Cultural Invasion In Different World (Cultural Invasion into Isekai)

Chapter 396: Filmed into a documentary

Devil world.

Mrs. Nishizawa found a house for rest in the studio of Avalda.

At the suggestion of Qiao Xiu, Mrs. Nishizawa called it into a pub, a pub called ‘Avatar’.

So at the rest of the time after the shooting, the pub could see a strange scene.

The Namei, who was still fighting in the forest with bows and arrows and human soldiers, is now standing in the pub and holding a glass of wine and talking to the soldiers.

Some of the actors attached the inscriptions inscribed by the purple clothes. As long as they input the magic into the inscriptions, they can activate the illusions pre-set by the purple clothes, and turn them into a nanometer with a two-meter high skin.

They also seem to like this illusion effect, and some actors are not distracted from the illusion even though the filming is temporarily over.

"I didn't expect to see you again."

Qiao Xiu leaned against the bar and held a glass of juice in his hand. On the side of Joe Slim stood a girl with short brown hair.

What is striking is that the girl has a pair of furry ears on her head. This pair of canine-like ears is not the illusion of the purple clothes, but the real one.

"Morgen instructor asked me to learn from you...the operation of the TV station."

She felt the sight of Qiao Xiu, and instantly caught the two pairs of ears on her forehead and showed a vigilant look.

"Just sent you alone? This is really hard for you."

Joe Xiu took a sip of the juice in the cup. The eared girl was named Feimes, and her mentor, Morgan, was the star of "Faithful Dogs."

According to Qiao Xiu, the girl's mother is the owner of the forest, but the forest owner specifically refers to what, Qiao Xiu does not know.

"I am qualified for this position!"

She seems to be dissatisfied with the fact that she was given a small look by Qiao Xiu, but under the action of her own ear, any words she said were very weak.

"The first thing to learn is to learn to watch TV programs first. Miss Fiums, do you watch TV?"

Qiao Xiu pointed to the ‘TV’ placed in the corner of the pub. The picture projected on the TV has been reflected on one side of the pub.

"I have only heard the daytime news in the voice of Nolan, and some stories told by Miss Tailin."

When ‘television’ was in operation, her gaze was also attracted to the slightly shiny original spar.

When Feimes left Nolan, ‘television’ had not yet been born, so in Farosi she could only listen to TV shows through the voice of Nolan.

Today, Fimes can finally see the various scenes in the voice of Nolan.

"Then you are very lucky, there is a new program for the voice of Nolan today."

Qiao Xiu put down the juice in the cup and watched the picture on the TV.

The Dark Elves handed over the first frosty country to Qiao Xiu yesterday morning, including the current status of the holy city of St. Petersburg in the frosty country.

Qiao Xiu organized all the things sent by the Dark Elves into a document and sent them to the fraudster Pruk, the host of the day news of Nolan Voice.

The fraudster who once played the role of demon killer, after serving as the news anchor, has begun to learn to write his own news articles.

Despite his lack of proficiency, Qiao Xiu handed the manuscript of the world's first documentary to him.

Pluk completed the first draft at noon and sent it to Qiao Xiu through Magic Net. After Xiao Xiu made a slight revision on the manuscript written by Pluk, the documentary called "Cold Frost and Civil Rebellion" was officially launched this afternoon.

“New show?” Feimes looked at the picture projected on the wall. The view in the picture was looking down in the sky, and a city shrouded in frost and snow appeared in front of all the audience.

"The frosty country of Russia, located in the extreme north of the world, has a population of 70 million..."

A magnetic bass is beginning to describe the country in which the city is located.

"It's Mr. Pluker's voice." Famemes recognized her idol's voice in an instant, but after being scolded by Joe, she instantly realized her own gaffe.

When the picture slowly descended to the streets of St. Petersburg, and Pluker began to talk about what happened to the city.

The talks of the 'human soldiers' and ‘Namis’ resting in the pub began to gradually decrease, and their eyes were also fixed on the pictures projected on the walls.

"The twelve princes of the frosty country, Sheyle, are confused by the devil!!"

A slightly mad face of a missionary broke into the picture, and he shouted loudly at the picture, which sounded a bit hysterical.

When the voice of the missionary echoed in the pub, the atmosphere in the entire pub became subtle.

Because these actors know that they are in the devil world, the "most evil place of danger" in the doctrines proclaimed by the state of the sacrament, and more than that, they have become allies with the devil.

From the perspective of this missionary, the actors who are sitting are considered to be "devils and confusing people."

The noise created by the missionaries did not last long. The camera suddenly turned and the two soldiers rushed out of the corner to catch the missionary.

"You devil's minions!" After the last sentence was spoken, the missionary was completely knocked out by a soldier with a hilt.

The photographer recorded the conflict in detail, and the actors in the pub could not maintain calm after watching this scene.

"Is the soldier of the country of Frost and Frost on the missionary of the kingdom of the Holy Scriptures?"

“Is their two countries not a staunch ally? The last time I visited Esta, every city can see the church of the Holy Land.”

"Look! There are soldiers who are dismantling the church."

The next scene in the documentary is a group of soldiers who are dismantling the church in St. Petersburg, and a commander dressed up to speak loudly to the people around.

"This is the command of His Royal Highness Prince Shel! The kingdom of the Holy Father has forsaken their covenant!"

The two scenes presented in the projection screen completely detonated the curiosity of the actors.

"What happened in the country of frost?"

"Is the prince called Sheyle wanting to expel the country of the Holy Father?"

Qiao Xiu listened to the discussion of the actors in the pub, and they were eager to know the inside story.

The two countries have maintained their allies' relationship for decades. The covenant suddenly broke down and was shredded by a prince.

More than just actors from Farosi, Qiao Xiu saw a lot of posts on the caster forum discussing this matter.

Someone in the caster forum has stood up to analyze the matter, and they saw the gray-shirter who replaced the vest with a gray nightingale.

‘Maybe Prince Shear knows the dangers of the heresy. ‘Poster: Grey Nightingale.

Qiao Xiu did not go to see the reply later, because the Dark Elves had already sent a new news material to Qiao Xiu.