Cute baby coming: the dark president paranoid love

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"Honey, wait a minute, get dressed before going out." Gu Mingxuan quickly hugged her.

Ling Moxue went over and opened the door, and saw Mi Rongxing leaning against the opposite wall, tears like broken pearls, crying so sadly, so pitifully.

"Xing\'er." Ling Moxue hugged him, wiping the tears on his face distressedly, "Don\'t cry, Xing\'er is a man."

She carried Mi Rongxing into the room, Gu Mingxuan frowned slightly, with a more serious expression, "Xing\'er, why are you crying so early in the morning?"

"Uncle, I dreamed about my dad. Dad left by plane. He said he didn\'t want me and let me stay with mom." Mi Rongxing sobbed.

After hearing this, Ling Qiyue looked at him sympathetically, "Brother Xing Xing, your father will not want you. My father said that no matter how bad or fat your child is, he will love it."

Um? Gu Mingxuan looked down at her, when did he say this?

But it makes sense.

Just as he was thinking, his daughter\'s little hand gently covered his face, telling him with her eyes——

Whatever your daughter says now, you have to support her.

Gu Mingxuan suppressed a smile, his black eyes were shining, and he nodded in cooperation with gentleness.

"Look, my dad nodded, so don\'t be sad." Ling Qiyue got off the bed after finishing speaking, and took Lamy Rongxing\'s hand, "You still have me in the future, I will treat you well .”

Mi Rongxing stopped crying, got off the ground, and walked out of the room hand in hand with Ling Qiyue...

This Saturday, everyone is not going to work, and Gu Haoran also came back. Because he learned about his sister, his mood was also much lower, and the atmosphere in the restaurant became more dull than usual.

After breakfast, Gu Xinyan was called upstairs by her father. Gu Haoran sat on the sofa and read the newspaper. After a while, Ling Qiyue leaned over, "Uncle, why don\'t you go to see Safely?"

Gu Haoran blinked, "safely... he can\'t be visited by anyone yet."


"Because he can beat and bite people, and he can\'t speak Mandarin, I asked the nanny to teach him more."

"Uncle, but I miss him."

Gu Haoran smiled at Ling Moxue who had just walked out of the restaurant, "Go and tell your mommy to let her have a younger brother or younger sister as soon as possible, so that you won\'t miss Safely."

Ling Qiyue ran over immediately, and was about to talk to her, when Ling Moxue shook her hand, took out the vibrating cell phone in her pocket, walked to the window to answer the call.

"Brother, I just finished breakfast, um...Okay, I\'ll go find him later, and I\'ll take him there, don\'t worry."

"Mummy, who are you looking for?" Ling Qiyue, who is nosy, asked immediately.

Ling Moxue replied casually: "You are Uncle Mu."tqR1

After the words fell, the daughter beside him ran away.

After a while, she pulled her father to her mother, and said old-fashionedly: "Daddy, you have to watch over your philandering wife, lest she go out to find that second master. I just have a cold, so I really don\'t have the strength to bother you. Too tired, my wife can take care of it herself."

Ling Moxue heard it funny, but before the laughter came out, her husband pinched the tip of her nose, "Tell me, Huaxin wife, is what my daughter said true?"

Ling Qiyue laughed and ran away.

"Don\'t make trouble!" Ling Moxue patted his hand off, shook the phone in her hand, and said seriously, "My brother called and said that Ling Mengyao has been arguing to see Mu Shaofeng, so I have to take him there today. one trip."

"Then I\'ll go. You\'re at home. It\'s cold outside. The weather forecast says there will be snow in the afternoon." So considerate and heartwarming.

But Ling Moxue didn\'t appreciate it. A wife couldn\'t see the smallness in his heart?

"Husband, thank you. I\'m going by car. Even if it snows now, it won\'t be cold to me. Don\'t worry."

"Hey, wife, the road is slippery when it snows, it\'s not easy to drive."

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll take Mu Shaofeng\'s car." Ling Moxue waved at him playfully.

On purpose? This playful wife.

Ling Moxue went upstairs to make preparations. She opened the closet and selected several winter clothes in it. After choosing and choosing, she didn\'t seem very satisfied.

President Gu, who was quietly leaning against the sliding door, squinted at her, the corners of his lips were tinged with vinegar...

Just when she thought she saw Mu Shaofeng about to dress up carefully, she suddenly saw his wife open another closet and took out an old blue long down jacket from it. This was bought in Paris and she had worn it for four or five years.

Facing the mirror, she took a look at herself, then put on her clothes, and simply tied the fallen hair into a ponytail with a dark rubber band.

This time, she looked simple and pure, without the noble and foreign air of a wealthy wife.

A smile flashed across Gu Mingxuan\'s eyes. In order not to let her find out, he quickly withdrew and sat on the sofa. After a while, he saw his wife walk into the dressing room.

He thought she knew how to put on makeup, but when she came out, he saw his young wife\'s fair face, she didn\'t even wear lipstick, and her eyes were clear and bright, which made people feel elegant and seductive.

Really not dressed up at all.

"Husband?" Ling Moxue smiled slightly when she came out and saw Gu Mingxuan, "Do you have any other activities today?"

"There will be activities later." Gu Mingxuan smiled ambiguously.

Standing up and walking to his little wife, he raised his eyebrows handsomely, then raised her chin and said, "You are my wife, how can you dress so casually to meet friends?"

He gently sucked her lips, slipped his fingers down, pinched the zipper of her clothes and slowly pulled it down...

"Hey, I like this dress." Ling Moxue wanted to stop him from moving, "Although it\'s a bit old, it\'s still easy to wear."

"It\'s not a little bit, but it\'s very old, isn\'t it?" Gu Mingxuan took it off for her domineeringly, "You\'re losing face to your husband when you go out like this, baby."

Throwing away the old clothes, he took her by the hand and came back to the wardrobe room, took a luxurious lavender fur coat from the hanger and compared it to her, "Just this one, it looks pretty good."

Ling Moxue smiled and nodded, and then Gu Mingxuan matched her pants and shoes.

"I\'ll put it on later." He pulled her to the dressing room, "Sit down first, my husband will do your makeup."

"Huh?" Ling Moxue couldn\'t compliment his makeup skills.

The last time I took wedding photos in London, Gu Mingxuan liked to sit next to her and watch the makeup artist do her makeup. I guess my hands were itchy, so I told him to do it the next day, but the makeup artist disliked him, saying that his hands are suitable for playing the piano. Writing with a pen is not suitable for eyebrow pencils.

But President Gu just refused to admit defeat, and later practiced thrush and broke two eyebrow pencils.

"Don\'t worry, my husband will definitely make you beautiful today." He was full of confidence.

Ling Moxue smiled sweetly, raised her face, "Okay, I believe you."

Gu Mingxuan imitated the techniques and procedures of a makeup artist, and sat on a chair seriously to put on makeup for his wife...

The two of them got close, Ling Moxue was surrounded by the clear breath on his body, and the hot air from his exhaled sprayed on his face from time to time, which disturbed Ling Moxue\'s pretty face to blush, and she was distracted.

The man\'s eyes rolled slightly, and he smiled slightly, "Shut down your nympho, don\'t stare at the handsome guy and want to act wild, my husband can\'t serve you right now."