Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 614: She is unique

"Yes. They picked me up tonight, so they decided to cook directly at the residence."


Fang Ge suddenly hated Wang Jielin Yuanzhou!

If it weren't for their mother and son, he would be able to eat the delicious delicacies made by the lady herself.


Where did Lin Rui know that Grid was crying.

After she hung up the phone, she walked into the kitchen.

Zheng Yi and Ouyang Qian bought a lot of things back, including oil, salt, sauce and vinegar.

The two also picked up some daily necessities.

After all, if you want to live here for a month, you always need a lot of things.

Lin Rui is the chef, but Ouyangqian took Zheng Yi to do the preparations such as washing and cutting vegetables.

Zheng Yi, who was peeling garlic, looked at the huge pile of garlic in his hand with a little suspicion.

He sighed with emotion, "My hand, my hand that can call the wind and rain on the Internet, it is actually used for..."

"What are you talking about if you want you to peel garlic? Get it quickly, and peel the potatoes later!"

"Why me again?"

"You don't eat?"

Zheng Yi was dumb in an instant.

He started working there in a daunting manner.

The corner of Lin Rui's mouth raised here, and he felt that such a big brother was very interesting.

Just when the three of them were halfway busy in the kitchen, the door rang.

It was Yunze, Luo Huacheng and Chen Qi who had arrived.

As soon as Luo Huacheng entered the door, he sniffed, and said with emotion, "It smells so good!"? "It smells so good, it must be Lin Rui who is cooking!"

Speaking of Lin Rui's food, Chen Qi's eyes are bright and translucent!

For Chen Qi's farm in the suburbs of Jincheng, apart from the big yellow dog Xiaoqi, what impressed him most was the dishes made by Lin Rui!

With a faint smile on his face, Yunze walked into the kitchen slowly and saw that the pretty little girl was cooking seriously.

Most young girls like Lin Rui don't like going into the kitchen.

The kitchen is so smokey, let alone little girls, most people actually don't like it.

But Lin Rui not only makes it often, but also makes it very delicious!

Yunze watched the little girl's hair hang down, and couldn't help but want to reach out and help her lift it up.

At this moment, Lin Rui turned around and smiled softly at him, "Come on, are you busy today?"

I am so familiar with my husband who just came home.

Yunze suddenly felt that the roots of his ears were hot and his heartbeat was a little messy. He calmly retracted his hand, coughed lightly, and said, "Not busy."

No matter how busy I am, I cannot say that I am busy.

Because no matter how busy I was, the moment I saw the little girl, those hard work, flattering, pressure, etc., all disappeared.

Yunze walked over and asked softly, "What do you need me to do for you?"

"No, you go to the living room and sit and rest for a while. After a while, everything will be fine."

"Well," Yun Ze obediently turned around and walked out.

When going out, Luo Huacheng was taking a can of drink out of the refrigerator.

He shook towards Yunze, "Aze, do you want to drink?"

"I'm drinking."

"Okay." Luo Huacheng turned around and took another bottle of mineral water, walked over, and after handing it to Yunze, he sat on the sofa with Yunze.

"I haven't seen an artist, like Lin Rui."

You said that sometimes little girls look very cold, making people feel particularly difficult to touch.

But actually, look at the kitchen... If it is someone approved by Lin Rui, she can just wash her hands and make soup and make a large table of delicious dishes for the other party.

Moreover, if it is someone she cares about, and something goes wrong, she must be the same, and will protect it to the end.

Listening to Luo Huacheng's emotions, Yun Ze was very satisfied with the corners of his mouth lightly and said calmly, "Because she is unique."