Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 1012

The next day, Zhu Qianyu got up early as usual. First, he went to the playground for a few laps. When he came back, he habitually turned to the canteen to buy breakfast. When he got to the door, he remembered that Ji Huan had not eaten the cake he gave her last night.

Last night's dinner, I thought I would not have too much fun. To her surprise, Ji Huan had a good time eating. As a host, she also enjoyed eating. After walking slowly back to the dormitory, she made a cup of hawthorn tea to eat.

Ji Huan bought her a cake, of course, but she didn't eat it.

I bought a cup of hot soymilk and went back to the dormitory. I put down the soymilk and took a bath. When I came out, it was still early. I turned on the computer and took a cake to eat while brushing the web.

The other three roommates in the dormitory couldn't wait to rush home yesterday afternoon. Only she planned to live in the dormitory all the time during the summer vacation.

Thinking of this, she remembered that she had forgotten to do another thing.

A few days ago, there was a notice on the bulletin board wall in front of the dormitory that those who need to stay in the dormitory during the holiday must register with the dormitory manager within this week.

Then come back after the interview and register by the way.

Bamboo light rain originally Ji Huan bought these cakes do not have any expectations, just for it to satisfy hunger.

But when she passed the state of absent mindedness, she was surprised to realize that the ugly cake in her hand was delicious.

She didn't know that this snack shop was full of people whenever she went to buy. Often, the people in the back would buy everything. According to yesterday's time, if Ji Huan didn't know the owner of the shop, she would not have been so lucky.

This box contains six cakes of various flavors, including yogurt mousse, mango Budian, chestnut cake and so on, which are all her favorite tastes.

Zhu Qianyu has to admit that he knows the taste of girls very well.

Bamboo light rain ate three of the six cakes. When he changed his clothes and went out, bamboo light rain felt his swollen stomach and scolded himself for being greedy again.

Although Ji Huan asked her to dress as usual, she put on a light makeup to make herself look more energetic.

According to the traffic map provided by Ji Huan, Zhu Qianyu arrived at the nearest bus stop at a little over nine o'clock.

When she came to r city for one year, she was only familiar with the area near r university. Looking at this desolate area, she felt uneasy because of the light rain. She felt like she had been thrown into the wilderness, and she couldn't distinguish between southeast and northwest.

Try to calm down, remember Ji Huan told her to call his familiar Fang elder sister nearby.

The phone was quickly connected, "Hello, I'm Tian Fang!"

Listening to the strange polite but indifferent voice, Zhu Qianyu said, "Hello, sister Fang, I'm Zhu Qianyu, an intern introduced by teacher Ji Huan."

"Oh... Hello, Miss Zhu is at the station?" The sound has obviously warmed up.

Bamboo light rain look around, find the bus stop sign quickly took a look, "right, I'm now in Fantian Industrial Park Station, please Fang elder sister tell me how to go next."

"Don't run around. I'll pick you up."

Without waiting for bamboo light rain to say thank you, the phone has been hung up.

It seems that he is a hot and cool person again!

Tian Fang didn't let Zhu Qianyu wait for long. A few minutes later, a white car stopped in front of Zhu Qianyu. The window rolled down. The young woman leaned over and laughed at her, "is it Zhu Qianyu?"

Bamboo light rain rushed over and bent down, "yes, sister Fang?"

"Well, get in the car!"

Zhu Qianyu buckled his seat belt and looked up at the woman in the driver's seat.

"Please, sister Fang."

Tian Fang smiles and shakes his head. "Don't be polite to me. I should take care of Huan Shao's friends."

"Thank you, sister Fang!" Bamboo light rain deliberately ignore each other's gaze, smile thanks.

"Huan Shao says it's a student of your Directing Department. Do you want to come out for an internship during the vacation?"

Tian Fang has a close relationship with Ji's family. Therefore, he basically knows everything about this bamboo light rain.

"Yes, theoretical knowledge is always on paper, so I want to take advantage of the holiday to see and practice."

Zhu Qianyu doesn't know Tian Fang's specific position in Xinying, and doesn't know whether Tian Fang will be in charge of her work arrangement next. But since others are so eager to help, she certainly has to answer questions.

"Well, that's a good idea." Tian Fang looked at her approvingly, "I heard that you are a student of r university?"

Bamboo light rain nods, "yes, Fang elder sister is also?"

Tian Fang shook his head, "no, I'm not, but we are elder sister Xinying. You should know who it is, right?"

Mention this, bamboo shallow rain eyes shine, "of course I know, is our elder martial sister, Sihan, right?"

Tian Fang really saw the light of worship in her eyes, and she was secretly amused.

Or, she is not just your elder martial sister!

However, these words Tian Fang naturally will not say, "yes, she is also a student of r university."

In fact, not only Sihan is a student of r university, but Letong and Ji Dabao are both students of r university. Ji family has a deep affinity with r university.

"That's good. Many people in our school like her!" In the eyes of bamboo light rain, what is bright is all longing and yearning.

There were few people and cars on the road. Tian Fang drove slowly and looked her up and down carefully.

"You have a good appearance. Are you interested in entering the performing arts circle?"

Of course, Tian Fang's words are not true. It's enough for Ji family to have Sihan as a big star. If even Zhu Qianyu becomes a star, Huan Shao will probably chase her with a knife.

This question, if you change other girls, will probably seriously think about it, or ecstatic.

Can bamboo light rain, but don't want to shake his head way, "I'm not interested, I just want to be a director."

Her answer was not only expected by Tian Fang, but also unexpected.

"It's quite unexpected. I thought that a beautiful girl like you would prefer to live under the camera and be a bright star instead of being a director, who works behind the scenes for others."

In this circle, stars are divided into one line, two lines and three lines, and so are directors.

It's harder for a director to succeed than for the artists in front of the screen. Therefore, it's hard to imagine that a blooming girl would like this kind of work, which may have no future in her life.

Bamboo light rain silent down, turned to look out of the window, for a long time, just turned to Tian Fang said.

"I like my own life and work, but actors and artists, obviously not."

At this time, bamboo light rain, a dignified face, her expression and look in the eyes, completely unlike an 18-year-old girl.

Another special girl! Tian Fang made a conclusion in her mind.

That's right. If she's not special enough, how can she attract the eyes of the young master of Ji family, who is coveted by countless rich families?