Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 1014

"R university is quite far away from here. Where are you going to live during your internship?"

Bamboo light rain although some accidents, the other side will ask this, but she is very sharp to give the answer“ I live in the school dormitory! "

Tian Fang frowned slightly. She knew better than anyone how far heart shadow was from R big. After all, just a year ago, she often had to run with Sihan on both sides of R big and heart shadow. This section of driving takes about an hour. With the help of public transport, it should take much longer.

"What time do you leave this morning?"

"Seven o'clock!"

Sure enough, it's almost what Tian Fang expected“ So you have to spend four hours commuting every day after that? "

Moreover, what Tian Fang didn't say is that she can't drive out of the station from Xinying every day to pick up bamboo light rain. After all, she didn't spend much time in the company.

Bamboo light rain Leng for a while, this problem, she really did not consider.

Since receiving the interview notice, she has been happy.

"Well, I can't. I'll rent a place around here?" Bamboo light rain soon turned the corner and made a decision immediately.

Although, her original intention is to work to make money to reduce the burden of her sister. But now, her mind has changed. She would like to practice in a company like Xinying, even if she pays for it.

It's the end of June, and there are two and a half months to the middle of September. The rent around here should not be too expensive. Tell my mother that it's not too difficult for her to give her some money.

"Rent a house..." Tian Fang seems to be talking to herself, and thinking about something.

"Well, sister Fang, I can rent a house nearby." Bamboo light rain has made up his mind.

Tian Fang ignored her. After thinking about it for a while, she looked at her and said, "do you have a problem living with the new artists in the company?"

Bamboo light rain for a time did not respond, "ah?"

"The company has a dormitory for artists. It's near here. If you don't mind living with artists, I can arrange it for you."

"Really? That would be great. Thank you, sister Fang The surprise of bamboo light rain is beyond expression, so I rush to give Tian Fang a kiss to express my thanks.

Tian Fang glanced at the smiling little girl, "of course it's true. Do you think I'm a man who doesn't believe what I said?"

The primary reason why she can get along well in society is that she knows how to look at the face of her boss.

The young master of the Ji family has sent people here. How dare she neglect them?

Maybe the one around you will become your own parents in the future. Now if you don't hold your thighs tightly, there won't be a shop after this village.

"Thank you, sister Fang!" Bamboo light rain again sweet thanks.

Seeing her sweet smile in the rearview mirror, Tian Fang thought it was a pity. With her many years of experience, it was only minutes before she became popular.

"You're welcome, I said. Otherwise, we'll go to the studio tomorrow. Now I'll take you to the dormitory. If you think there's no problem, you'll go back to school and pack up later, and come here in the afternoon or tomorrow morning with your luggage. How are you

Bamboo light rain at all costs also want to stay in Xinying, and Tian Fang, is also trying to keep her.

They have different purposes, but the results are the same.

"Well, it's less than ten o'clock now. I'll go back and clean up, and I'll be back in the afternoon."

"Forget it. I'll pick you up at r university tomorrow morning. It's inconvenient for you to come here with your luggage."

Tian Fang decided to do well in the end. Anyway, the favor she sent out now will be collected from the young master sooner or later.

Bamboo light rain flattered to put off for a long time, Tian Fang or insist on her proposal, to the end, bamboo light rain had to accept some of her good intentions.

Xinying's artist dormitory is just two blocks behind Xinying's office. From the outside, it's the same pattern as those bungalows in the office.

This kind of place is used as a dormitory for artists. Xinying's boss is really generous.

Tian Fang with bamboo light rain into one of the bungalows, the pattern inside, but not the home pattern, is still the office pattern.

A 40-year-old woman saw Tian Fang come in and quickly met her, "Director Tian, are you recruiting new artists again?"

Said, curious eyes up and down looked at the bamboo light rain.

"She's not a new artist. She's a new intern. Sister Zhang, please help me to see that dormitory is empty."

Yes, this Sister Zhang is the head of the dormitory.

"There's another room in the C8 flat, is that ok?"

Tian Fang just remembered that the dormitory here is two bedrooms, and they live together.

"Who lives in C8 now?" Although the company's artists are basically qualified, some of them are eccentric. She has to make sure that Zhu Qianyu's roommate is a good person to get along with.

"Wang Mengmeng."

This artist, in fact, was signed back by Tian Fang himself. He is a fresh graduate of the Conservatory of music. He has a beautiful voice and is still undergoing a series of professional training. It is estimated that he will be officially released at the beginning of next year.

"OK, C8."

Wang Mengmeng has a good temper. She is not much younger than Zhu Qianyu. She should get along well.

"Well, I'll show you."

Sister Zhang said C8, not far from her office, walked through a few bungalows, then arrived.

Sister Zhang opened the door and let Tian Fang take bamboo light rain in to have a look. It's a common pattern of one room and two bedrooms. The living room is well lit and has a simple and comfortable layout. Apart from the necessary furnishings such as sofa and TV, there is no other superfluous furniture.

The two bedrooms are not big, about ten square meters, but they have their own bathrooms. In this way, they have their own completely independent space.

"How are you, satisfied?"

Tian Fang took bamboo light rain to visit the house inside and outside, bamboo light rain nodded, "satisfied, too satisfied. If you rent a house like this with front and back yards, bedrooms and washing facilities, the rent will be at least several thousand yuan. "

Tian Fang knows that.

Therefore, she has been telling others that Ji Yu is a very generous boss. The dormitory for artists is like a holiday villa.

"Since I'm satisfied, it's here. I'll pick you up tomorrow and give you the key."

The interview trip of Zhu Qianyu started with anxiety and ended with surprise.

Back to school, it was just lunch time. Zhu Qianyu went to the canteen to buy some food and took it back to the dormitory.

Originally, she wanted to make a phone call to thank Ji Huan after dinner.

Before the lunch box was opened, the phone rang. It was Ji Huan who called.

"Hello, Mr. Ji, thank you. I passed the interview!" As soon as the phone is connected, Zhu Qianyu can't wait to thank you.

"How are you, satisfied?"

Zhu Qianyu thinks that Ji Huan's question is very strange. After all, it's her who goes to the interview. She is the chosen one. She can only ask whether the interviewing unit is satisfied with her interviewer. How can she ask her whether the interviewer is satisfied?