Cute baby coming: the dark president paranoid love

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Hearing this, Chu Lei\'s eyes narrowed, his chest trembled slightly...

Apparently, he didn\'t expect this big and three-faced bully to like that female slave so much, but why would he drag her to die together?

"In this way, you are also a ruthless person. If you are going to die, will you drag your so-called woman to die with you?" Chu Lei sneered.

The bully raised his head, "It\'s better for me to die with her than to be a slave under the hands of a ruthless person like you!"

"All right, wait, I\'ll have someone call her." Before the lord could speak again, the housekeeper couldn\'t help it.

What is a troublesome woman doing in the Lord\'s mansion?

Good morning!

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Chu Lei, and seeing that Chu Lei didn\'t say a word, he knew that he agreed, so he asked a guard to bring Bara back to the Duke\'s mansion.


Gu Xinyan was confused. As a woman, her first thought was not that Bara wanted to steal her beloved man, but that Bara was still a young girl, a poor girl.

She has the right to like boys, understandable.

Although she was angry that she wanted to pester Zheng Yihua, but fortunately, Zheng Yihua was a responsible man, and he was loyal to her Gu Xinyan, which made her gratified.

Therefore, women who have love tend to be compassionate.

"What do you want to do again?" Chu Lei looked at her impatiently, then at Zheng Yihua.

Zheng Yihua stretched out her hand, as if she was afraid that he would rush to the woman she loves, and pulled Gu Xinyan to her side.

Gu Xinyan nodded at him, faced Chu Lei and said seriously: "It\'s not a pity for this villain to die, but you can\'t implicate an innocent girl, uncle, don\'t agree with his decision, I don\'t want to watch that girl die."

After listening to his words, the butler pouted.

The corners of Chu Lei\'s lips twitched, "She wants your man, and you still want to speak for her?"

"One size is one size. I am now looking at the problem from the perspective of respecting life and pleading for her."

", you." Chu Lei gave her a resentful look, and then asked Zheng Yihua, "What\'s your opinion?"

Zheng Yihua said frankly: "I support and agree with my lover\'s opinion!"

Chu Lei\'s cheeks twitched, and he muttered, "There really is a father for every kind of mother."

"Uncle, what did you say?" Gu Xinyan didn\'t hear clearly, "Did you agree?"

Chu Lei straightened his chest, "We\'ll talk about it when she comes."

After more than ten minutes, the guard came running alone, and he reported out of breath: "My lord, that slave girl is clinging to Princess Tinker Bell tightly, no matter how I pull her, she won\'t let go, and she is still crying. "

Chu Lei\'s face changed suddenly, "Isn\'t she looking for death? Who asked her to hug my granddaughter?"

"My lord, it\'s... the little princess took the initiative to let her hug her."

Chu Lei stroked his forehead, this kind little guy!

After hearing this, the bully stomped his feet angrily, "Albert, do you want to let my woman go?"

"Fuck you!" Chu Lei was annoyed, and he pulled out his pistol with a bang, and a bullet flew past his ear, "If you are not afraid of death, you commit suicide! I don\'t want to dirty my hands! If you are afraid of death, immediately Run into the sea for me! Escape for your own life!"

As soon as he finished speaking, those bullies immediately ran into the sea and swam forward...

Dead and alive, resign to fate!

The bully sees that Chu Lei has made up his mind, and if he wants to go back to Bara, there is no hope of going back with a broken hand.

Gritting his teeth, he snatched the pistol from the guard beside him and yelled at Chu Lei: "If I can\'t get the love of a woman, I might as well die!"

Boom! He resolutely shot himself in the head...

Seeing his heavy body fell to the ground, Gu Xinyan\'s heart was shocked, she turned sideways, and hugged Zheng Yihua.

For some reason, she was still crying.

Chu Lei stood quietly, and the beach was also quiet. No one spoke, only the sound of the waves——

After an unknown amount of time, Chu Lei said in a low voice, "Find a place to bury him."


Back at the Duke\'s Mansion, Zheng Yihua and Gu Xinyan didn\'t immediately go back to their room to sleep. After taking a bath, they went to the back garden and sat on the original stone bench.

Gu Xinyan kept silent, resting her head on Zheng Yihua\'s shoulder, full of thoughts.

"The stars are bright today too, Nuo." Zheng Yihua started the topic.

Gu Xinyan held his arm tightly and said in a low voice, "There are not as many stars as last time."

"That\'s because there are a few clouds floating in the sky tonight."

"Brother, do you often look at the stars in the army?"

"Well, I\'m used to it. When I\'m on guard, I like to look up at the sky and think about what you\'re doing right now."

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and kissed her hair.

Gu Xinyan smiled, "I am the same, thinking that you can\'t fall asleep, I will come out, look up and count the stars in the sky, always regard the brightest one as you, and sometimes talk to it foolishly. "

"Did you say I love you?" Zheng Yihua teased.

"Hehe..." Gu Xinyan finally laughed, "What do you think?"

"I guess you would say it, and you still look shy, thinking I\'m looking at you." Zheng Yihua touched her face with his hand, and gently pinched her nose with two slender fingers.

Gu Xinyan grabbed his hand, opened her mouth and bit one of his index fingers.

"It\'s really a dog." Zheng Yihua smiled fondly.

Gu Xinyan let go of his hand, then raised her head and looked at him seriously, with tears of gratitude in her eyes, "Brother, thank you for always loving and caring for me so much."

"Fool, you are my wife, I don\'t love you, I don\'t protect you, who should I love and protect? We are a husband and wife who will live a lifetime. You will have children for me in the future, cook for me, and greet me. When I am old, you will still help me...

So, you are the most important woman in my life, the woman who will accompany me all my life, I just want to love and protect you. "

After hearing this, Gu Xinyan was moved. She put her arms around Zheng Yihua\'s neck, put her upper lip together, and kissed his mouth actively...

When the kiss was in full swing, Shao Lanlan\'s voice came from the front yard: "Sister-in-law!"

Startled, the two immediately separated.

Gu Xinyan smiled shyly, stood up and replied, "Lan Lan, I\'m here."

Hearing the voice came from the back garden, Shao Lanlan stuck out her tongue, not knowing whether it was better to go in the past or not.

Shao Kexin came out of the room and blamed: "Why did you yell as soon as you came back?"

Shao Lanlan stroked her hair, "I...I wanted to tell my sister-in-law good news, so I shouted unconsciously when I was excited."

Just after finishing speaking, Gu Xinyan came back from the back garden, "Lan Lan, what\'s the matter?"

Shao Lanlan looked at Zheng Yihua embarrassedly, blushing: "Sister-in-law, I\'m sorry, I don\'t know... I didn\'t know you two were behind there."

"Damn girl, don\'t think too much, I\'m watching the stars with your brother." Gu Xinyan stepped forward, raised her hand and poked her on the forehead.

"Sister-in-law," Shao Kexin came up with a smile on her face, "Lan Lan just came back from Mrs. Kamanti. She said she has good news for you, so she opened her mouth happily and called you."

Gu Xinyan was slightly stunned, her eyes twinkled, "Good news? What good news?"