Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 1016

At eight o'clock the next day, Zhu Qianyu saw Tian Fang's car on time under the dormitory.

"Good morning, sister Fang!"

"Good morning Tian Fang gets out of the car and helps Zhu Qianyu pack his luggage into the back compartment.

"Sister Fang, you seem to know our school very well?" Bamboo shallow rain said, bow buckle seat belt.

"Of course, I'm familiar with Sihan. I've been her agent since her freshman year. When she didn't graduate, except when she was filming outside, she didn't have time to come back to class. In other time, I was just like r university students. I came to r university almost every day to report."

Tian Fang said with a smile and started the car to drive onto the avenue.

"It's hard work!" Bamboo light rain light breath.

"It's not me who works hard, it's just my job. Sihan is really hard-working. In addition to her studies in r university, she has to make films, make records and make advertisements. In addition, she also participates in various kinds of training. "

Even though Tian Fang has brought so many artists, she still thinks that Sihan is the most progressive and able to take all aspects into account.

For example, even now, even if she takes care of her children at home, her fans still remember her. Occasionally, she sends a few small videos on her microblog, which can make many fans excited for months. In such a cycle, her popularity has not been reduced by more than one year's retirement.

No wonder Ji Dabao is so bold. Looking at the whole entertainment circle, no one can replace Sihan.

"Yes, senior sister Sihan is like a God in our school. No matter teachers or classmates, they all give a thumbs up when they mention her."

Zhu Qianyu has been thinking about Han for two or three years, so she is the adopted daughter of the general manager of Ji's family, and later she becomes his daughter-in-law. Zhu Qianyu actually knows about it.

But she has not been the famous Ji and Ji Huan this person involved together.

Therefore, when she talks about Sihan now, she just regards her partner as a super idol in the altar. She never thought that this idol would have something to do with her one day.

"Well, it's really hard for her to get to where she is today."

It is precisely because she is using her strength to climb up to today's step, her popularity and fame will not be as easy to consume as an idol star.

The topic of the two people all the way is basically around Sihan. For nearly an hour, no one is bored.

Tian Fang had a good feeling for Zhu Qianyu. After one hour's chat, she became more and more fond of her.

"Mengmeng, this is your new roommate, Zhu Qianyu."

When Tian Fang leads Zhu Qianyu to the artists' dormitory, a pure girl with long hair greets them. Tian Fang gives them a brief introduction.

Wang Mengmeng is a fresh student who just graduated this year. Because she won the gold medal in the ballad group in the school competition of the Conservatory of music, Tian Fang takes a fancy to her. She is the new person that Xinying will hold up next year.

When Wang Mengmeng heard that she was three years older than Zhu Qianyu, she took the responsibility of helping her little sister. Tian Fang left Zhu Qianyu in the dormitory and told her to go to dinner after lunch, and then left.

Wang Mengmeng led bamboo light rain into the bedroom, "sister Fang said yesterday that you moved in today, so I cleaned the bed and the cabinet. The mattresses and sheets were sent by sister Fang early in the morning. You put your clothes in the cabinet, and I'll help you make your bed."

For each other's friendly attitude, Zhu Qianyu was surprised. After all, even in the dormitory, there were many frictions between roommates at the beginning.

She did not know that Wang Mengmeng had been repeatedly told by Tian Fang to take care of her little sister. In Wang Mengmeng's eyes, Zhu Qianyu is definitely a newcomer valued by the director, even if he is not a royal relative.

Otherwise, how can an intern get such special treatment?

"Thank you, Meng Jie! You go and do your own business. I'm not in a hurry to sort them out. Just do it slowly. "

Bamboo light rain is not used to be taken care of, in addition to the care of her sister, she can be comfortable with, others, will make her uncomfortable.

But Wang Mengmeng insisted on helping her. In the end, she was too embarrassed to refuse all the time, so she had to let the other party help her to make the sheets.

"The company has a canteen. The food is quite good. It's in A10 over there in the office. You can use cash or charge your card."

While Wang Mengmeng was busy, she popularized the basic knowledge with her.

"I'll treat you to dinner then!" Bamboo light rain does not want to owe each other.

Wang Mengmeng shook her head. "No, the company's employees and contract artists are all for food and lodging. Every month, the company will send us a meal card. As long as it's not too much, the company will pay for it all."

Bamboo light rain thought he is an intern, certainly will not have such treatment.

Where know, wait for Tian Fang to pick her up, every time is to hand her a card.

"This is the company's food card, as long as you are not too picky, three meals a day."

After Wang Mengmeng helped her clean up, she left, saying that she was going to attend the vocal music training. Now, there are only two people in the room, Zhu Qianyu and Tian Fang.

"Sister Fang, I'm an intern." Bamboo light rain did not pick up the card, she only when they will be wrong, otherwise, is the other side of the expression is wrong.

"Interns will also create value for the company. Take it. You are not so self-confident. You think the company will lose money if you are recruited."

It's really very useful for the girls, "of course not!" Then he grabbed the card and stuffed it into his pocket.

"Come on, let me show you what a human company is."

From Tian Fang's expression and tone, it is not difficult to see that Zhu Qianyu is loyal to Xinying.

"Sister Fang, you must be the founder of Xinying, right?"

Tian Fang side head with great interest to see the side and his little girl, "ha ha, how to see?"

Bamboo light rain hand gently pulled out of the yard of Osmanthus branches, "intuitive ah!"

It has to be said that she is very smart. Half of what she says makes people guess half of what she says. In this way, she not only gives people space for reverie, but also prevents them from saying too much and leaving no room for maneuver.

"You're right. I was really one of the first employees of Xinying. When Xinying was first built, I was the only agent and Sihan was an artist. Unexpectedly, in a few years, Xinying has become the leader of the industry. "

Even in front of outsiders, Tian Fang has no taboo about the position of Xinying now.

After all, as a little intern, how can she have the confidence to comment on the structure and development of the internship unit?

Although she has a good impression of Tian Fang, her subconscious vigilance still makes her dare not say anything.

Different from the chatting on the road just now, she was very careful when she got involved in the company.

She even doubted whether Tian Fang was secretly testing her. Therefore, when she spoke, she considered what to say and what not to say. She basically went through it in her head and confirmed that it was OK before she said it.