Cute baby coming: the dark president paranoid love

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"Guopuo, why are you making such a loud noise? I\'m so frightened that I have a fever, let\'s see how grandma beats you!" Little Suancai pushed him sadly.

Ling Qiyang stared at her dark eyes, bent down to pick up the fruit knife, and looked at her displeasedly, "Is it from my mother\'s bag?"

"Yes." She pouted.

"Why do you take the things in the adult\'s bag casually? Even if you want to take it, you have to tell Mommy." Ling Qiyang criticized seriously.

After hearing this, Ling Qiyue knew she was wrong, lowered her head, and said in a low voice, "I will correct it next time."

"You are not allowed to play with knives in the future, do you hear me?"

"Understood." The little sauerkraut was about to burst into tears.

Mi Rongxing quickly took her hand and put an apple in her hand, "Let\'s go, let\'s ignore Ba Ge, I will love you."

"Yeah." Ling Qiyue nodded, her voice was very nasal.

The two walked out of the hotel. Ling Qiyang packed the knife and put it in his schoolbag. He came out and waved to them, "Let\'s go, go to Daddy\'s company, Mommy is waiting for us to eat."

...... tqR1

A few minutes after they left, Gu Xinyan came out with her handbag. She got into the car and just buckled up her seat belt when Mi Zhibo chased her out and opened the passenger door.

"I\'ll go with you."

Gu Xinyan stared at him sarcastically, "I\'m afraid they will slip up, so you can\'t justify yourself?"

Mi Zhibo shook his head, with a bitter expression on his face, "Honey, I\'m just afraid that you\'ll go there and make a fuss, and besides, I\'ll accompany you, wouldn\'t it be okay to confront you in person?"

"Up to you." Gu Xinyan ignited the engine.

The red BMW drove into the driveway, and Gu Xinyan, who was concentrating on driving, did not notice a small black car following behind her car.

Just now, the car was parked outside the hotel. The woman inside was wearing sunglasses, with retro curly black hair hanging down one side, and a sneer on the corner of her bright red lips.

Yesterday, Mi Zhibo called her and said: "Lili, we can\'t see each other again in the future. My wife has already suspected that I am raising a lover outside and lost her temper with me. You should go to the villa to clean up."

"So, you want to abandon me?" She sneered.

"You can\'t say that, it\'s just that after a while, when the rumors she is angry, please understand."

"But I really want to see you, what should I do?"

"No, we will never meet each other years ago!"

He hung up after he finished speaking, and Jiang Manli didn\'t call again. Anyway, her aunt who was supposed to come didn\'t come these two days. She prayed that when she went to the hospital for an examination in a few days, a surprise would land on her head...

And when she came here today, she just wanted to see Mi Zhibo, to see whether he was in a state of embarrassment under the "teaching" of her wife, and whether he was in a mess.

Just now, she saw that this tall and handsome man seemed to be a lot shorter than before, and he couldn\'t walk straight anymore. Although he was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, his scenery was greatly reduced, and his face was gloomy.

It seems that in his heart, only Gu Xinyan is in his eyes!

Gu Xinyan was unhappy, so naturally he couldn\'t be happy either.

What a coward! Except for Gu Xinyan, are all other women dead in this world?

Biting her lip, Jiang Manli endured the resentment in her heart, saw Gu Xinyan start the car, and followed.

Gu Xinyan drove all the way to the Rose Garden, only to find that a black Maserati following behind turned to another road, which seemed to be a resident here.

Slowly driving to the No. 35 villa mentioned by Mi Zhibo, Gu Xinyan stopped the car, Mi Zhibo went down first, and after ringing the doorbell, a gorgeously dressed woman came out and opened the door.

"Hello, Mrs. Mi." Manager Yao\'s Xiaomi greeted first with a smile.

Gu Xinyan looked at her lightly, yes, she is the woman who has been to the hot spring.

Manager Yao also came out, took their husband and wife into the villa, and said enthusiastically: "I knew you were coming, so I asked a restaurant to deliver food and drinks, come here...Miss Gu, please sit down, we are with your family It can\'t be compared, it will be the same."

Gu Xinyan glanced lightly at the luxuriously decorated space, and smiled, "Manager Yao is really rich, this is the place where rich people live, I heard that the villa here costs 12 million at least, let alone The money for the renovation."

Manager Yao looked embarrassed, avoiding her gaze, and said while pulling the chair: "The mortgage, the mortgage, the repayment is 30 years, so I have to be frugal at ordinary times."

"Oh, how much is the down payment for Manager Yao?" Gu Xinyan smiled at the corner of her lips, staring at him inexplicably.

"A down payment?" Manager Yao paused, glanced at Mi Zhibo in panic, and stammered, "I didn\'t have any money at the time, and I borrowed it from...a few good friends. Zhibo knew about it at the time. I paid, more than two million."

So tired, Manager Yao felt his legs were shaking.

When Miss Gu is staring at you, her suppressed aura expands invisible, and you don\'t dare to raise your head even a bit.

Gu Xinyan glanced at Mi Zhibo indiscriminately, and said "oh".

Jier, she glanced at the tall and charming woman again, and spoke with a touch of sarcasm——

"Manager Yao, you have a good eye. This lover is even more beautiful and sexy than the last time. No wonder you want to buy such a big house to raise her. Tsk tsk... look at this beauty, this figure, even a small house can\'t bear it." If her beauty, this spring is revealed, how many men will drool."

When the woman heard the words, her face turned red, she was so embarrassed that she didn\'t know where to put her hands, she turned sideways, and looked at Mi Zhibo with a twisted face.

Mi Zhibo\'s heart trembled, and even when he was standing, he felt needles piercing through the soles of his shoes, piercing the soles of his feet with all his might.

He never felt that his wife was eloquent, let alone that she had much wisdom. Since he met her, she had been so careless and reckless in front of him, and it was inevitable that she would be so spoiled and willful as a rich daughter.

Some time ago, watching her fight with Ling Moxue, she seemed to be quite formidable, but she was defeated again and again.

But now, she seems to have improved a little bit. Not only can she speak with guns and sticks, she can speak in a smooth manner, and she doesn\'t use a single dirty word when she scolds you.

After hearing this, Manager Yao didn\'t dare to put his face down, and had to compliment her with a smile, "Where is it, Miss Gu is joking, she is just the daughter of a distant relative of mine, and she came here to look for a job."

"Really?" Gu Xinyan smiled, "Why didn\'t I hear Mrs. Yao mention it? By the way, Manager Yao, your house in Lingjiangyuan is quite big. Why did you buy such an expensive villa for me? Do your relatives live?"

"This..." Manager Yao couldn\'t hold it any longer, and a faint sweat began to form on his forehead.

Gu Xinyan pressed her step by step, smiling, "Haha, I know if you don\'t tell me, you are too rich... Let me just say, the employees of this financial company are rich, too rich, The Jiang family is rich and powerful."

Manager Yao wiped his forehead and gave Mi Zhibo a sad look.

Mi Zhibo winked at him, hoping that he would help him resist.

"Miss Gu, let\'s have dinner." We could only change the subject, Manager Yao pointed to the open restaurant.

Gu Xinyan smiled lightly, walked over and took a careful look at the small family bar, and saw a lot of high-end wine in the cabinet, her mouth was "tsk tsk" again.

"By the way, everyone knows that this house can be bought with a loan. So many high-end wines, so you can buy it with a loan, Manager Yao?"

Bang! As soon as she finished speaking, Manager Yao accidentally knocked over a glass on the table.