Cute baby coming: the dark president paranoid love

Chatper 216

"Ah... Gu Mingxuan, why are you here again?" Ling Moxue panted, her pretty face flushed again.

This guy made trouble until midnight last night, and he played all the tricks he wanted, tossing her back sorely, and she fell asleep until now.

Well, now that he has recovered a little energy, he pounces on him like a hungry wolf again.

"Didn\'t you say you have to persist in exercising? Wife, husband has plenty of strength." He got busy and was very excited.

Ling Moxue was angry and loving at the same time, she held up his face, "Gu Mingxuan, you are so shameless!"

But he smiled more beautifully than flowers, and stared at her face, "I know you\'re not satisfied enough, so let\'s do it again."

"Ah! Who said I\'m not satisfied, enough...enough!"

This time, no matter how she yelled, no one could hear her. There were only the husband and wife in the whole villa, and this man could do whatever he wanted.


Two hours later, it was ten o\'clock in the morning.

After washing and dressing neatly, one is lazily lying on the dining table, and the other is busy in front of the glazed table.

Ling Moxue looked at her husband\'s handsome appearance, with slightly curved lips, and felt that her stomach was not as hungry as before.

The man cooking Western food in front of the stove was wearing a white heart-shaped wool sweater, black trousers, and black hair hanging down casually. He looked serious, not to mention handsome.

After finishing, he brought the plate in front of his wife, lowered his head tenderly and kissed her face, "Hurry up and eat your husband\'s loving breakfast."

There is indeed love. The poached eggs are burnt on the outside and tender on the inside, and the toast is golden and crispy. Served with sausages, bacon, and cream pastries made by himself, it is really tempting.

Ling Moxue had a big appetite, and she finished the whole plate of breakfast he made, wiped her mouth, she smiled, "Husband, you are awesome!"

Gu Mingxuan turned his head and winked at her ambiguously, "The bed is also great, isn\'t it?"

Ling Moxue blushed, and immediately lowered her head...Can\'t she speak seriously?

"Hehe... Wife, we are legally married now, you don\'t need to be shy," he leaned closer and stared at her pretty red face, "If you are not satisfied, you must tell me, my husband has plenty of strength."

Ling Moxue smelled his breath, and her heart skipped a beat. This man\'s eyes are not only charming, but his words are also very provocative. She is obviously satisfied, but staring at his face still makes her heart itch...

Is this because of loving him too much, so the body also has a kind of dependence on him?

She opened her mouth and swallowed unconsciously.

Gu Mingxuan\'s thin lips gradually curved upwards. From her eyes, he seemed to understand something. He gently clasped her head with his palm from behind her, brought his upper lip together, and gently kissed her mouth...

"Hmm!" Her lips pressed together, and Ling Moxue realized that she had been infatuated with him just now.

After a wolf kiss, Gu Mingxuan let go of her mouth, and whispered in her ear: "There are still some things to do in the company today, I will come back to accompany you when I finish, you wait for me at home, my husband will continue to work hard of."

What she said made Ling Moxue blush and her ears became irritable, she pushed him away, panting slightly: "Go away, who wants you to exercise."

"Hahaha...women love duplicity and pretend to forget what they just said."

Uh! Ling Moxue was speechless, and felt that what she said in the morning had dug a hole for herself, and this hole would never be filled in her life.


Gu Mingxuan really went to the company after breakfast, while she packed her luggage at home and prepared to go to England tomorrow.

Last night, Chen Yilan took the two children to the Gu\'s compound in order to let their husband and wife have a happy night, and Ling Moxue also felt relieved.

Because the home in London has everything, Gu Mingxuan told her to bring a few clothes, so Ling Moxue tidied it up in more than ten minutes.

Just about to sit down and take a good look at the computer, the phone rang again.

It was Xiaocan who called. She said that Ling Mengyao was crying and vomiting at home, and didn\'t eat. She looked very haggard, and she wouldn\'t let her find Zhao Qin.

Ling Moxue said indifferently: "Her mother doesn\'t even want it, so why do you want me?"

"She just wanted to see you, Miss Moxue, why don\'t you come?" Xiaocan said in a pleading tone.

Ling Moxue immediately refused, "No, I don\'t want to see her."

There is a gap in her heart, and she won\'t be able to feel comfortable when she meets again. She doesn\'t want Ling Mengyao to ruin her good mood.

"Miss Moxue, she...she\'s not in a normal mood right now, she\'ll beat herself in the stomach, that child belongs to the second master."

It seemed that Xiaocan couldn\'t deal with it anymore, but Zhao Qin didn\'t care and asked her to find Ling Moxue. She had to ask Ling Moxue for help.

Speaking of the second master, Ling Moxue\'s eyes immediately appeared that he was fond of laughing, charming, and foolish.

For Mu Shaofeng, she felt both ashamed and unspeakably grateful. He made her and Gu Mingxuan complete, and returned 100 million yuan to Gu Mingxuan\'s account...

It is said that when he agreed to Ling Mengyao\'s re-entry into Longhai Villa, it was because he agreed to Zhao Qin\'s exchange terms, allowing her to take Ling Zhongxiao home to fulfill Ling Moxue\'s wish.

For her, he did things against his will again and again, torturing himself...

Ling Moxue will always remember this love.

"Okay, I\'ll come over." She promised Xiaocan.

More than half an hour later, Ling Moxue appeared in Longhai Villa.

Ling Mengyao was wearing a loose maternity dress, with disheveled hair, looking at her with a half-smile, her eyes were cloudy and cold, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

Ling Moxue stared at her indifferently, then calmly walked to the sofa and sat down.

Xiaocan brewed a cup of tea, but she didn\'t drink it, and said softly, "Sit down with Ling Mengyao."

Xiaocan took Ling Mengyao\'s arm to make her sit down, then picked up an apple from the tea table and handed it to her, "Eat some."

Ling Mengyao took the apple and grinned, then lifted it up and threw it on the stairs, "I won\'t eat it."

Ling Moxue was startled when she saw this, "Ling Mengyao, what\'s your attitude? You can put it back if you don\'t want to eat it, what are you throwing away?"

"I do not want to eat."

"If you don\'t want to eat, put it away!"

"Why are you attacking me? Did you come here not to comfort me, but to scold me?" She looked at Ling Moxue with a sneer on her lips, "It\'s amazing to be the eldest mistress of the Gu family?"

Ling Moxue gave her a white look, but did not reply.

Ling Mengyao laughed again, "You are really capable. You abducted Gu Mingxuan, but drove away my husband."

"Ling Mengyao, don\'t talk nonsense, when did Mu Shaofeng become your husband? How could I drive him away?" Ling Moxue had to refute.

"You don\'t know, do you? He came back by plane last night, but left inexplicably. What do you think he is doing?"

Ling Moxue was startled, Mu Shaofeng is back?

However, she called him yesterday, and he was always turned off.

Now that you\'re back, why don\'t you see each other and have a glass of wine?

"Ling Moxue, you broke his heart. He loves you, doesn\'t he?" Ling Mengyao looked at her coldly, and spoke in a strange way, "He must be heartbroken to see you becoming Gu Mingxuan\'s wife."tqR1

Ling Moxue\'s mind was turbulent, her eyes were fixed and she didn\'t speak.

Ling Mengyao snorted again in a low voice: "He dumped him after you lost his mind, it\'s evil."