Cute baby coming: the dark president paranoid love

Chatper 306

Mi Zhibo\'s face was pale, "My wife..."

"Hey!" Jiang Manli seemed unable to stand it any longer. She stepped forward and pushed Gu Xinyan viciously, "Gu Xinyan, who are you? Mi Zhibo is your husband, how can you treat him like this?"


Gu Xinyan waved her hand, and slapped Jiang Manli on the face with her backhand, "Bitch, do you still have the face to blame me?"

Jiang Manli covered her face and took a step back in panic.

Gu Xinyan turned around and approached her, her eyes burning with anger, "Who am I? Do you think you are the boss in his heart? I still have to call you sister?"

"not me……"

"Xinyan, don\'t make things difficult for her. It\'s none of her business. I really borrowed money from her to come here., Sir Lei invited me and her. We didn\'t intend to marry her. Meet."

Mi Zhibo was so flustered that he couldn\'t speak clearly.


Gu Xinyan made another backhand, and slapped Mi Zhibo on the nose. Immediately, blood spurted from his nostrils. Jiang Manli was so shocked that she covered her mouth and froze on the spot, not daring to move.

"Bastard Mi Zhibo, you still have to argue for her, I, Gu Xinyan, am really blind to marry you, a scumbag!"

After saying that, Gu Xinyan suddenly pulled out a black leather whip from her waist, and lashed towards Mi Zhibo...

"Bastard! I\'ll beat you to death!" She was furious, and lashed Mi Zhibo\'s neck with a whip. Suddenly, a red mark appeared.

Mi Zhibo couldn\'t dodge in time, and the second whip hit his back...

Jiang Manli clung to the wall with her eyes wide open, too panicked to even breathe out.

Miss Gu in front of her was like a female knight of ice and snow, with a heroic posture, the whip in her hand was flying, and the whip was whizzing in the cold wind, while Mi Zhibo was chased and beaten into corners like a distressed dog in the water.

Jiang Manli saw a whip hit Mi Zhibo\'s head again, she trembled all over, and blurted out: "Abo, run away!"

Mi Zhibo held his head, and rushed out the door...

Furious, Gu Xinyan turned around sharply, her red eyes stared at the stinky woman who was still leaning against the wall, and the corners of her lips curled coldly, "You, a viper, still know how to protect a lover?"


Jiang Manli\'s eyes lit up after being scolded, her fighting spirit was suddenly aroused, and instead she became less nervous. Facing the provocation, her fighting value soared.

With a flick of her hair, she puffed out her full chest, "Gu Xinyan! I\'m a poisonous snake, so what are you?"

"I\'m Fahai!"

"Hahaha... So you like to think of yourself as a monk. No wonder Mi Zhibo is tired of you. Look, how do you look like a woman from head to toe? Just this black suit makes men turn off."

After she finished speaking, she snorted coldly, shrugged her shoulders, and snorted at Gu Xinyan contemptuously.

Snapped! Suddenly, a light flashed in front of Jiang Manli\'s eyes, she was shocked and her eyes widened...

"Gu Xinyan, don\'t mess around!"

Gu Xinyan grabbed the whip tightly in her hand, "Snake spirit, today I will let you taste what a woman who is not a woman gives you!"

After saying that, Gu Xinyan didn\'t wait for Jiang Manli to react, she rushed over and grabbed her by the hair, and kicked her...

"Ah!" Jiang Manli knelt on the ground as soon as her legs gave way. Seeing that she was at a disadvantage, she was terrified and shouted, "Come here, come here!"

Clap! Gu Xinyan kicked her over, and the whip in her hand had already been whipped towards her.

Immediately, Jiang Manli felt a tingling pain on her back, but fortunately, through a thin cashmere sweater, the skin did not stop tearing.

She got up in a panic and ran out the door. Gu Xinyan grabbed her arm coldly, threw off the whip, and slapped her face twice with her arm.

Jiang Manli was beaten until her eyes were dazzled and she became dizzy.

In desperation, she cried, "Hey, stop! I have a baby in my stomach!"

She thought that Gu Xinyan would let her go, but she didn\'t expect that this sentence would make Gu Xinyan even more angry. Her eyes were bloodshot, and her aura was cold and domineering. She tightly grabbed Jiang Manli\'s hair, forcing her to raise her head to face her... …

"You think I\'ll be soft when you\'re pregnant with Mi Zhibo\'s child? I\'ll let you go?" She gritted her teeth and stared at Jiang Manli.

Jiang Manli\'s pretty face was contorted, eyes full of panic, "How do you know that my child belongs to Mi Zhibo?"

"Jiang Manli, do you still think I\'m an idiot? I stirred a pool of water twice, and you couldn\'t help but float up. You drove over at night to call him away, and drove him away during the day. You said you need a few for such a flirty day? A man waits on you? Huh?"

"you you……"

Jiang Manli really wanted to say, you, Gu Xinyan, are indeed quite an idiot. In order to force Ling Moxue to retreat, you actually came up with a plan to let your husband play Gu Mingxuan and have an ambiguous scene with you.

Only you, Gu Xinyan, can do this kind of thing!

Too much trust in her husband, too much trust in the so-called girlfriends.

"You want to say I\'m an idiot, don\'t you?" Gu Xinyan roared with regret.

Jiang Manli grabbed her wrist, tried to straighten herself up, and suddenly pulled her lips into a smile...

"Yes, I said you, Gu Xinyan, are an idiot. Your husband likes me and likes to have sex with me. It\'s entirely your indulgence. Without your go-between, maybe we wouldn\'t be so bold."

Her words made Gu Xinyan feel more pain than a slap on the face, the corners of her lips twitched, and the blood red in her eyes became more intense.

"You, Gu Xinyan, are an idiot among women. What kind of ability is it to use this brute force to deal with me who is pregnant? You have the guts to make your husband change his mind and give you his heart? You don\'t have the ability to catch me. Husband\'s heart, but he came to beat me and bully me, don\'t you think you are cowardly and cowardly?"

Snapped! Before she finished speaking, Gu Xinyan slapped her again.

"Yes, I\'m an idiot. I regarded you, Jiang Manli, as a good person. I didn\'t realize how filthy your heart is while your skin is smooth. I didn\'t realize that your face is covered with blood-sucking lice... …Are you satisfied? Are you happy now?"

Blood flowed from the corner of Jiang Manli\'s lips again, she stared at Gu Xinyan bitterly, "Do you know the consequences of beating me like this?"

"What else do you have to scare me? You want Mi Zhibo to deal with me? Hahaha..." Gu Xinyan sneered, "Didn\'t you see that he ran away in a panic?"

"I made him escape! Gu Xinyan, believe it or not, I will let Mi Zhibo abandon you and marry me tomorrow! Just be a crying and complaining woman! Don\'t think that a man abandons you It doesn\'t matter, you will always wear the hat of an abandoned woman on your head, even if you have money and find a man, you will still be a second marriage in the eyes of others!"

Second marriage... tqR1

It used to be a contemptuous title for her, Gu Xinyan.

Now that it is put on her head, it will definitely become her curse, a thorn in her heart.

Sure enough, Jiang Manli managed to see the flash of pain in Gu Xinyan\'s eyes. Gu Xinyan\'s face was slightly distorted, pain, anger, sadness, remorse, collapse... almost all of them.

Taking advantage of her emotional entanglement and inner pain, Jiang Manli pushed her away and slapped her with her hands, "Idiot!"

Gu Xinyan was startled and came back to her senses.

Just as she was about to make a move, she suddenly saw a slender figure barging in from the door, grabbing Jiang Manli\'s hair with such strength that Gu Xinyan was dumbfounded.

Regardless of the pain in her scalp, Jiang Manli turned her head vigorously, and saw a pretty and glamorous face——

Ling Moxue?