Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 663: Your girlfriend is too ugly

"Shut up! You guys are all alone with Brother Li, are you sorry?!" Jiang Ling roared.

It's not just a group of people hitting one person, they actually did it while Brother Li was drunk!

It's so shameless!

Li Kai's eyes were already very small, but at this time because he was smiling there, he almost couldn't find his eyes.

He said arrogantly, "It's interesting, I think it's interesting. Who made him Li Tao dare to covet my girlfriend? What happened to a group of people beating him?!"

Jiang Ling was taken aback.

"Your girlfriend?"

"Huh, who made him covet Mengmeng at the bar just now!"

Jiang Ling followed the crowd and looked over, and beside Li Kai stood a girl in a very cool dress, with heavy makeup and she couldn't see her original appearance.

Suddenly, Jiang Ling remembered what happened when she followed Li Gerui.

At that time, they were dressed up like this all day, and then they looked like they were not afraid of it?

Thinking about it now, Jiang Ling felt a little dazed.

Unconsciously, the rebellious children of the miracle at the beginning were all lost and knew their way back, each found an important goal, and then worked hard for it.

For example, Jiang Ling, she is also studying hard to be an agent in the future.

Jiang Ling frowned and said, "You lie, Brother Li must look down on your girlfriend!"

"Oh, I don't dare to beat you even if it's your girl!" Li Kai shook his fist maliciously.

Li Tao woke up a little bit of alcohol here, and his whole body was a little bit painful. The little fat man next to him immediately supported him and asked worriedly, "Brother Li, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Li Tao shook his head, he struggled to stand up, his eyes were bruised, and his right leg was a little unconscious.

A large drop of blood was left on his forehead, dripping down his forehead.

It can be seen that Li Kai and others were really ruthless just now!

Li Tao sneered and said, "Li Kai, do you think I am as blind as you? Your girlfriend is so ugly, let alone coveting, I just look at it, and I feel like I have to wash my eyes!"

"You're looking for death! Okay, Li Tao, dare you dare to challenge me one-on-one, huh? The boss vs. boss, I think you haven't forgotten it?" Li Kai was looking for something, this is what he really is purpose.

The corner of his mouth raised, his eyes narrowed into small round beans.

He said, "If I win, you kneel on the ground and say three times that Brother Kai I am wrong. Let's finish this matter."

"What if you lose?" Li Tao wiped his eyes, the blood flowing down almost blocked his sight.

Li Kai laughed, "It's impossible. You are like this. If I still can't win, then I really don't have the right to continue mixing!"

"Okay." Li Tao staggered to his feet.

Jiang Ling and Xiaopang immediately went to pull him and said, "Brother Li, you can't continue to fight him, you must go to the hospital as soon as possible!"

Li Kai sneered over there, "Brother Li, if you don't agree, then these people around you, today, don't want to leave here all."

There were only three or four people around Li Tao.

But there are more than 30 people behind Li Kai.

Jiang Ling and the others immediately changed their expressions. This person... is too much!

The people of their miracles in those days, although they ate, drank, and had fun, also fought, but never did anything to innocent people.

It won't kill anyone.

But Li Tao has been seriously injured now, so he will continue to fight...I am afraid it will kill someone!

In fact, Xiaopang had called the police before they came over.

I don't know why, no one has rushed over!