Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 696: Be regarded as an enemy

"Luo, what's wrong with you Brother Luo? Don't scare me too!"

Now Brother Yun didn't know his life or death, and he was unconscious.

If Luo brother has another accident...

Chen Qi was really shocked!

Here Luo Huacheng rubbed his eyebrows and said, "You shut up! I'm fine, but suddenly I feel that this scene is very similar to the situation in Wolong Mountain."

"Wolong Mountain?"

"Yes, Azze and I were also trapped in the same place at the time. It was like hitting a wall in a treacherous manner. I couldn't get out no matter what. At that time, Azze's health was getting worse and worse, and then he passed out."

But it's not the same as last time.

Luo Huacheng walked to Yunze's side, reached out his hand and touched his head, as well as his increasingly weak pulse...

After Aze fainted last time, he also fainted, and when he woke up, they had left that strange place.

But this time...

What Luohuacheng didn't know was that they were in an abandoned factory now.

The nanny car they drove was parked nearby.

The three of them were trapped in a formation.

Two people stood outside the formation.

One fat and one thin.

The fat person is naturally Zhang Zhiqin, and the other thinner and taller man is Dongfang Qingqiu!

Zhang Zhiqin looked at several people lying on the ground, he pursed his mouth, and then curiously said, "Brother Qingqiu, don't you plan to kill them directly?"

"Kill?" The corner of Qing Qiu's mouth raised a meaningful smile.

"Kill him, how cheap he is."

Zhang Zhiqin didn't understand this sentence, but when he thought of Sun Xinqi who was about to rush over, he said, "Sun Xinqi is coming soon. He really wants to kill Yunze."

"Don't worry." Qingqiu said calmly.

He looked at the clouds lying on the ground with a painful face, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Qing Qiu said with divine consciousness, "I didn't expect that the body you chose was actually him."

"You know? Oh yes, he is not only the heir of the Yun family, but also a big star." A hoarse voice came from Qing Qiu's own body.

The voice was jerky, a bit ugly.

Qing Qiu smiled slightly and denied, "No, it's not because of this acquaintance. Rather, I knew him on the Canglan Continent."

"Oh?" Jie Jie's voice was full of doubts, "Are you friends?"

"It's not a friend, it's an enemy..." Qing Qiu squinted his eyes, looking at Yun Ze who was about to die, the corners of his eyes and eyebrows were satisfied.

The voice of Jie Jie paused for a few seconds, and then said, "This person was also from the Canglan Continent before? Oh, I only know that I was supposed to wake up when I was looking for it, but when I just woke up, I was caught by this **** guy again. It's sealed! Of course, he has fallen well too, hahahaha, the seal for life! Hahahahaha."

"Aren't you afraid of that seal?"

"Of course, that seal..."

At this moment, the sudden braking sound of a car suddenly sounded.

Qingqiu stopped communicating with that person at the same time.

Sun Xin got out of the car and walked over quickly. After seeing the situation in front of him, he quickly asked, "How are they now, are they all dead?"

Just as Zhang Zhiqin was about to say something, he suddenly felt a tingling sensation on his feet.

The next moment, his eyes went dark and he fell to the ground!

Sun Xinqi is the same downer.

Qing Qiu looked at the person standing behind Sun Xin in surprise, his pupils suddenly shrank!

Lin, Lin Rui? !