Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 730: Thanks god

Lin Rui said to Qibao with emotion, "Don't look at this world, there are not many people with deep cultivation, lack of spiritual power, and many restraints, but... there are so many lovers."

"If the sky is sentimental, the sky is also old." Qibao sighed.

Lin Rui fell silent a bit.


When Jiang Yuan came back from outside with Lin Zijian, the two men still carried hand-made pottery in their hands.

Both of them are full of red faces, which shows that they are in a good mood.

Jiang Yuan said, "I was sweating, so I went upstairs to take a shower."


Because she is not married yet, Jiang Yuan still lives in the guest room.

At a certain point, Lin Zijian abides by his duty very much, even if Jiang Yuan has been abroad for many years, in fact, he is quite open about such things.

However, Jiang Yuan still has a sweet heart because of Lin Zijian's cherishment.

After returning to the guest room, Jiang Yuan opened the suitcase and planned to find a set of clean clothes to change after taking a shower.

When I was looking for clothes, I suddenly called out a...hukou book?

Her sudden nervous breathing was hurried, choked, and opened the account book with a trembling hand.

When it was clear that this was his account book, Jiang Yuan yelled excitedly.


Lin Zijian's room is not far from Jiang Yuan's.

As soon as he came up, he suddenly heard a scream from Jiang Yuan's room.

Lin Zijian's expression changed, he rushed over immediately, and suddenly opened the door.

"Xiaoyuan, what's the matter?"

Jiang Yuan rushed over excitedly, and suddenly hugged Lin Zijian. She was so excited that she dropped her slippers.

She happily said, "Hukou book! Hukou book!"

Seeing Jiang Yuan's face full of joy, it means that there is no danger.

Lin Zijian breathed a sigh of relief. He smiled and said, "What household registration book makes you so happy?"

"It's my hukou book. I don't know why it was in my suitcase. I clearly remember that I didn't find it back then, and I don't know."

Jiang Yuan was already happily incoherent.

She looked at Lin Zijian still a little bit of hindsight, and suddenly angered, and said, "With the household registration book, we can get the certificate and register! Why, you regret it!?"

"No! Never regret it!"

Both of them were very happy, and when they were quiet, Jiang Yuan still felt that all this was too weird.

Finally, she concluded, "Maybe God didn't want us to be separated, so it helped us."

"Thank God." Lin Zijian said piously.

Jiang Yuan put her hands together religiously and closed her eyes.

The "God" classmate who was thanked by them leisurely withdrew the consciousness, then turned around and went to fight with the test paper again.

After all, he's only tenth grade, so I can't bear it!


Lin Zijian and Jiang Yuan got the certificate soon.

Jiang Yuan said to Mrs. Lin that everyone in her family had moved abroad, and she couldn't make it for a while, so she didn't think much about it.

Especially flicker...

But Mrs. Lin also knew that she was so old and couldn't control so many children.

She was always upset because her son was divorced before.

Well now, at least, the eldest son is married again.

And I will live together in the Lin family villa in the future!

This Lin family villa will be lively again in the future!

At the same time, Lin Yuanzhou, who ran to the Imperial City, saw Jiang Yuan's picture by chance.

A man next to him said, "Hey, this eldest lady from the Jiang family, it is said that she has escaped from marriage, and I don’t know where she went. Although it’s over thirty, it’s the Jiang family. If it were me, I would also marry. She will be able to fight for 20 years less then."