Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 670: Do not eat soft or hard

Zheng Yi did not continue to disturb Lin Rui. After saying this, he said good night.

Then he sent a screenshot of the conversation between the two of them to Yunze, and then stopped talking and hurried off the game.

He saw a **** chatting with Qianqian there!

It was Yunze who looked at the screenshot of the conversation, his originally serious and handsome face, slowly relaxed, and finally a helpless and pampering smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

His little girl.

The football thing has come to an end.

However, Li Kai's fight with Li Tao, and finally because of the insistence of the Li family, Li Kai was sentenced to six months and needed to stay in the juvenile management office.

The Li family were dumbfounded, and in the end there was no alternative, they found Lin Zikang directly.

Boss Li said, "Lao Lin, everyone is from Jincheng. You can't see you when you look down. Do you have the heart to see your elder nephew enter the juvenile management office?"

Lin Zikang looked at him suspiciously, "Why can't I bear it? It's not my nephew."

Boss Li choked and said persistently, "Even if it's not your nephew, don't you have compassion?"

"Old Li, what you said is wrong. Now the person who sued your Li Kai is the Li family. If you want the other party to withdraw the lawsuit, you can go to Li's family."

Seeing Lin Zikang's lack of oil and salt, Boss Li sighed and said, "The point is, the Li family will not relax."

"Oh, then I can't help."

"You!" Boss Li was anxious, patted the table and stood up, and said, "Lao Lin, my son is still lying on the bed in the hospital. Why, my son has to go to the hospital when he hits someone. Is it safe and sound?!"

Lin Zikang had always had an official smile at the corner of his mouth, but that smile condensed slightly at this moment.

He sneered and said, "Lao Li, you are so embarrassed to say that! Your son is a boy, even taller than our Rui Ruizhuang, and our Rui Rui is a delicate and lovely girl, how can he give him Is it like this?! If you have the ability, you can take the evidence to the court and sue us! If there is no evidence, you can talk nonsense here, oh, I have to advise the Li family, your son is only sentenced to half a year’s juvenile management office. It's too light."

Boss Li's expression changed, and he fell into a chair.

If he really has evidence, he won't use it!

This **** Lin Zikang, he doesn't eat hard and soft!

He said viciously, "Yes, we have no evidence! But don't forget, your daughter is an entertainer! If there are some stains, it will definitely affect her acting career!"

A cold light flashed through Lin Zikang's eyes.

He laughed and said, "Old Li, your son is stupid, why are you stupid? Don't blame me for not reminding you, my family Rui Rui is a sign of Emperor Yun's Entertainment, that is the property of the Yun family. Rui Rui's reputation Damaged affects the company. If you let the company of the Yun family be affected and lose money..."

Lin Zikang came over, patted Boss Li on the shoulder, approached his ear, and said in a very soft voice, "At that time, maybe you have to accompany your son."

Boss Li was shocked in a cold sweat!

Σ(⊙▽⊙"a!!! Fuck! Why is there still Yun family in it!

Lin Zikang suddenly remembered something, and then added, "Oh, I forgot, your son is a juvenile management office, you are so old, well, it is estimated that your father and son will not meet in one place.