Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 936: They don't deserve to hurt me!

Lin Rui lowered his eyes and said nothing.

Yunze looked around, stretched out his hand, and took her hand.

The atmosphere in the car was particularly depressing, but at this time, no one spoke.

Lin Zikang gave the quiet space especially considerately.

By the time they returned to the hotel, Lin Rui had already used the technique to make Lin Zikang fall asleep deeply.

Then she went to his room with Yunze.

As soon as the door was closed, Lin Rui directly reached out and hugged Yunze. Yunze put one hand on her back, and the other hand touched her head.

"Xiao Rui, did you find her?"

"Well, she has been locked up and is insane. That bastard, I won't let him go!" Lin Rui said through gritted teeth.

Judging from Lin Zikang's performance just now, Yunze guessed not very well.

Unexpectedly, this will be the result.

Among the so-called aristocrats and the upper-class people, there are indeed many people who have some unknown hobbies.

It may be gentle and gentle on the surface, but when he turns around, he may be a perverted executioner.

This person can never just look at the surface.

Yun Ze thought that his father-in-law Lin Zikang would cry like that, the little girl would definitely be more uncomfortable, and couldn't help but hug her lovingly.

"Xiao Rui, what do you want to do?" He said firmly.

Although the Yun family may not be able to compare with this crown prince, but if you really want to do your best, you can also make a dead fish.

It’s a big deal, it’s better to hurt yourself a thousand and hurt your enemy 800.

But Lin Rui was willing to let Yunze be affected.

And Grandpa Yun is such a good person.

If you really don't care, Lin Rui will do it in the nursing home just now.

Moreover, the other party used Spirit Sealing Technique, so it was the domain of Dao Sect, Lin Rui didn't want to involve Yunze in it.

She raised her head and said seriously, "First of all I want to rescue my mother."

"Well, this is a must."

"Secondly, I will destroy that **** place!"

Where is the nursing home?

It is clearly a tomb for living people!

Yunze was startled, and a touch of guilt flashed across Junyi's face, "Xiao Rui, I'm sorry, I should have told you earlier..."

"You don't know that this person is my mother, and you don't know that she has gone through those inhuman tortures," Lin Rui hugged Yunze tightly again, pressed her face to his chest, and said softly, "Next, you Take us around, and then three days later, leave here by helicopter."

She raised her head and said seriously, "Don't worry, I promise you all will show up in front of you in a day."

Yun Ze looked at the little girl's firm eyes, even if he was worried, he finally chose to believe her.

Embracing the beloved girl in his arms, Yunze said softly, "Remember what you promised me, you must never hurt yourself at all."

"They don't deserve to hurt me!"

The matter was settled in this way, but there was a problem with Lin Zikang, why he didn't want to leave here.

Even if he was destined to be unable to save Yuluo, he would rather wander nearby, even if he could get a little closer to her.

In the end, Lin Rui couldn't help but cast illusion on him.

However, it was the first time she saw such an irrational dad.

Yun Ze understands his father-in-law Lin Zikang very well. He said, "It is irrational to love someone to the extreme. And those so-called rational loves are not deep enough."

Lin Rui was taken aback, raised his head and looked at him.

She seemed to slowly understand her feelings for Ah Xing.

Three days later, according to the plan, Yun Ze left with a group of people, while Lin Rui was wearing a black suit, and his figure melted into the black night.