Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 903: Thank you for not giving up on me

Yunze nodded with a good temper.

Lin Zikang couldn't help but suddenly softened when he thought of going to confirm whether it was raining, and asking this kid to make arrangements.

Can't say anymore.

You can't even object to it.

However, if this kid dared to treat Rui Rui badly, even if he tried his best to hit the stone with an egg, he would definitely not let Rui Rui be aggrieved!

After all, Lin Zikang turned his head one step at a time and left.

Both Yunze and Lin Rui are public figures, so naturally they are not at the boarding gate, but in the nanny car in the parking lot.

Lin Rui said softly, "I hope my mother is still alive."

In this way, father doesn't have to die alone.

After the uncle Lin Zijian remarried, although his father had not said anything, Lin Rui knew that his father was actually envious.

I envy the uncle who can meet and be with true love.

Knowing that this is the way he was in his life, Lin Zikang kept trying to make money and then trying to protect his family.

It makes people feel sad.

Yunze gently held the girl's shoulders and said softly, "Anything, as long as you don't give up, a miracle will happen."

Lin Rui was startled.

She turned her head and looked at Yunze's beautiful eyes, with infinite tenderness.

She wanted to ask, Ah Xing, did you hold on to such a desperate hope at the beginning and then do something that could not be done?

Can you imagine the difficulty of resurrecting a person, or an existence like her that is almost annihilated?

But Ah Xing did it.

As long as you don't give up, a miracle will happen!

Lin Rui felt that her heart was too soft, sour, sweet, and astringent, with a deep heartache.

She looked at Yunze's beautiful eyes, suddenly leaned over, and kissed the corner of his mouth.

Yunze: Σ(⊙▽⊙"a!!!!!!

Yunze, who was planning to say something, suddenly froze.

This is... the first time the little girl took the initiative to kiss him!

Although this kiss is like a dragonfly, it will pass.

But Yunze felt his heart jumped out!

On the contrary, the square in front of the car was numb, and he drove the car seriously.

Anyway, every time the bosses sprinkle sugar...he is not human.

After finishing the kiss, Lin Rui hugged Yunze directly, touched his shoulder with his chin, and said softly, "Thank you."

Thank you for not giving up on me.

Thank you for liking me.

Yunze was a little flattered by the little girl's sudden enthusiasm.

There was no response for a long time.

Finally, his hand was lightly relieved, and cautiously, he hugged the little girl.

As if embracing the whole world.

Yunze thought that the little girl suddenly behaved like this, probably because he helped find her mother's whereabouts.

Moreover, it is not sure if it is her mother Fang Yuluo.

But even so, the little girl was very moved and very happy.

Yunze knew that Lin Rui had lost her mother since she was a child, and later stepmother Xu Man treated her at this moment, she would be so emotional.

I have to say that this is a beautiful misunderstanding.

But it's not that Yunze's guess is wrong.

Whether it was Axing or Yunze, they had done so much for Lin Rui. After she had a meal, she finally felt that this person was becoming more and more important to her.

It's important to... the kind that will never let go.

Pretending that you are not a human grid, secretly decided to apply for a more private nanny car with the boss later when you go back.

Well, nothing wrong.