Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 692: Thinking day and night dreaming

In order to be able to completely handle Yun's affairs before the little girl is admitted to university.

So Yunze may have not been to Jianglan Yunting for a long time.

Yunze was originally sitting on the sofa, rubbing his eyebrows with one hand, his face was tired and his face paled.

When I heard the sound of the mobile phone's prompt, it took a few seconds before I picked up the mobile phone lazily.

When he saw clearly who sent the message, Yunze's eyes instantly brightened.

The old man Yun, who was sitting opposite him, blew his beard, "Oh, who is this message?"

Yunze had already seen the content of the text message at this time, and the corners of his mouth raised accordingly.

The voice became lighter.

"I won't tell you."


I guessed it all, and you said that deliberately, is it my grandson? You!

Ignoring his grandfather who was so angry that he was blowing his beard, Yunze's eyebrows were tender and sweet.

Yunze: Xiao Rui dreamed of me?

Thinking day by day and dreaming at night, Xiao Rui is caring about him.

Even if Yunze always knew that Lin Rui cared about him and cared about him, but this time he heard her say this in person, he couldn't help but feel happy.

Lin Rui: ...I dreamed of you. By the way, you know what Sun Zhirou came to the company today, right?

Yunze: Well, Xiao Rui can rest assured, I will pay attention to safety.

Yun Dian, who was ruthlessly ignored by his own grandson, leaned on a cane to rub Yunze, but as soon as his neck stretched out, Yunze had already put the phone away quickly.


"I know, I don't care." Yun Dian snorted, turned around, made a circle, and returned to his chair.

He said, "It's a critical moment now, why are you still such a childlike love?"

"Grandpa, don't talk nonsense, she is still young."

"Oh, fortunately that girl is still young, otherwise you would definitely not be so behaved."

A strand of silver bangs hung down, Yunze did not admit or deny it.

Yundian said eagerly, "Aze, when can I see that girl with my own eyes?"

"Wait a little longer."


Here Lin Rui's WeChat is here again.

Lin Rui: My company recently produced a hair growth lotion. Does anyone around you need it?

Yunze looked at the text message, raised his head, and looked at the head of his grandfather who was not rich.

Yunze: Well, yes, I'll help you publicize and publicize it.

Lin Rui: Good.

The two chatted a few more words before they said good night to each other.

Lin Rui didn't even react. She knew that Wudan was very effective, but Yunze didn't know.

But Yunze believed inexplicably, the little girl said it would be effective.

So, after finishing the chat with the little girl, Yunze raised his head and smiled and said, "Grandpa, I think your hair has fallen very badly recently. I know that a hair growth lotion is good, and someone will bring it to you. "

"What brand?" Old Master Yun was puzzled, and he said distressedly, "I have used a lot of different kinds, but it still dropped!"

"At that time you will know."


This sentence again! So angry! Can't we spoil them in advance?

In the afternoon of the next day, Lin Rui was going to the airport to catch a plane back to Jincheng.

The New Year is about to come, and she has to go back.

But when Lin Rui was sitting in the waiting room, suddenly there was a voice from the talisman on Sun Zhirou before!

Because of restrictions, it will only be activated unless Yunze is mentioned.

After all, Lin Rui was not interested in hearing everything about Sun Zhirou.