Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 690: People have two sides

Liu Zimei and the other management team originally took orders from the leaders above. What's more, when Sun Zhirou was a trainee in the company, she really spent three days fishing and two days surfing the net.

When she came to work as a trainee, she also left the relationship. After all, her father was the son-in-law of the Yun family.

Liu Zimei said quietly, "We are acting in accordance with the rules. You can check the contract here and you will be compensated."

"Who cares about your compensation!" Sun Zhirou cried and cried, "You all wait for me! I want to go back and tell my dad to go!"

She walked a few steps outside, and suddenly remembered something.

Sun Zhirou turned her head and yelled at the assistant who was holding her bag, "What are you doing stupidly standing there, hurry up and follow me!"

Xu Xu handed the GUCCI bag in his hand to Sun Zhirou, and said, "Here is the bag."

Sun Zhirou's face changed, "What do you mean?"

"Zhirou, you won't be an artist of Yunyu in the future, for Xiao Xu, the follow-up company will arrange for her with other artists." Liu Zimei said.

It took Sun Zhirou three full minutes to understand what this meant.

The tears that she had stopped, began to flow again.

"Okay, you will remember it for me! I will never forget all the humiliation I suffered today!" She pulled her bag hard, turned and walked out.

"This eldest lady's temper is really big enough," the manager sitting next to Liu Zimei said helplessly.

Liu Zimei also nodded.

She said with lingering fear, "I thought this was the kind that everyone was pretty and had a very good temperament, but I didn't expect, hey, people have two sides."

"Yeah yeah."

Liu Zimei said to Xu Xu, "Xiao Xu, you go back first, and come to work tomorrow. The company will arrange for you to talk to other artists."

Xu Xu breathed a sigh of relief for not having to follow Sun Zhirou.

To be honest, she was fed up with that lady.

I thought that following a young lady would have a good life in Yunyu, but I didn't expect it to be the result.

Fortunately, I can leave now.

Xu Xu nodded.

But what Xu Xu didn't know was that because she had been with Sun Zhirou for a while, she might not let her be with other artists for a short time.

At least, she won't let her talk to important artists.

Here, Sun Zhirou returned to the car with a sullen face, and immediately began to cry, scaring the driver so scared to speak.

After crying for a long time, she stopped. The first reaction was to call her father.

But when she was about to call it, she realized one thing.

That is... she can no longer contact her father!

When Sun Zhirou came to Yunyu today, she actually asked Luo Huacheng to intercede to do something, but she didn't expect that the matter was not done, so she terminated the contract with Yunyu?

At this time, Sun Zhirou was completely panicked. She dialed her mother's phone and cried and said, "Mom, what should I do, Luo Huacheng will not help, and Yunyu has terminated the contract with me!"

"how so?"

"Mom, I can't find my dad, do you think something will happen to him?"

Mrs. Sun Yun Lingling is also arrogant Liushen Wuzhu, she said annoyedly, "Don't talk nonsense, your dad will definitely be fine!"

When the mother and daughter were in distress, Sun Xinqi was sitting in a dimly lit room with a gloomy expression.

On the table next to him, there is an ashtray.

The ashtray is full of cigarette butts.