Cute baby coming: the dark president paranoid love

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Na Na pulled her lips, she had a naive look on her face, "Honey, I\'ll explain to you when I get home later, now I\'m eating, and I\'ll go back with you after eating."

There is no need for him to say anything, Ling Moxue has already seen the strong displeasure in his eyes, not to mention the clear aura on him, the sour smell of vinegar has already overwhelmed his good smell .

Mu Shaofeng saw Ling Moxue holding a bowl and kept picking up rice, and shook his head amusedly, "It turns out that President Gu\'s life is not strictly controlled by his wife, but by his husband. Moxue, you are so pitiful."

Ling Moxue\'s mouth was full of white rice. After hearing what he said, she couldn\'t help but raise her head, winked at her husband, and motioned for him to explain something, such as...

My wife is quite prestigious at home, and I listen to my wife very much. wxya

My wife is not pitiful, it is me who is pitiful.

Gu Mingxuan did understand the little wife\'s hint, so he slowly turned sideways and glanced at Mu Shaofeng lightly.

"Don\'t you know that she has always been very good? In front of me, she is a cute Persian cat. She likes to rely on me, obey me, let me pet, let me love."

Mu Shaofeng shrugged, "Really? I really haven\'t noticed that she has always looked like a woman in front of me."

"That means she doesn\'t like you. If this woman likes a man, the female man will become a gentle and cute little woman." Gu Mingxuan raised his eyebrows proudly.

"So, Ling Moxue also has a dual personality. President Gu, I now understand why when I saw your wife today, her face looked like a cat\'s face. It turns out that she is your Persian cat. Amazing! You draw The cat\'s face is quite level."

After Mu Shaofeng finished speaking, he raised a thumbs up to Gu Mingxuan, but the corners of his slender lips couldn\'t stop smiling, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that kind of ridicule.

But President Gu still looked arrogant and didn\'t want to explain.


Half of the rice in Ling Moxue\'s mouth spewed out, she swallowed hard, wiped her mouth, and widened her clear eyes, "Gu Mingxuan, how do you look like a cat?"

Gu Mingxuan\'s eyes froze, he stretched out his hand to wrap her shoulders, and pressed her small head to his chest.

Immediately afterwards, he skillfully pinched her nose and her cheeks again, his gestures were affectionate, his eyes were full of doting, falling into the eyes of others, it was really like he was playing with a cute little "cat".

"You\'re disobedient, let\'s see how I deal with you when I get home."

After pinching her face, he ruffled her hair.

Ling Moxue didn\'t know whether to laugh or cry, she pushed him away, and smiled embarrassedly at Mu Shaofeng, "Second Master, he\'s just joking around, but I actually have quite a status at home, and he always listens to me."

"Really? I didn\'t see it, Moxue, let me tell you, if you can\'t drive him out now, I won\'t let you go. I can\'t let him oppress you like this."

Mu Shaofeng put down his chopsticks, and put on a firm aura of wanting to snatch a woman from Gu Mingxuan.

Gu Mingxuan\'s handsome face sank, and he said displeasedly: "Hey, have you both drank too much?"

Ling Moxue immediately pointed at herself and shook her head, "No, no! I drank too much, but he didn\'t."

Looking at his wife\'s blushing face and the silly smile on that face, Gu Mingxuan concluded that she really drank a lot, and she was half sober and half confused right now.

It is true that the alcohol has already caused trouble in Ling Moxue\'s body, and her head started to feel a little dizzy. She didn\'t know that the alcohol content of today\'s red wine is a bit high.

"Honey, you go out, you go out!" Taking advantage of the strength of the wine, Ling Moxue really showed his wife\'s power, pointed at the door, and ordered Gu Mingxuan.

Gu Mingxuan stretched out his long arms, held her hand, and turned his head. He raised an eyebrow at Mu Shaofeng, and his deep voice was sweet and pleasant.

"Second Master, the relationship between me and Little Pancake cannot be diluted with a bottle of wine. You\'d better stop worrying about us, pack up your mood, and wait for your destined person."

After speaking, he got up and patted Mu Shaofeng on the shoulder lightly, "Eat slowly, come to my house as a guest when you have time, and let\'s have a drink together."

Mu Shaofeng smiled faintly, and shook his head. It seems that it is useless to want to see Ling Moxue the first snow this year.

"Husband, you go out." The woman who was getting confused was still holding Gu Mingxuan\'s hand.

Gu Mingxuan lifted her bag, bent down and picked her up, then lowered his head in front of Mu Shaofeng and gently bit the tip of her little nose, "I\'ll take you out now!"

Gu Mingxuan and his wife left, and Mu Shaofeng was not in the mood to continue eating.

Walking out of the box, he walked to the service desk, "Which VIPs do I know today?"

As soon as the waiter reported the number of the box, the manager on duty came over and said: "Mr. Gu probably was called by Manager Cao. When you came, Manager Cao just left. Manager Cao is the boss of a branch of TK Group. They say he is very Will kiss ass."

So that\'s the case, no wonder Gu Mingxuan found here.


In the Bentley, Ling Moxue fell asleep leaning against the back of the chair. There was heating in the car, and she covered her body with another layer of clothes. Her blushing face looked even more charming and charming.

Gu Mingxuan held the steering wheel in his hands, turning his head to look at her from time to time.

Although he knew that his wife would not betray their love, he also knew that Mu Shaofeng had never let go of her feelings for her, so after Manager Cao "tipped off the news" to him, he thought about it and rushed over.

To be honest, I still feel a little uncomfortable seeing my wife accepting Mu Shaofeng\'s feeding.

When the car arrived at the Gu family compound, there were already a few scattered snowflakes in the sky.

Opening the car door, he carefully lifted his wife out, and pulled the clothes up a little to cover her face, so as not to let the snow fall on her face.

"What\'s wrong with Xue\'er?" Walking into the living room, Chen Yilan hurried up to ask.

"Drink too much." Gu Mingxuan said lightly.

"Are you okay?"

"It\'s okay." Gu Mingxuan went upstairs with his wife in his arms.

Ling Qiyang was sitting on the sofa reading a book, and when he heard what his father said, he just looked at them, and then lowered his head.

Today, the heating was turned on at home, Ling Qiyue and Mi Rongxing were wearing thin clothes, sitting in the children\'s room playing with building blocks and playing house, Ling Qiyue hurried out when she heard a sound from the next door.

"Daddy, have you brought Mommy back?" Ling Qiyue asked hurriedly when she saw her father holding her mother.

"Well, she fell asleep."

"Oh, then I won\'t disturb her." Ling Qiyue opened the bedroom door for her father.

Gu Mingxuan put his wife on the bed, covered her with the quilt, then walked out and touched his daughter\'s head, "Where\'s your aunt?"

"She\'s sleeping upstairs too, Xing Xing and I are playing with building blocks."

"Okay, you play with him, and Daddy plays chess with Grandpa."

"Daddy!" Seeing that he was about to leave, Ling Qiyue took his hand again, "I want to go outside to watch the snow fall, can I go out?"

"Yes, but you have to put on a coat and wear it thicker." Gu Mingxuan walked into the children\'s room, helped her put on the coat, and put on a woolen hat and a scarf for her. After wrapping it tightly, she nodded in relief, " It\'s fine now."

Mi Rongxing also put on a padded jacket, and the two walked down the stairs hand in hand...

One said: "It\'s so hot, it\'s too hot to wear at home like this."

Another said: "Yeah, I\'m going to sweat, my dad never raised a child, he just doesn\'t understand."