Cultural Invasion In Different World (Cultural Invasion into Isekai)

Chapter 362: meet

Farosi, the highest parliamentary court of the emperor.

As usual, Krondo III sat in the highest position of the parliamentary court overlooking his subjects.

In the past, the stepped seat below will be filled with nobles from all walks of the Farosi. After more than three hours of parliament, the final result will often change the future direction of the country.

But today, in this magnificent parliamentary court, only four people were seated.

This is a temporary meeting, not formal.

"Your Majesty, the Devils are all cruel devils, but they are more terrible creatures than Warcraft. You can't let the best actor of Flosi die in that wild land."

A stupid old man directly expressed his concern to Clendo III.

"Calm, Sime Deqing, the last time you admired the movie "Faithful Eight Dogs" is a demon from the Devils. You really think that the existence of those movies is so-called 'brutal Monster '?"

Clendo III glanced at the four nobles sitting below. They all have one thing in common, that is, they all have children who are members of the Black Swan Theatre.

The news that the Black Swan Theatre Company is about to visit the Devil World cannot be concealed in Farosi.

But throughout the day, the whole of Farosi knew that Fuloxi's most proud troupe had to go to the Devil, the ‘hell’ that was dangerous in rumors.

This is almost unreasonable in the eyes of many of the aristocrats of Flosi.

"But your majesty is not all the devils..." The old man seems to stubbornly believe in the set of the Protestant kingdom.

"Xime Deqing, I agree that your grandson is not involved in this mission to visit the Devil World, but I hope that you will comfort him afterwards. What else do you have to say?"

Clendo III seems to be tempted to send a messenger mission to the Devil World, and the things done in the Holy Land have already violated his bottom line.

Although Clendo III considered that his people could not directly launch a war, at the very least, they could no longer look at the **** missionaries.

The old man could only retreat in the end, and another tall aristocrat stood up for him, but the most striking thing was the scar on his forehead.

His emotions were not as out of control as the old man, but he gently bowed down and explained a serious fact to Clendo III.

"Your Majesty, the country of frost and the world of the devil are in the midst of war. We are sending the messengers to the Devils at this time. In the future, the diplomatic aspect of the country of frost is very unfavorable."

"General Lockmont, what you said is indeed something that worries me." Clendo III paused and said, "Although our relationship with the state of the Holy Spirit is irreparable, the trade union of the Frost Country still has The need to maintain..."

"And my Majesty, I don't think that this trip to the Devils can provide us with any benefit, except to complete the script called "Avatar."

One of the most loved little daughters of General Rockmon was one of the actors of the Black Swan Theatre. His little daughter was excited yesterday to tell her ‘father! I am going to the devil world in a few days! I can meet Mr. Zenas at the time! ’

At that time, the old general heard that his daughter had to go to the devil world. After the head entered the state of blasphemy, he did not respond. When he asked his little daughter, Mr. Zenas, who was it?

When General Ronmon’s young daughter said that the word “sinful devil” was spoken for a long time, he felt that his head was about to blow up.

He sent his daughter to the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Farosi since childhood. She didn't even learn a few devilish attacks. She suddenly went to the devil world and met the sinful demon in the rumor.

I am afraid that the old general led a whole army in the heyday without dare to do this!

Then he hurriedly hoped to see Krondo III, and found that not only one of his parents was worried about his child's trip.

"We can't confirm this diplomacy, what the Devils can bring us, and... The Devil hasn't sent any presence equal to the status of the messenger you sent to come to Foulasi."

General Rockmon was far more sensible than the old man. He glanced at the other side of the old man who was almost the same height as him.

"I can't allow Flossi's position in the world, just because of the rash behavior of the Donal family!"

The old man was the father of Mrs. Nishizawa and one of the generals of Fuloxi.

His family was ridiculed in public, and when he was preparing for the attack, a messenger suddenly hurriedly approached the Supreme Council in the face of Clinton III.

"Your Majesty, the Blackwood Elf and the messengers from the Devils seek to see."

"Is it finally here?" Clendo III waved his hand and let the waiter step down.

"The messenger of the devil?"

All the subjects present looked at the entrance to the highest parliament of the emperor.

The door was slowly pushed open, and a height far beyond the figure of General Lockmont and his wife, Mrs. Nishizawa, appeared at the door.

The figure was shrouded in a huge steep slope, but from the pace of his walking, it was definitely not human.

General Lockmont, who was subconsciously looking for weapons, suddenly remembered that weapons were not allowed in the Supreme Council!

Damn...why would let such a dangerous guy enter Farosi!

General Lockmont could feel the tall figure, and although he tried his best to restrain his breath, this war-torn general could still feel a sense of oppression in him.

"Your Majesty...that is..."

A caster panicked out of the throne of Krondo III.

"What happened to Master Fedo?" asked Clendo III.

The caster hidden by Krondo III is his personal protector and one of the strongest casters of Flosi's magical rumors.

General Lockmont noticed the panic of the powerful caster, and the huge figure at the door had come to him.

The figure pulled down the cloak that shrouded his head, revealing his face like a lion.

The sinful demon... When General Lockmont saw the demon, he opened his eyes and did not know what to say. The brain was in a state of brief crash.

This demon is an extremely dangerous monster on the battlefield. The ordinary human caster and the knight cannot be his opponent.

It is now in such an important place as the Royal Chamber of the Fessi!

Who is putting this horrible monster into it!

Compared to the panic of the ministers and generals below, Clendo III appeared to be more calm, because he noticed the fear of the powerful caster beside him, not from the sinful demon.

It is an inconspicuous figure beside the sinful demon.

"I am the third prince from the royal family of Arnold Rhodes, Joshua Yanorode."

Qiao Xiu walked out from behind his own servant Zenas, and together with the elders of the sect of the Black Wood Elf.

The elder and Qiao Xiu went to the figure sitting on the throne and performed a human aristocratic etiquette.