Cute baby coming: the dark president paranoid love

Chatper 259

Lightly closing his eyes, Ling Jingchen asked himself: Is my decision wrong or right?

His mind was a little confused, he rubbed his forehead, and walked slowly towards the stairs...

"Brother Chen." Suddenly, a slightly hoarse call sounded from somewhere.

Ling Jingchen raised his head, looked for the direction of the sound source, and turned around, only to see a weak figure leaning against the wall at the corner.

She was wearing a white nightgown, Qi Er\'s hair was messy, her face was pale, and her eyes were full of tears.

Under the nightgown, she was barefoot, the skin on the back of her feet was so thin and white that blue blood vessels were reflected. wxya

At this time, Bai Lu looked so thin and delicate, like a white rose that had been damaged by wind and rain, without the vitality of the past, shed its pink and bright colors, and was so weak that it was about to wilt.

Inexplicably, a trace of distress spread in Ling Jingchen\'s heart.

He couldn\'t help walking over, looking at her thinner face wrapped in black hair, "Xiaolu..."

She didn\'t move, just stared at him with watery eyes.

He reached out and lifted a strand of black hair that fell on her face, staring into her eyes, the black pupils shrank.

"I\'m sorry, Brother Chen shouldn\'t have lost his temper with you before."

Bai Lu pursed her mouth, didn\'t turn her head, and pushed his hand away.

"You really want to make up with her, right?" she asked weakly.

Ling Jingchen was slightly startled...

She was in the study just now, and she heard the conversation with Bai Shangfeng?

"Xiao Lu, she is Brother Chen\'s girlfriend, and now she is working in N City. She is unaccompanied, so I can\'t leave her behind."

Can\'t leave her behind?

Is this sympathy?

Bai Lu turned her head slowly, two lines of tears fell down, "Brother Chen, I didn\'t kill her."

"Well, I believe it." He took out a tissue to wipe her tears.

But just as he stretched out his hand, after thinking about it, he stuffed the tissue into Bai Lu\'s hand again, "You have a good rest, I\'m leaving."

He turned around, and in the next second, his waist was hugged by a pair of weak arms.

"Brother Chen!"

A tearful face was stuck to his back, even through his clothes, he could still feel a little hot.

Raising his hand slowly, Ling Jingchen gently broke her fingers, and what Bai Shangfeng said just now echoed in his ears——

"Emotional matters must not be sloppy. If you don\'t like Xiaolu, then don\'t give her hope!"

With a ruthless heart, he forcefully broke her hand away, and strode towards the stairs...

Looking at Ling Jingchen\'s desperate back, Bai Lu burst into grief and despair, she chased after two steps, her feet gave way and fell to the ground, crying——

"Brother Chen, don\'t love her, don\'t love her."

Bai Shangfeng stood at the door of the study, watching Ling Jingchen walk down with a complicated expression...

Immediately, Gu Mingxuan followed out, and someone came up from downstairs, one big and one small, and the big one hurried to help Bai Lu who was lying on the ground.

"Daughter, don\'t do this. It\'s okay if he doesn\'t like you. Love can\'t be forced. Be obedient."

Xia Yanni choked up, and Bai Lu leaned in her arms, tears kept falling, "Mom, he doesn\'t need to like me, but I don\'t want him to be nice to that woman either. That woman has a vicious heart and will hurt him."

The little sauerkraut who stopped two meters away frowned after hearing this, and turned her head, she glanced at Bai Shangfeng who was still standing at the door of the study...

Taking a breath, she suddenly turned her head and said to Xia Yanni: "Grandma, take Auntie back to sleep, I will help Auntie."

After she finished speaking, she walked away "Xiong Jiujiu", walked up to Bai Shangfeng, raised her face, and looked at him from a 70-degree perspective, "Can I talk to you? Grandpa."

"Yes, come in." Bai Shangfeng entered the study.

He had heard long ago that Ling Moxue\'s son and daughter were clever and clever, and Gu Jincheng liked them very much. Moreover, their parents recognized each other and were reunited, which played a great role in promoting the children.

Now it can be counted as having met two or three times. Although we haven\'t stayed together for a long time, we can see how clever these two children are.

Sitting on the sofa, Ling Qiyue moved her buttocks to get closer to Bai Shangfeng.

"Grandpa, do you like my uncle?" She began to ask.

Bai Shangfeng smiled, "I like it."

"My uncle has no parents now. He is very pitiful. Do you know what it\'s like for a child to have no parents?" Little Pickled Cabbage asked very seriously.

Bai Shangfeng looked at her and had to correct his posture.

It seems that when the little guy saw Ling Jingchen hurried downstairs, he probably saw that his face was not good and he was in a bad mood, so he guessed that he had made things difficult for him.

"Well... I think, if a child has no parents, it means that no one cares about him, and he can\'t tell his relatives about the pain in his heart. It\'s really a bit pitiful." Bai Shangfeng nodded.

"Grandpa is smart." Little Pickled Cabbage leaned over and patted his leg lightly.

Bai Shangfeng wanted to laugh, and pursed his lips, "What do you want to say to Grandpa?"

"Half of what I want to say has already been said, Grandpa, don\'t you understand?" She stared at him with twinkling eyes, as if praising him in vain.

Bai Shangfeng fixed his black eyes, stared at her seriously, and asked tentatively: "You mean, your uncle is pitiful, and then you mean... I can\'t scold him?"

"That\'s right, I said grandpa is smart." Little Pickled Cabbage clapped his palms.

"Ahem..." Bai Shangfeng twitched the corners of his lips, feeling a little uncomfortable suddenly.

This person who is a grandfather has to make a child blush with praise?

"Well, I said sauerkraut, but grandpa didn\'t scold him." He smiled.

"Thank you grandpa for not scolding him, but if he dares to bully my aunt, you can still scold grandpa, but don\'t beat him."

"Grandpa won\'t."

"Thank you, Grandpa."

Cough cough... Bai Shangfeng wiped his face, he can\'t do it, this little guy just came here to warn him not to scold or beat her uncle.

It seems that this uncle helped Ling Moxue bring them up, and he really gained something, and his heart ached for her.

At a young age, she still knows how to be grateful and protect her uncle.

Suddenly, Bai Shangfeng fell in love with little sauerkraut even more. He lowered his posture, softened his face, and asked with a smile, "Baby, what else do you want to say?"

"Grandpa, I also want to say that you agree with my aunt to pursue my uncle." She said loudly.

Bai Shangfeng was taken aback, "You also know about this?"

"Well, when my uncle didn\'t come back in Paris, my aunt\'s eyes lit up when she saw his photo. She also asked me for my uncle\'s QQ number. She also said that she wanted to be his wife. At that time, my uncle hadn\'t Wife, because he is too poor, no one wants to marry him."

Little pickled cabbage is articulate and speaks in an orderly manner.

Bai Shangfeng listened intently and blinked, "But doesn\'t your uncle have Sima Qinghui?"

"Grandpa, I shouldn\'t have cared about this, because I\'ve cared too much, and my mind is always thinking about the love of these children. Maybe I won\'t lose weight."

Speaking of this, Ling Qiyue lowered her head and looked sadly at her chubby white hands, the backs of which were white and tender like steamed buns.

"Hehe..." Bai Shangfeng couldn\'t help laughing, and patted her head, "It\'s okay, you are baby fat, you will lose weight, and you will definitely look as beautiful as your mother."

"Really?" Little Pickled Cabbage\'s eyes were shining, and her pretty face was shining brightly, very pretty.