu ran to the audience with few people with his mobile phone.

Ji Huan stood staring at her back. Fang Zi looked at her running back and looked at Ji Huan. Finally, he put the bag of bamboo light rain into Ji Huan's arms.

"Mr. Ji, I'm still in a hurry to go home to help. Please tell Xiao Zhu that I'll go first."

She's not sure if teacher Ji wants to pursue her friends, but she certainly has a good feeling.

When Zhu Qianyu calls back, Fang Ziqing, who doesn't want to be a light bulb, has disappeared.

"Fang Ziqing said that when she went back home to help, she left first."

Ji Huan, entrusted by others to take care of Zhu Qianyu's articles, dutifully handed his bag and bag with shoes to Zhu Qianyu.

"Oh..." the bamboo light rain droops eyes to take over own goods.

Ji Huan fixed his eyes and found that her face was not very good. It seemed that she was also in a low mood?

Ji Huan didn't ask her anything, but accompanied her to leave the playground and walk to the side path.

On both sides of the path, there are many Bauhinia trees planted along the road. At this time, it is the season for flowers to bloom. The red petals are all over the path. Looking up, a purple path winds through the shade.

It's beautiful and romantic.

However, Ji Huan and Zhu Qianyu are silent, but their mood is totally out of touch with beauty and romance.

They walked side by side, their feet fell on the petals silently, and they were silent for a while. Finally, Ji Huan could not help breaking the silence.

"Dinner together?"

Bamboo light rain turned to see him one eye, silently shook his head.

"What's the matter? What happened? "

Ji Huan doesn't have to think about it. It must be that phone call that made her feel bad.

"My elder sister..." Zhu Qianyu hesitated for a while, but finally he could not hold back and said the matter roughly.

"My elder sister passed the selection of Yan Shao. After two days, people from Yan's family came to visit us. Probably, by the way, they wanted to talk about my elder sister's marriage with Yan Shao."

Ji Huan was a little surprised, because he had been inquiring about the final result of the selection, but it turned out that her sister won in the end.

"That should be good for your sister?"

Ji Huan doesn't like to make random comments about the bamboo family and the Yan family.

Zhu Qianyu shook his head. "I don't think it's a good thing, but my sister insists on it. However, when the Yan family came, my sister was not at home. To be exact, she had been away from home for more than ten days, and there was no news at all. "

Ji Huan didn't know what she wanted to say. "Do you think your sister regretted it? That's why I ran away? "

"No, my sister does things without regret. Now that she went to the selection, it means that she is ready to get married. She's just on business, away for a while. "

As for why my sister left this time, Zhu Qianyu didn't know. Maybe she was going to work or travel.

"Since you think your sister has been psychologically prepared, why are you in a bad mood now?"

Ji Huan doesn't want to give Zhu Qianyu a chance to escape. He's very busy these days. Let alone meeting each other, they have less time to connect with each other on the phone. It's rare to see her today. He planned to invite her to dinner and a movie.

But at the moment, the plan to eat and watch a movie may be in vain.

However, he is very glad that when she is not happy, he happens to be at her side. In this way, he can at least pacify her personally rather than by others.

Bamboo light rain suddenly stopped, turned and walked to the grass beside the path, and sat down cross legged.

Ji Huan followed her without saying a word and sat down beside her.

"I can't be angry with my mother! My sister has been away from home for more than ten days. She calls me every three to five to ask if I have any news about her

"Doesn't that mean your mother cares about your sister?" Ji Huan is a little confused about the way the family get along with each other.

"Fart! If she cared about her sister, she would not even know that she had left. In fact, my sister has a job abroad and has to go abroad for a while every once in a while, but my mother doesn't know anything about this. Even my sister didn't ask me where the money came from. I estimate that this time she will be so anxious, because the Yan family wants people, right

Chen Jing calls her frequently for the purpose that Zhu Qianyu guesses that she is close to ten.

On the face of it, of course, things were more serious than she thought. Because the three members of the Yan family have been avoiding the people of the bamboo family these days. It seems that they don't even want to accept an apology.

"Xiaoyu, it's your sister's and Yan's business after all. Even if you are in a bad mood, you can't help her. In my opinion, Yan Shao is definitely not a good talker, but your sister has been gone for so many days, there is no movement in his side, and even there is no news that he wants to terminate the engagement with your sister. Presumably, when your sister left, she may have informed him. "

Bamboo light rain silent for a while, brow, not by loosen a lot, seems to be Ji Huan words convinced.

"Well, your analysis seems reasonable."

Ji Huan got up and patted the petals on his trousers. "Let's go. I'll take you back to the dormitory first. You take a bath and I'll pick you up for dinner."

Bamboo light rain passively stand up, while patting the petals, while looking at his sports dress.

"Didn't you sweat all over just now?"

Ji Huan understood what she meant. "Don't worry, the club gave me special treatment as a consultant, and arranged a single apartment for me, which is in the graduate building not far from your dormitory."

At this time, Zhu Qianyu thought of his warning to stay away from him, but his words had already been spoken out. It seemed that it was too inhumane and hypocritical to refuse again.

Forget it. When we have dinner later, let's make it clear to him.

She and he can't be so ambiguous any more.

Ji Huan didn't know what she was going to do. He happily took her to the dormitory downstairs and drove to the graduate building.

Half an hour later, Ji Huan, dressed in casual clothes, stood downstairs in the girls' dormitory waiting for bamboo light rain. A few minutes after the phone call, bamboo light rain, wearing a sleeveless knitted shirt and Capris, came out of the corridor.