Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 899: It’s not easy to watch Aze make a fool of yourself

When Ouyang Qian thought of Lin Zikang's enthusiasm for spoiling her daughter, she suddenly thought that it was not impossible.

When they were in Jincheng, the children of their families had always envied Lin Rui.

Because no matter what Lin Rui does, her father Lin Zikang will always support her behind her and do anything to her afterwards.

"I hope they don't get into conflict." Lin Rui hung up the phone.

Just when Lin Rui rushed to Yunyu, Yunze had already returned to Yunyu first.

Although Lin Zikang was in anger, but his reason was still there, he would naturally not make a big noise here.

So no one else knows what happened.

Only Yun Haotian, who knew some insiders, patted Yunze on the shoulder with a little gloat, "Need help?"

"No." Yunze smiled slightly.

Yun Haotian shrugged his shoulders and didn't say much, but watched Yun Ze enter Luohua City's office.

After a while, Luo Huacheng walked out with Chen Qi.

There were Yunze and Lin Zikang left inside.

Chen Qi was stunned by Luo Huacheng to do other things. He was holding a cup and planned to go to the pantry to pour a cup of coffee.

After seeing Yun Haotian, Luo Huacheng asked curiously, "Boss, why are you standing here?"

"It's not easy to see Aze make a fool of yourself." He pointed inside intentionally, "That Lin Zikang is not a simple character."

After all, to be able to get along well in one place, it all depends on one's own hard work, only over forty years old, I have to say, indeed a character.

Luo Huacheng's smile was a bit more real. He said, "That's natural, Lin Xiaorui is so good, and of course her father is not an idler."

Yun Haotian couldn't laugh or cry, "Is this order reversed? Also, I mean, Aze has a headache this time."

"Otherwise." Luo Huacheng filled himself with a cup of coffee, then sighed, and said, "For so many years, we have never taken any advantage in his hands, and Aze planned for a little girl, It's not a day or two, do you think... he will not be prepared?"

Yun Haotian also poured himself a glass.

He was silent for a while, his mouth raised high.

"That's true."

In Luo Huacheng's office, Lin Zikang looked at the young man sitting on the opposite sofa, holding his forehead, with a sick look on his face. The anger he had prepared before suddenly couldn't come out.

But not posting is not his character!

So after taking a sip of water, Lin Zikang moistened his throat and said, "Yesterday Rui Rui called me and talked about your relationship."

He paused, then raised his head, his eyes a little bit cold, "Young Master Yun, are you serious?"

"Of course I am serious." Yun Zetan said frankly, "I am very serious about everything about Xiao Rui."

"So serious, have you started planning how to kidnap her so early!" Lin Zikang suddenly became angry.

Before that, he asked Luo Huacheng whether the entertainment industry was so messy, would they protect the artists and restrain them from falling in love or something.

After all, Rui Rui is still young, and he was not an adult when he signed the contract.

But what?

This Yun family turned around and stole it!

Looking at Lin Zikang's fierce look... Yunze coughed again, the delicate and beautiful man looked particularly vulnerable.

The flames that Lin Zikang had just come up shook suddenly.

Yun Ze whispered, "Uncle Lin, I admit that I fell in love with Xiao Rui at first sight. At that time, I avoided black fans and she helped me send me away. But at that time I knew that she was young, so I always restrained myself, never Offended her. I guarantee this with my personality!"