Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 620: Trainee

"Every time I come here, it's a big shock," Ouyang Qian looked around and couldn't help but said with emotion, "Although Yunyu is not the largest entertainment company, it is the company that people in the circle want to enter the most. "

Lin Rui turned to look at her, "Why?"

"Because of the Yun family." Looking at Lin Rui's calm appearance, Ouyang Qian suddenly felt even more emotional.

My boss, you have already soaked the next head of the Yun family, isn't that equivalent to holding the entire Yun family in your hand?

What is that concept!

But even so, Ouyang Qian found that Lin Rui was still very calm and calm.

The admiration of Lin Rui from the bottom of her heart was even more surging, out of control!

The two people were talking and came to the front desk.

Ouyang Qian reported her name and explained the situation.

The front desk looked at it, and his eyes swept over the girl with a hat next to him?

Wearing ordinary daily clothes, although not cheap, is too ordinary.

And also very student.

Although Lin Rui came to the company that day and caused quite a sensation, because Luohua City received him directly and took the exclusive elevator, most Yunyu employees did not know what Lin Rui looked like.

It's just that everyone knows some legends about Lin Rui.

The front desk is also in shifts. This front desk happens to have never seen Lin Rui, plus Lin Rui is still wearing a hat, she just feels that this may be a newcomer discovered by the company.

My eyes are a little envious.

"Take these materials to fill in, then go to the lobby on the 11th floor and wait."


Ouyang Qian took the information and walked towards the elevator with Lin Rui.

Lin Rui was very calm wearing a baseball cap.

She also knew that Luo Huacheng couldn't open the way for her all the time, and that she would have to study things in the training department for the next month. Ouyangqian would be enough.

What Lin Rui doesn't know is that most trainees don't have assistants.

After she showed up with Ouyang Qian, she still attracted some people's attention.

Although Lin Rui was on fire in the Kung Fu Youth, she was a newcomer in the face, so most people did not recognize her immediately.

But this is also very good, can let her learn something quietly.

There are fifteen trainees, nine girls, and six boys, all of which are handsome men and beautiful women of all kinds.

Also, there have never been many beautiful people in the entertainment industry.

One of the girls was about seventeen or eighteen years old. Like an elegant white swan, the teacher in the training department asked the girl to sit in front of the piano and play a world-famous song when she performed her personal talent.

The slender fingertips danced skillfully on the black and white keys.

Ouyang Qian approached Lin Rui and whispered, "This girl has played the piano for at least ten years."

After all, there are some people who have been playing the piano since they were very young.

Sure enough, after receiving the approval of the teacher in the trainee department, the girl said softly, "My name is Sun Zhirou. I have studied piano for 11 years and I have passed the eighth grade now."

"Wow, she is Sun Zhirou!"

"Sure enough, it is very beautiful and temperamental, and looks like a wealthy daughter."

"Hey, no wonder the teachers and staff treat her so respectfully."

Some people lowered their voices and whispered, Ouyang Qian's eyes flashed, it seems that Sun Zhirou is a very background person.

She was originally a lively person, so when Lin Rui stood there indifferently, Ouyang Qian turned around and asked another person.

"Who is this Sun Zhirou? He looks amazing."

"You don't know yet, she is the cousin of the Yun family!"