Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 679: You are him, the person who cares most

"Without headphones, there are sounds when playing games. It will affect Rui Rui and the others to rest!"

Chen Qi thought for a while, it made sense!

After telling Yunze that he had something to call him, he immediately followed Ouyang Qian to the small meeting room next door to play games.

Lin Rui and Yun Ze were left in Luo Huacheng's office.

Lin Rui was still looking down at the information. She was wondering how much time those two advertisements would occupy her.

The girl's profile is very delicate, and her long eyelashes clip the bright eyes.

Yunze pursed his mouth, and after a while, he said softly, "There are some things in the family that need me to solve."

Lin Rui looked up at him.

Yunze said, "Xiao Rui, give me another year and I will take care of all this."

A year's time.

Lin Rui didn't know if she could produce golden pills in a year. After all, at that time, there would be a stronger law of heaven and earth waiting for her.

After breaking through to the Golden Core Stage, it is still unknown whether she can successfully untie Ah Xing's seal.

Until then, Ah Xing's body will only get worse.

Lin Rui's eyes became deep and bitter, "If I say that your twenty-five-year-old hurdle is true, would you still insist on working so hard now?"

"If I am destined to live less than twenty-five years old, then I have to deal with all the things of the Yun family well before then. At least, I have to give enough protection to the people I care about. When I become the heir of the Yun family For a moment, this is my responsibility. If I do not fulfill this responsibility, then my grandfather, my cousin, and all the people who support me, then... will all become victims."

And you.

I hope that even if I am gone one day in the future, the Yun family will still become your shelter.

No matter what you do or encounter any trouble, Yunjia will always support you.

Yun Ze didn't say the last two sentences. He looked at Lin Rui quietly, his eyes filled with turbulent, turbulent emotions.

Lin Rui felt Yunze's sadness.

I feel...All his current efforts are actually explaining the future...

Qibao in the space was already crying. While choking, he said, "A Hang is such a good person. Even if he dies, he will arrange all the people around him in advance to prevent them from being wronged in the future. It is precisely because of this, Master, he would rather give up the ascension at the beginning, and have to look for your soul fragments on all planes. Because you are the person he cares most about."

You are him, the person who cares most!

Lin Rui was moved, she felt something on her chest, and it was about to break through!

That kind of excitement and throbbing made her emotional.

The next moment, Lin Rui suddenly stretched out his arm and suddenly hugged Yunze in his arms.

"It will get better, you will get better."

I will definitely unlock your seal, Ah OK!

Yunze, who was confessing that she was wrong, did not expect that instead of being angry, the little girl gave him a warm hug?

Well, whether this hug is passionate or not is not known, after all, it is too subjective.

But this hug does exist.

Yunze's eyes became tender little by little.

He stretched out his hand and gently rubbed the girl's back.

"I want to get better too."

In that case, you can stop leaving you.

Little Qibao, who was originally very sad in the space, blinked his big cute eyes, tears still hung in the corners of his eyes.

Why is the style of painting suddenly wrong...

How does he feel, seeing the pink bubbles again?