Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 1031

But today, she bothered him to drive from the city. When it's dinner time, she mercilessly drives people to leave. It's really like he said, it's a bit like tearing down a bridge.

"Well, let's go to dinner, but it's not for you, it's for me!"

The young master just wants to spend more time with her. It doesn't matter whether she asks or he asks.

"Well, please. What would you like to eat?" The young master picked up his backpack and carried it well.

"Since it's me, it's up to you, of course."

Bamboo light rain stood up and walked to the bedroom, "you slowly think, I go to change clothes."

Soon, bamboo light rain then changed a fresh white sports dress, standing in the porch, supporting the wall, put on cloth shoes.

"Have you thought about it?"

The young master stared at her plain face and couldn't move his eyes. "Whatever!"

Bamboo light rain rolled a white eye, finally, she made a decision, "there is a farm near here, the ingredients are all natural and pollution-free, go to taste?"

Before, the heart shadow dinner, bamboo light rain with the brigade to taste.

She said that the young master had been to the farm many times, but he didn't break it. "In that case, I want to try it."

Zhu Qianyu and the young master have met several times in private, but it's the first time to take his car.

As usual, both of them are about to have tea and coffee in the afternoon. After that, Zhu Qianyu always insists on taking the car to Xinying, so this is the first time she sees Ji Huan's car.

Although she and her sister don't have any status in the bamboo family, she can distinguish cars. After all, her sisters and brothers will own their own cars after they get their driving licenses, except for her and her sister Zhu Qianying.

Bamboo light rain sitting on this seemingly low-key essence of over a million cars, in the heart murmur.

It seems that Ji Huan's family still has some foundation. Otherwise, who would buy a car worth more than one million yuan.

Ji Huan was in a good mood. After getting on the bus, he pretended he didn't know anything and let Zhu Qianyu lead the way. Zhu Qianyu said the address of the farm, but he was more straightforward. "You can help me set up the navigation."

When they came out of the farm, the sound of insects was loud and clear, and the shadows of trees were dancing.

"Do you want to take a walk and eat?" The young master suggested.

Zhu Qianyu shakes her head. The more she eats this meal, the more guilty she feels. She is afraid that Ji Huan will suddenly receive a call from her family.

Fortunately, his phone was still on the table.

And now, it's more than eight o'clock, how can she occupy his time?

"No, I have to see the script when I go back. The director told me to try to direct a short piece tomorrow."

Ji Huan said sincerely, "Congratulations!"

"Thank you for introducing me to such a good internship unit. I'm going to start school soon. I'm not willing to leave."

Zhu Qianyu is telling the truth. Compared with the boring theoretical knowledge she learned in school, the two-month internship has made her learn a lot of practical knowledge that is not in books.

"Since you like this place so much, you can tell sister Fang that you will come to practice on Saturday and Sunday, but you have to work hard for yourself."

Tian Fang has a very good impression of Zhu Qianyu. Even if Ji Huan doesn't interfere, as long as Zhu Qianyu puts forward his own proposal and dares to write a meal ticket, Tian Fang will agree immediately.

Bamboo light rain a face surprise, "really can be like this?"

Young master did not give her a positive answer, "you can try it!"

Because of the young master's proposal, Zhu Qianyu was very excited all the way, and even forgot what bothered her all day.

The young master took her to the door of the dormitory. Instead of getting off, he just rolled down the window and watched her enter the yard and open the door.

Bamboo light rain seems to be able to sense his line of sight, suddenly turned his head, short hair in the shadow of the lamp draw a beautiful arc.

The young master looked at her steadily. She handed her hand and waved to him with a smile. Then she flashed into the door.

The young master kept a good mood all the way. When he came home, he saw his parents sitting in the living room and waved with a smile.

"Hello, daddy and Mommy

Letong grinned and patted Ji Rui on the shoulder. "Look, daddy, I won!"

The young master took down his backpack and asked, "you two bet?"

Le Tong frankly admitted, "yes, I said you must be happy to come back like a flower, your father said your face like balsam pear."

The young master walked to the kitchen with a smile, "Daddy, what's your eyesight? When am I not like a flower? Return balsam pear, say is yourself

Once in a while, my mother and my father are at odds. My father's face is no different from bitter gourd.

The young master poured a glass of juice in the kitchen and came out while drinking.

"Why don't you take someone home for dinner sometime?"

Although Letong doesn't interfere in the young master's relationship, she is always concerned about it. This was the first time he didn't go home for dinner. In the past, he just drank tea and coffee.

"It's early!"

Although the young master said so, his expression was very firm.

After drinking the juice in the glass, the young master goes to hold Letong and Ji Rui, "good night, daddy and Mommy!"

Le Tong patted him on the face, "good night, go to take a bath, go to bed and make a love call before going to bed..."

The young master thinks that sometimes Mommy is bad. "Mommy, how can you have these things in your mind?"

Letong pushed him and motioned him to take a bath, "what do you mean by these things? No matter who it is, it will be particularly vulnerable and easy to fall at night. It will show you a clear way. Do you still think that mommy will give you bad advice? "

The young master came out of the bath and went to bed. He saw that it was almost eleven o'clock. He picked up the phone and hesitated whether he wanted to make a phone call and chat as mommy said?

Although he and she have been chatting for one afternoon and the whole dinner time, the topic between them never seems to stop. Moreover, it's not his narcissism. He thinks that the way Zhu Qianyu looks at him now is quite different from the beginning.

Call, young master didn't call at last.

Because, he wants to bamboo shallow rain said to go back to see the script, even if he is not sure if she is looking for an excuse, but he is still afraid to quarrel with her.

While Zhu Qianyu has always been thinking about the young master's words. At lunch time, he went back to the canteen with the worker's car, gave a meal for two, and carried it to Tian Fang's office to find her.

Tian Fang is still busy in the office. Seeing her, she nods and continues to do her own business.

Bamboo light rain embarrassed to eat first, until see her close the paper on the table, and a long breath, she just put the lunch box in the past, "Fangjie, eat."

Tian Fang is also not polite, got up to pick up two cups of water, one cup in front of her, a cup of his own breath to drink half a cup.

"What's the matter?"