Cute baby coming: the dark president paranoid love

Chatper 277

At this moment, Gu Xinyan was holding her son, feeling pain and discomfort in her heart.

"Mom, don\'t be sad, as long as you and Dad are doing well in the future, I will be happy." Mi Rongxing took Gu Xinyan\'s hand, "Let\'s go, my aunt is waiting for you outside, and said to take you out to play."

Gu Xinyan thought it would be good to go out to relax, so she followed her son out of the villa.

Ling Moxue had already opened the car door, and looked at Gu Xinyan with a smile, "Let\'s go? Go to Xu Zhihui\'s house, Hao Youjia is also here."

Hearing Hao Youjia\'s name, the corners of Gu Xinyan\'s lips twitched. She still hadn\'t forgotten the last time on the street, that little nurse was more vicious than Ling Moxue when she held up her bag.

"Hey, sister, you don\'t want to go?" Ling Moxue snickered.

"Just go, there\'s nothing embarrassing about it." Gu Xinyan pulled her son into the back seat.

Xu Zhihui didn\'t expect Gu Xinyan to come, after being stunned, she immediately entertained her warmly.

Hao Youjia blushed slightly, and soon she regained her composure, took a grape and threw it into her mouth, giggling, "Miss Gu, I didn\'t think we would have the opportunity to eat fruit and chat face to face, I\'ve always I thought you were going to take revenge on me."

Gu Xinyan snorted, and her mouth was also sharp, "Will I care about you, a little nurse? If I retaliate against you, wouldn\'t it appear that Miss Gu is too petty? Don\'t forget, I am Gu Jincheng\'s daughter. Can bend and stretch."

"Hahaha..." Ling Moxue and Xu Zhihui laughed and fell together.

"Moxue, Miss Gu has a big heart. If I had known this, you and You Jia would have hit her hard twice." Xu Zhihui began to tease. wxya

Ling Moxue nodded, "Yes, anyway, in her eyes, my girlfriend is also a shrew."

"Let\'s talk about it?" Gu Xinyan pretended to be angry, got up and picked up the pillow and threw it at them, "The smell is similar."

Ling Qiyue had no interest at all in seeing the adults making noise, so she dragged Mi Rongxing up the stairs, saying that she would take him to see big brother Xu Zihan.

Xu Zihan was doing his homework, when he heard the sound of the door being pushed, he turned his head and smiled, "Sauerkraut, are you here to see brother?"

"Yes, brother Zihan, how are you doing with your studies?" Little Pickle asked concerned.

Xu Zihan made a "victory" gesture, and then asked her, "Have you mastered addition and subtraction within twenty?"

"..." Little Suancai blinked her eyes, "Brother Zihan, I finally came to see you, can you not mention arithmetic?"

"Hehe, from this point of view, you definitely can\'t." He smiled and turned his eyes to Mi Rongxing, "Hello, you look older than her, you can do arithmetic problems, right?"

Mi Rongxing felt his head was getting bigger, his eyes scanned the "mountain" of books on his desk, and shook his head, "No."

After finishing speaking, he took Little Pickled Cabbage\'s hand, "Little Princess, let\'s go, it\'s too boring to be with nerds, they just read and do arithmetic."

"Yes." Little Pickled Cabbage nodded, walked outside the door, she lowered her voice and said, "But you didn\'t realize he was handsome?"

"Am I as handsome? I think I\'m more handsome than him."

"He studies well, but my godmother said he is a top student."

"Study well... even if you study well, you won\'t be able to act in movies."

"Huh?" Ling Qiyue didn\'t understand, and looked at him curiously, "Who told you?"

Mi Rongxing replied very seriously: "My father, my mother always said that I was stupid, and my father said that I would be an actor in the future and go to an acting school. He said that I only need to get a score of 250 at that time."

"Acting is only two hundred and five?"

"Well, my dad said it."

"Then you will study for two hundred and five from now on?"

"Yeah, I\'m only two hundred and fifty."

Ling Qiyue\'s eyes lit up, and an excited smile appeared on her face, but a few seconds later, she was in a daze...

How much is two hundred and five?

When the two went downstairs, they suddenly found that Ling Moxue was gone.

"Auntie, where\'s my mommy?" Ling Qiyue asked hastily.

Seeing them coming down, Gu Xinyan got up to bid farewell to Xu Zhihui and Hao Youjia, then took Ling Qiyue\'s hand and said, "Your mommy was picked up by your uncle, who said she was going to your aunt\'s house."

"Which aunt?"

"Ling Mengyao."


Ling Mengyao called Ling Jingchen because she couldn\'t get through to Ling Moxue. She said that Ling Moxue lied to her today, and if she couldn\'t see Mu Erye tonight, she would die.

Fearing that she would lose control of her emotions, Ling Jingchen quickly found Ling Moxue and took her to Longhai Villa in a hurry.

After ringing the doorbell, it was Zhao Qin who walked out and opened the door.

Her face was ugly, her eyes glanced at Ling Jingchen\'s face lightly, and when she fell on Ling Moxue\'s body, she became bone-chillingly cold.

"Smelly shameless, you are not reconciled to seeing my daughter not abort the child several times and not go completely crazy, are you?" She said viciously, "You deliberately lied to her and angered her, right?"

"Zhao Qin, don\'t open your mouth and spit on people. If you still want to be a good mother, you should do good deeds for your daughter, eat fast and recite Buddha\'s name." Ling Moxue said sharply.

"I still need you to teach me a lesson?" Under the dim streetlight, Zhao Qin looked at Ling Moxue, Yao Yizhen sneered on her body in a daze, suddenly excited, raised her hand and waved at Ling Moxue, "I\'ll beat you to death!" woman!"

Snapped! Ling Moxue\'s hands are faster than hers, but what she uses is not the palm of her hand, but the bag in her hand!

Zhao Qin was hit on the head, her eyes widened fiercely, and she rushed towards her again, this time Ling Jingchen strangled her hand forcefully.

With the other hand, he pulled Ling Moxue and blocked her behind him.

"Aunt Zhao, are you crazy too? Xue\'er came to visit Mengyao with good intentions. How often did she not care about it? Don\'t treat a gentleman\'s belly with a villain\'s heart!"

Ling Jingchen\'s tone was heavy, and his handsome face was cold. Obviously, Zhao Qin\'s unreasonable information made him very angry.

Zhao Qin glared at him angrily, "Jing Chen, don\'t forget, the one who is really related to you by blood is Mengyao, not her illegitimate daughter!"

"Aunt Zhao, in my heart, Xue\'er is my real sister, don\'t make trouble for nothing, otherwise, I can let you and Mengyao leave me alone!"

When Zhao Qin heard this, her face turned blue with anger, she stepped back, and shook her head in disappointment...

"I understand now. Now that you see this adopted daughter is rich, you just want to rely on her, and then you can\'t wait to leave your own sister behind, right?"

Ling Jingchen turned down his face and ignored her, and turned back, he pulled Ling Moxue to leave.

"Ling Jingchen!"

Zhao Qin yelled angrily, her voice was so loud that it pierced the night sky——

"Let me tell you, if Yaoyao\'s health is getting worse and worse, and there will be troubles in the future, let me see how you explain to your father! The last sentence in his suicide note is to hope that you two will treat Yaoyao kindly, have you forgotten?"

The latter sentence was like a heavy hammer falling on the backs of Ling Jingchen and Ling Moxue...

The two stopped and looked at each other. That\'s right, there was such a sentence in the father\'s suicide note, but neither of them thought that Zhao Qin would use this to "hold" them.

In fact, even if his father didn\'t say anything, they would still lend a helping hand to Ling Mengyao for his father\'s sake.

And when his father wrote this suicide note, he probably guessed that he would die soon, and after he left, he was most worried about Ling Mengyao.

"What are you arguing about? What are you arguing about?" At this moment, Ling Mengyao came out, holding a big cloth bear in her arms.