Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 726: It's okay to get a bit of backlash

Thinking of the previous generation of himself, he was a master who was not very conscientious, so in this life, Lin Rui decided to help Ah Xing take care of his body, lift the seal, and then lead him to the peak of cultivation again!

Yunze looked at the starlight jumping in the little girl's eyes, and his mood improved!

"By the way, my dad may be back at five o'clock."

"Oh, it just happened that I had something at half past four." Yunze was kind enough.

Lin Rui nodded.

No matter how careless she is, she also knows that if Lin Zikang sees her alone with Yunze at this time, it won't be good.

Mainly because she felt it was too troublesome to explain.

If Luo Huacheng was present, it would be easy to explain, but Lin Rui wanted to be alone with Yunze now.

Give him conditioning.

Yun Ze picked up a reference book that Lin Rui had put on the table, and looked at it, but he started to feel sleepy again.

He was a little puzzled.

Obviously, I always have insomnia, why do I fall asleep soundly every time I am next to the little girl?

Is it because of the little girl?

Yunze was already leaning on the sofa and fell asleep.

Lin Rui put down the book in her hand and walked to Yunze's side. She, who was originally much smaller than Yunze, easily hugged Yunze.

Then she turned around, and she appeared in Qibao's space holding Yunze.

"Master? Did you bring Ah Xing in again?"

"En." Lin Rui nodded, then put A Hang into the Eternal Life Spring and let him sit cross-legged.

Lin Rui also sat cross-legged behind Yunze.

With a gentle white light jumping in her hands, she pressed Yunze's back.

Lin Rui said, "Although I rushed to bring living things in, I would suffer backlash, but the last time I found that after Ah Xing soaked in the Eternal Life Spring, the effect is much better than eating the Tonic Pill. Although there will be space to limit damage, But the compensation is too much to lose."

"But Master, this will also damage your body."

"That's okay, practice more and you will make up for it."

Lin Rui closed her eyes slightly and began to treat Ah Xing's body carefully.

What is the little bit of backlash that she has received compared with everything that Ah Shi has done?

Qibao looked at it, and immediately turned around and worked hard to plant immortal grass to make pills.

The medicinal field is limited, so he must plant the immortal grass alchemy medicine quickly so that he can keep up with the supply for the master.

Yunze felt confused and had some broken dreams.

But in the details of those dreams, there is a beautiful woman with a bright smile on her face.

He believes in past lives.

Otherwise, why would you recognize her at a glance.

When Yunze woke up again, it was already past four in the afternoon.

He looked at the quilt on his body, and the little girl sitting beside him was still doing the test papers seriously.

The beautiful silhouette makes people unable to look away.

What a little girl who likes to learn.

Maybe it was to make him sleep better, so the little girl only turned on a lamp beside her.

And because it was afternoon, the light was dim, but there was a very warm feeling.

He sat up and said, "Why did I fall asleep?"

"Maybe you have been too tired recently." Lin Rui put down the pen in his hand, walked to the kitchen, and brought a bowl of warm soup.

She said, "I made the soup, you can warm your stomach with some warmth, and then go back."

In fact, Yunze didn't want to leave.

But when he thought of Lin Zikang coming back later, he nodded.

Drinking warm, fragrant soup.

Why does Yunze suddenly feel a sense of secretiveness of secretly doing bad things?