Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 1033

"Xiaobao, there are only ten beauties in the last round of the selection. Among them, there is Zhu Qianying. However, no one knows whether there is a winner in the last round or who the specific winner is, and most people's view is that no one can win in the last round of selection. "

After getting the news from Ji Dabao, Xiao Bao hesitated for a while. Finally, he concealed the news.

Since most people think that no one can win in the final round, he doesn't have to tell Zhu Qianyu about the results of the fourth round to save her worry.

Bamboo light rain there, one day a phone call home, her wimpy mother, only one way to comfort her, "light rain don't worry, your sister will be OK."

"If it's OK, you'll just nag all day long. If it's OK, don't you know how to go out and inquire?"

Light rain NAO is a good temper, this also some blame from the mother.

"But... I don't know anyone..." Chen Jing replied timidly on the other end of the phone.

She has been timid since she was a child, but she has great talent in cooking. Under the guidance of her father as a chef, she got a certificate at the age of 18, passed the examination of Mingxuan Hotel, and entered Mingxuan. Unexpectedly, within a year, she was attracted by the owner Zhu Zhizhou, and was taken back to the bamboo family as a cook. At the age of 19, she gave birth to Zhu Qianying.

When zhuzhizhou goes out to socialize, most of them lead her third aunt, TaiFang Caiping, and never take her with them. Therefore, Chen Jing tells the truth that she doesn't know anyone.

Unable to get information from his mother, Zhu Qianyu had to call Xing Bolun. The other party's attitude was the same as at the beginning, avoiding the heavy and taking the light. He didn't want to talk more about it.

It's not that Zhu Qianyu didn't want to inquire about Ji Huan, but he thought that this period of time had caused him a lot of trouble. In the end, he restrained his irritable heart and quietly waited for his sister's news while practicing.

A few days later, bamboo light rain suddenly received a message, is the online bank transfer information, prompted her to have 100000 yuan transfer.

This bank card in her hand was given to her by her elder sister when she came to r university. Her elder sister would regularly transfer some money to her for her tuition and daily expenses.

But, isn't my sister bailing out Bolen a few days ago and giving her 50000 yuan? Why are you turning around now?

Zhu Qianyu tried to dial up her sister's phone. The phone, which had been off for several days, was finally turned on. However, a prompt tone came from the microphone: "the user you dialed is on the phone.".

Zhu Qianyu didn't hang up because she knew that no matter how busy her sister was, she would answer her phone at the first time.

Sure enough, after a while, the phone was connected.

Before bamboo light rain had time to say anything, she heard her sister ask, "light rain, did you receive the money?"

Sure enough, the money was transferred by my sister. But where did she get so much money? Can't be with that inflammation little want?

"Sister, brother Allen gave me 50000 cards that day. Why did you transfer 100000 to me? Where did you get the money? "

Bamboo light rain is very nervous, since that day after listening to Ji Huan said the deeds of less inflammation, these days she has been praying, hope sister this time can fail once.

Yan little that kind of mysterious person, she doesn't want to elder sister and he lead up what relation.

"Xiaoyu, don't worry. The money is not stolen or robbed. It's just coming. Don't worry about it." The person on the other side of the microphone comforted her carefully.

"The last time you went abroad, did you go to work? Is the reward so high this time? " Even if the elder sister emphasizes so, bamboo light rain still holds the attitude of suspicion.

"Fool, this is the money my aunt gave me to buy a car."

Zhu Qianyu seems to have heard Tianda's joke. Will the aunt, who is always thinking about her mother and daughter, be willing to give her sister money to buy a car? Unless the sun rises in the West.

"Sister, are you sure you're not teasing me? People like Auntie will give you money to buy a car? " Zhu Qianyu didn't believe her at all.

"Fool, if it was before, she would not give me money, but now it is different. Yan Shao that trial, I became the only winner, she certainly does not want to give me, but in dad urged, she black face obediently gave me a million

Bamboo light shadow on the other side of the microphone, mentioning this matter is full of smile, even through the phone, bamboo light rain can also clearly feel, but, she is not happy at all.

"Elder sister, do you really believe that Yan Shao?" Sister, come out of a tiger's den and fall into another wolf's den.

Bamboo shallow shadow rare silence down, in bamboo shallow rain think sister was shaken by her, but hear sister said, "light rain, this is not important!"

Bamboo light rain think Ji Huan said those words, in the heart more and more close urgent.

"Sister, you are playing with fire! I inquired with people, that Yan Shao is not a simple character! " Her tone was very strong, hoping to dispel her sister's idea of playing with fire.

However, her sister, has always been stubborn, with her meager strength can not shake her decision.

"Xiaoyu, you don't have to worry about it! My sister promised you that she would not do anything to humble herself, would you? "

With the assurance of my sister, bamboo light rain just feel at ease some, and then, just think of that sum of money.

"Sister, isn't aunt always eloquent? Why didn't you convince Dad this time? "

Zhu Qianyu and his sister have tried to fight for something in front of their father at the dinner table before. But basically, every time his father is convinced by his mother, in the end, he will definitely give the decision to his mother. In this way, the struggle between the two sisters always fails without thinking about it.

"Because dad wants to perform well in front of Yan Shao now!"

Bamboo light shadow on the other side of the phone, she just in the dining room with one against three war aunt two mother three mother's story vividly repeated.

Bamboo light rain just listen to, also feel very happy, can't help laughing at the microphone for a while.

Finally, bamboo light rain closed, said with a smile, "sister, thank you!"

"Fool, you are becoming more and more stupid. Are you stupid in making network thunder dramas?"

Bamboo light rain is a burst of ha ha ha, the next topic of the two sisters is basically gossip happy topic, straight talk to the phone no electricity, bamboo light rain just hung up.

After hanging up the phone, bamboo light rain gradually calmed down, can't help but worry about sister.

Although, the elder sister in the phone repeatedly promised that she would not mess, but, to bamboo light rain to the elder sister's understanding, this sentence, more, not guarantee, just let yourself at ease.

What my sister has done over the years, basically, is to put her and her mother in the first place. So what she promised just now is not credible at all!