Cute baby coming: the dark president paranoid love

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Because there were still three hours before the flight to Kyoto, Gu Xinyan didn\'t even look at the three things, so she packed the things in the room with Zheng Yihua, and then drove Zheng Yihua back to the compound.

"No, there is one thing I don\'t understand. Why do I have to go to Kyoto for training in advance?" Zheng Yihua was really confused.

However, he felt that this was a great opportunity for him to find his own mother.

"Maybe your arms are different."

"I feel a little strange..."

Could it be that his biological father wanted to see him?

Gu Xinyan also immediately felt Zheng Yihua\'s sensitivity, and although she felt uncomfortable, she still decided to give him a surprise.

So, she deliberately said: "Don\'t think too much, this must be a military secret, just follow the command."

Zheng Yihua smiled after hearing this, and gently shook her hand, "I\'m leaving, are you willing?"

"It\'s worth it, anyway, you have to leave sooner or later, whether you leave early or late." Gu Xinyan acted very casually.

This made Zheng Yihua a little confused. A few days ago, she was reluctant to part with her.

"It seems that you dislike me a little bit." He teased.

"No, I still love you so much."

"I don\'t believe it anymore. I\'m leaving. You don\'t miss it at all."

" say I\'m a man again, I won\'t be such a mother-in-law."



"Okay, I\'m relieved."

Gu Xinyan pursed her lips, a trace of loneliness flashed in her eyes...

How can I be so free and easy, I am happy to find your biological parents for you, if you really leave me, I will miss you very much, I will miss you very much, Yi Hua!

The Gu Family Compound.

"What? You\'re leaving by plane at one o\'clock?"

Chen Yilan was also very surprised when she got the news, she thought she would let Yi Hua stay here for a little longer, she didn\'t want the Shao family to be in such a hurry.

"Mom, is the food not good?" Gu Xinyan asked hurriedly.

"Okay, okay! It\'s just mom..."

Seeing this handsome son-in-law in front of her, Chen Yilan couldn\'t bear to part with her, her eyes turned red, and she was about to cry, "It\'s just that Mom didn\'t expect Yi Hua to leave us so soon to go to the army."

"Auntie, I didn\'t expect it to be so early." Zheng Yihua comforted her, "However, now that the information is so developed, I will call you when I have time."

"Okay, we must keep in touch."

Zheng Yihua nodded, and suddenly realized that the room was very quiet today. It turned out that the three children had disappeared.

Gu Xinyan also noticed it, and she immediately asked, "Mom, where are the children?"

"Oh, your younger brother Mingxuan is here. He said he would take them to Dihua for dinner, and from there in the afternoon, he would go directly to the pier to send Chu Lei back to Jiangshan Island."

Chen Yilan didn\'t look at her either, her eyes averted slightly, and after answering, she directly invited Zheng Yihua to the restaurant for dinner.

How did Gu Xinyan know that Chen Yilan was afraid that the children would broadcast the "secret", so she specially called Gu Mingxuan, and Gu Mingxuan sent Cao Hui to send the three children to Dihua Manor.

I planned to come over to have a meal with Zheng Yihua, but Gu Mingxuan also canceled it.

The meal at noon was very rich, but only the three masters were eating it. Zheng Yihua clearly felt that his future mother-in-law was giving him a "farewell farewell".

But he refused to say anything, accepted Chen Yilan\'s "love", and ate happily with chopsticks.

After eating, Gu Xinyan pulled Zheng Yihua upstairs to pack the things stored here.

Seeing the beautiful woman keep taking this and that, and stuffing the suit Chen Yilan gave him into the suitcase, Zheng Yihua couldn\'t help asking: "You don\'t want to see my three things?"

Gu Xinyan was taken aback.

Seriously, Yi Hua, those three things are not important now, science has proven that you are Shao Bing\'s son.

But he couldn\'t act too strange to him, so Gu Xinyan acted suddenly, "Yes, I need to see!"

Zheng Yihua unzipped her backpack, took out a small package wrapped in Mama Zheng\'s padded jacket, carefully opened it, and gently put the three items on the bed.

"Look, it\'s these three things."

A red bellyband embroidered with a tiger\'s head, a pair of baby\'s silver bracelets, and an old yellowed cowhide envelope.

Gu Xinyan picked up the red bellyband first, and found that it was made of pure silk, and the material was very particular. The tiger head embroidered on it was artificially embroidered with gold and silver threads, which shows how rich the Shao family was at that time.

And a pair of silver bracelets are very exquisite in workmanship, shining silver, with dragon body and rich and noble patterns carved on them, which shows the family\'s love for Zheng Yihua at that time.

Finally, Gu Xinyan picked up a letter and asked Zheng Yihua with a smile, "Can I open it?"

Zheng Yihua nodded, "Look, it\'s a letter from my adoptive father to my biological parents."

Gu Xinyan was startled, then immediately opened it, and pulled out a piece of letter paper that was about to turn yellow. It was probably written by Zheng\'s father when he was ill.

Dear biological father and biological mother:

Greetings! First of all, I beg your forgiveness, I did not try to find you, but took your children by my side for so many years...

In it, Zheng\'s father told about where he picked up the child and the child\'s condition at that time.

He said that he once suspected that the child was thrown away, because the child was very sick and had a fever at that time, and he might have died a day or two later, so he did not search for his biological parents, but took him to the hospital for treatment immediately.

It happened that the child born to his wife died, and this child made up for the pain of the couple.

So after the child recovered from his illness, he was taken back to Lan Haitang to be raised, and claimed to be his second son, and he really regarded him as his own, loved him very much, and taught him all his talents.

He finally said that the child was about to grow up, and he wanted the child to find his biological parents after he went to college, but he was sick, his wife was not in good health, and he would die soon, so he didn\'t want the child to suffer any more.

If the child finds you, I hope you will not doubt his identity.

He is a good boy, very smart, spiritual, filial, has a sense of justice, if he is cultivated more, he will definitely be an outstanding talent who will make a difference in the future...

Gu Xinyan watched with tears in her eyes, sobbed and said, "Papa Zheng and Mama Zheng are good people, Yi Hua."

Zheng Yihua hugged her into his arms, his voice choked slightly, "Yes, I love them very much, so I didn\'t want to go to my biological parents for a while, every time my mother mentioned this, I interrupted her, and she was not allowed to say anything. My background."

"Yi Hua, I understand you and why you didn\'t let us talk about it back then, but now..." She raised her face and looked at him affectionately and expectantly, "Now you can accept it, right?"

Zheng Yihua took the letter in her hand, "When my mother gave me this letter, I didn\'t read it until that day when I was going to hide them next to my mother\'s grave and let her take away this secret. Opened the letter.

I was moved, but after being moved, I loved my adoptive father and mother even more, so I wrapped up these three things and buried them.

I thought I would never take it out in my life, so I let this secret disappear slowly, but I didn\'t want to..."

Speaking of this, he smiled shyly, and instead of turning his head to look out the window, he sighed and said, "I still can\'t escape the bondage of family affection, and I can\'t be the god-man who can give up family affection."

"Yi Hua, the blood relationship is unbroken. From the moment your mother gave birth to you, her ten fingers are not only connected to her own heart, but also to yours."

The two words from his girlfriend made Zheng Yihua feel more mixed, and it also made him look forward to flying to the capital as soon as possible, rushing to Mrs. Shao\'s hospital bed and calling "Mom".