Cultivation of super exchange system

Chapter 160

"OK! Brother mu, what about you?" emperor Xinchen asked.

"We\'re on the fifth floor." Mucheng said with a bitter smile. He knew he couldn\'t follow the footsteps of God\'s heart dust. He didn\'t have anything, but his sister was a little bitter.

"Then let\'s go to the sixth floor and say goodbye!" emperor Xinchen left with Bu Feiyan and princess Biluo.

When muzihan saw the three people leave, his heart was sour and he had an impulse to cry. Mucheng saw his sister like this and said with a bitter smile, "sister, if you practice hard, you will catch up with them. You are so excellent, Emperor Xinchen will pay attention to you and believe in yourself."

"Well, brother, let\'s go!" Mu Zihan said.

After the three of emperor Xinchen arrived at the sixth floor, bu Feiyan went to room 2 on the sixth floor and threw a war sticker into it. Princess Biluo goes to room 3 and Emperor Xinchen goes to room 4.

Then, the people in the three rooms came out. Room 2 was a pudgy young man who looked extremely obscene. The first feeling for emperor Xinchen was disgusting.

The third room is a scholar with elegant temperament. He looks very friendly and has a good influence. The fourth is also an obscene man. He looks very similar to the man in room 2. It is obvious that they are brothers.

The strength of the three people is good. The fat man in room 2 is triple, so is number 3, and number 4 is double.

When the No. 2 obscene man looked at Bu Feiyan, he smiled and said, "is it you, a little beauty, who came to challenge me? Otherwise, you don\'t have to challenge. Just wait and live with me. How about it!"

"Death!" emperor Xinchen angrily said, and then slapped the wretched man.

"Boy, dare to disturb my uncle\'s business. If I don\'t kill you today, I won\'t be called Zhu Gang." the obscene man roared and punched emperor Xinchen.

Emperor Xinchen reached out to hold Zhu Gang\'s fist, forced a rotation, threw Zhu Gang directly downstairs, then flew down, kicked him down from the air, stepped on Zhu Gang\'s back and fell with him.

Bu Feiyan, several people also flew down. Emperor Xinchen stepped on Zhu Gang\'s back and fell. People in the square looked up one by one.

"Hmm! Isn\'t that Zhu Gang? How could he be trampled by a person who knew Zhu Gang!" the person who knew Zhu Gang said strangely.


Zhu Gang was trampled on the floor by Emperor Xinchen, and the floor was cracked a lot.

The fat man who flew down angrily said, "boy, let go of my big brother!" and then punched him.

Emperor Xinchen looked at the man coldly and kicked Zhu Gang with his foot. Zhu Gang\'s brother just punched Zhu Gang.


Zhu Gang gave a wolf howl, his face twisted with pain, and a trace of blood overflowed from his mouth.

"Big brother, big brother, are you okay!" the fat man asked quickly.

"You boy, you want to kill me! Fortunately, I have thick skin. It\'s all right! Kill that boy with me." Zhu Gang was angry.

"Hum! Boy, you\'ll make amends for my eldest brother\'s death today! I Zhu hyena must eat your meat raw. It must taste good to see your thin skin and tender meat." Zhu hyena said and licked his tongue a few times, which was very disgusting.

"Hey, Zhu Gang and Zhu hyena brothers, one is lecherous and the other likes to eat people. Hey, that man is unlucky. It\'s a pity which two beauties are." all the others shook their heads and sighed.

"Hehe, Zhu Gang and Zhu hyena have to die!" the emperor Xinchen angrily said.

Then he punched Zhu Gang. As soon as Zhu Gang took off, a nail palladium appeared in one\'s hand, and then a palladium was dug into emperor Xinchen.


The fist of emperor Xinchen blew on Zhu Gang\'s nail palladium. The fist of emperor Xinchen\'s anger was so powerful that it directly flew Zhu Gang 100 meters away.

Turning around and looking at Zhu hyena dug down by a palladium, Emperor Xinchen pointed in the air, painted the ground as a prison, instantly fixed Zhu hyena, and then punched her.

When a fist Gang burst in, Zhu hyena was shocked. He found that he was imprisoned in a small space and couldn\'t dodge at all. He had to use real Qi and block the fist gang with a palladium.


Zhu hyena was hit on the back air wall and then bounced back. Hit it repeatedly several times before it stabilized in the air.

Emperor Xinchen first ignored the imprisoned Zhu hyena, walked step by step to Zhu Gang, and said coldly, "today you will die obediently for me! If you don\'t speak clearly, you will have to pay the price of your life."

Emperor Xinchen sucked Zhu Gang into his hands with both hands, grabbed Zhu Gang with one hand, and then punched Zhu Gang on the head one by one.

After dozens of punches, Zhu Gang\'s head is not a head, but a pig\'s head. His head is so swollen that his eyes, nose and mouth can\'t be seen from the side.

Emperor Xinchen looked at Zhu Gang, who had become a pig head, and said faintly, "it\'s time to send you away."

"Don\'t... don\'t... don\'t kill me! Don\'t kill me! I can give you all my things. Please let me go." Zhu Gang prayed vaguely.

"Hehe, didn\'t I own all your things when I killed you?" emperor Xinchen said faintly.

Crape myrtle star sword appeared in his hand. A sword crossed Zhu Gang\'s head and a bruised pig\'s head fell.

Zhu hyena in the distance was startled, and her eyes showed a terrible look. Emperor Xinchen put away Zhu Gang\'s space ring and came over with crape myrtle star sword.

Looking at Zhu hyena who showed her fear in the small confined space, Emperor Xinchen cut out the long sword in his hand, and a sword Gang entered the space. Zhu hyena quickly blocked it with nail palladium, but the sword Gang crossed and the nail palladium was broken in two. Emperor Xinchen then added a sword, and Zhu hyena was split in two in an instant.

Emperor Xinchen put away the crape myrtle star sword, walked over, bu Feiyan hurriedly ran over and said, "brother Di, thank you!"

"Silly girl, thank you for what?" emperor Xinchen gently trimmed Bu Feiyan\'s hair, and then they walked over.

"Biluo, now you have a competition with this student!" emperor Xinchen said with a smile.

"No... no, I admit defeat!" the scholar quickly shook his head. He had just completely seen the killing scene of emperor Xinchen. He knew the strength of the two brothers of the Zhu family. If he made him unhappy and killed himself, he would not die in vain.

"Well, since this fellow is willing to give way, let\'s go!" emperor Xinchen smiled. Then emperor Xinchen and bu Feiyan flew to the sixth floor