Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 700: Smile unpredictable

In the quiet ward, the little girl's vocal promise echoed.

Yunze held the soft little hand, but felt shocked.

He suddenly gave a wry smile, "Xiao Rui, I have always wanted to protect you, but on the other hand, I always let you protect me..."

Lin Rui subconsciously wanted to say, isn't it justified for Master to protect his apprentice?

Not to mention, you did so much to rescue me before!

However, it is not time.

It's not time for Ah Xing to know the truth.

Lin Rui lowered her eyes, always feeling that the hands of the two people had been holding for a long time. She put the other hand on the hands of the two people.

Trying to let Aze loose.

"Aze, why don't you ask me, how do I protect you?"

"Those are not important, I only know that my Xiao Rui is very good." Yun Ze's other hand also covered it.

The four hands were held tightly together.

Lin Rui was taken aback.

She felt hot on her cheeks.

next moment……

In the next moment, the infusion on Yunze's hand will return blood...


Fortunately, there was no major problem, Lin Rui helped withdraw the needle, but after the two people released their hands, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Yunze felt a pity.

But he knew that he could not express it, after all, the last time he tried to express, the little girl was shocked.

I ignored him for several days.

Although he wanted to hint at the other party, he also knew that he could not be too anxious.

So he pretended to be a little sleepy, yawned, and said, "What's wrong with me, I've been sleepy again after sleeping for so long."

"You are physically weak, so take more rest and rest. Moreover, as soon as the day breaks, it is estimated that you will start dealing with things again." Lin Rui knew that Yunze would deal with the Yun family's affairs next.

Also deal with Sun Xinqi.

She also relaxed and said, "Go to bed, and I will rest on the bedside for a while. I asked Sister Qian to book me a ticket for tomorrow morning."

Yun Ze just remembered that the little girl had planned to return to Jincheng.

He didn't ask why the little girl appeared suddenly.

Did not ask the little girl what method she used to save him, but also caught Sun Xinqi and them by the way.

He just knew...the little girl cared very much about herself.

The same is true for him.

Yunze thought he would not fall asleep soon after closing his eyes.

But when he touched his eyelids, he fell into a deep sleep, soundly in his dream, and his eyebrows did not wrinkle.

Lin Rui breathed a sigh of relief.

She looked at Yunze's sleeping Junrong, then looked down at her hand.

The nervous and weird feeling in my heart surged up again.

Looking at all this in the space, Qibao smiled unpredictably.

A Xing is good or bad, he actually used warm water to boil the frog, but it is also, if it is impatient, then A Xing will probably follow in the footsteps of Ouyang air conditioner and Li Ertao.

After all, his master is a millennial girl with only a crack in love.

Early the next morning, Lin Rui left with Fang and returned to Jincheng.

Yunze was very reluctant to give up, but he also knew that he could not stay.

More importantly, he must resolve Sun Xinqi's affairs as soon as possible.

Luo Huacheng said, "Aze, Lin Rui is really amazing. She actually had the foresight to let Fang stop Sun Xinqi's wife. If she were to go abroad, she would probably find a way out for Sun Xinqi."

Finally, Luo Huacheng concluded, "Little girl Lin Rui, it is your lucky star."

Since Da Yunze met Lin Rui, his health has improved.

Everything goes smoothly.