Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 1005

The dishes were served one after another, and the topic naturally turned to basketball and other gossip.

The young master is the same age as the students in front of him. Taking off the title of teacher, he looks more approachable and has a good conversation.

Bamboo light rain has been quite silent, but she is obviously the kind of people who want to keep a low profile, other people's eyes will always be on her.

"Xiaoyu, I heard that you don't go back to L City in the summer vacation. Do you want to find a film and television company here to practice? Otherwise, let Huan Shao see if there is a way to introduce it to you! "

The captain has a good relationship with Zhu Qianyu, so his words are entirely out of concern for his friends. Of course, it's also a bit casual. After all, few people really take this casual request at the dinner table seriously.

But he didn't know, he said casually, but gave Ji Huan a wonderful opportunity.

"Bamboo light rain, do you really want to find a film and television company to practice here? If so, I can keep an eye on it for you! "

Bamboo light rain hesitated for a moment, but still nodded, "then I thank teacher Ji first!"

After all, she did not hold any expectations for this, only when Ji Huan is just perfunctory captain's request.

Ji Huan, no matter how fierce he is, is just a company employee. What can he have in common with a film and television company?

Where can she imagine that the company of this young man and elder brother is the rapid development of heart shadow entertainment in the past two years?

It's easy for the young master to be an actress, a model and a singer, not to mention an intern.

"Well, I'll help you pay attention to it..." the young master looked thoughtful. He pretended to be very similar in face, and he was happy for a long time.

This meal is worth it!!

By the way, he ruled out the possibility that Zhu Qianyu was the child of the famous bamboo family in L City.

After all, in a rich family, who doesn't pet and protect her children as if they were babies? If Zhu Qianyu is really a child of that family, how can she be willing to let her work outside as an intern?

For example, he, his brother, and his sister, when they were work students, were all in Ji's Yang family. Except for the endorsement, they never let them leave the protection of Ji's Yang family.

This meal was much cheaper than the young master had imagined, but the harvest was unexpectedly great.

Sitting in the driver's seat, the young master was not in a hurry to drive. Instead, he picked up his mobile phone and opened the phone number he had just saved. With a few eyes, he had already memorized the eleven numbers.

This team leader, Cheng Jian, is definitely the best assistant!

Mingming young master didn't expect to get her phone number from Zhu Qianyu so soon, but Cheng Jian urged Zhu Qianyu to tell him the phone number when he left.

"Xiaoyu, since Huanshao promised to help you pay attention to the interns, you should tell Huanshao the phone number, otherwise, the opportunity will be fleeting."

Of course, the young master has the telephone number of Zhu Qianyu, but she didn't tell him personally. He would never call. He doesn't want her to misunderstand him and think that he is going to investigate her again.

He is safe these days, in order to make her feel at ease?

If you can't bear it, you'll make a big plan. He knows.

After he was sure that he had a little heart for her, he even admonished himself to be calm.

Therefore, even if I got her phone, the young master didn't wait to contact her.

When he got home that night, he began to sort out the key points and outline after dealing with his business left over by the day.

When he mentioned this to Xian Bo, he couldn't laugh or cry, "younger martial brother, you are so serious, don't you really want to rob me of my job? Your sister-in-law is still waiting for me to buy her a house in Beijing! If I lose my job, you have to pay for my house. "

The young master said with a smile, "elder martial brother, if you lose your job, the gate of Ji's family will open for you at any time!"

Xian Bo is talented, but his parents are ordinary workers. They always feel that it is more noble and stable to be a teacher in a university than in an enterprise. Therefore, he refused Ji Huan's invitation and gave up his position as a teacher in r university.

Each man has his own ambition. He insists on making such a choice. Ji Huan has no choice but to respect and support him.

Xian Bo scolded to get out of the way, and their topic turned to other things. Obviously, they didn't care much about such trifles, but they just used them to make fun of each other.

The next morning, the young master talked about Yu's internship at the breakfast table.

"No problem. I'll ask Si Jun to call her."

Niuniu secretly worried about her brother's personal feelings for a long time. Now she heard that there was progress, so she immediately settled the matter.

I'm afraid that if the call is late, the other party will change his mind.

"Sister, don't be in such a hurry! She will have an exam next week and will not have a full holiday until early July at the earliest. What's more, I only said to help her keep an eye on it. I'm afraid she'll doubt it if I give her a reply so soon. "

The young master has been in touch with Zhu Qianyu for a period of time. He knows that she is like a little white rabbit and is always highly sensitive and alert to the outside world.

He didn't want this opportunity to slip away in vain.

Niu Niu was a little disappointed. She answered, "well, you can see when it's right. You can call Si Jun directly. You can tell Si Jun what position you want to arrange."

In the beginning, he would ask Ji Yu for advice on many important decisions. When he became a father, Ji Yu would completely delegate power to him. As for the former general manager, he was transferred to the Beijing Branch of Xinying as the general manager, because the scale of Xinying is expanding rapidly, so the scope of power of that general manager is not smaller than before.

"Well, I'll get in touch with Si Jun myself. Elder sister, you don't have to worry about it. Just record your album and take good care of beibeiguoguo."

Speaking of the two little ancestors of beibeiguoguo, they are toddlers recently. Although they haven't been able to walk steadily, they are very brave. When adults don't pay attention, they rub up and walk around. If they don't look at them for a moment, they may knock their nose and forehead in a twinkling of an eye.

The two little guys are strong. They know that they are doing their own evil when they bump into each other. Even if they are in terrible pain, they just flat their mouths and dare not cry with tears.

This can make the Ji family feel bad, but everyone knows that children have this process of bumping, even if they feel bad, it's not easy to beat, not easy to scold, and even harder to stop them.

As a result, she had to spend as much time as possible to take care of them. In the past two days, Niu Niu's recording time was shortened from the original four hours to two hours, and the recording progress slowed down again.

Niuniu is a little anxious, but it's useless to be so anxious. She can only apologize to the recording engineer every day from time to time.