Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 612: The one who really doesn't care is you

"Dad, you see that Mom has said everything for this purpose, why are you so hard-hearted? Didn't you care about our mother and son? Have you never cared about this family?!"

Lin Yuanzhou's hat is a bit big.

Lin Zijian was actually a little moved. After more than 20 years, love is gone, and family affection is still there.

He is not the kind of completely cold temper.

In this kind of thing, Lin Zijian couldn't cut the mess with a sharp knife like his younger brother.

Fang Ge raised his eyelids slightly. He wanted to say something, but when he thought of Lin Rui's explanation, he shut his mouth again.

Lin Zijian still decides this kind of thing.

Lin Zijian was silent.

Lin Yuanzhou and Wang Jie looked at each other and felt that there was a way for this matter!

Wang Jie pinched herself, and tears fell.

She said, "Zijian, because of a misunderstanding before, I hit your girl student, and I am willing to come and apologize to her and her family! Thousands of mistakes are all my fault. People always make mistakes, but see In the relationship between husband and wife for more than 20 years, and Yuanzhou has not yet married and established a business, you, can you give me a chance to make up for the mistakes I made?"


In fact, Lin Zijian's balance has already tilted.

Fang Ge still looked down at his novel.

Seeing that his father hesitated, Lin Yuanzhou knew that this matter had something to do. He had not been in a good mood recently, and finally he was a little calmer.

Lin Zijian picked up the cold tea, raised his head, and said, "You can remarry."

"Really?" Wang Jie's eyes lit up.

The corner of Lin Yuanzhou's mouth raised slightly.

Lin Zijian continued, "But I have given the stock to Zikang, so I won't want to come back. And Xiaojie, after your remarriage, you don't want to work in the Lin Group. Let's live a normal life together. "

"Why don't you want stocks! That's obviously yours!" Wang Jie stood up, eyes piercing, and said in a shrill voice, "Also, why don't you let me go to work? I'm only 40, not 60 or 70. Now! I don’t work anymore, can I stay at home all the time and watch you draw those broken pictures?!"

Wang Jie's attack was too fast, and when she finished talking with a crackling, Lin Yuanzhou cried out badly!

Sure enough, the warmth in Lin Zijian's eyes slowly cooled.

Finally, until it disappears.

This time, it was his turn to look down at the square of the phone, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Lin Zijian stood up and said disappointedly to Wang Jie, "In this case, then we have nothing to talk about."

Wang Jie was stunned.

Fang Ge said, "Fang Ge, let's go back to Lin's house."


"Dad! Wait a minute!" Lin Yuanzhou stood up immediately, but with the square beside him, he didn't dare to insist.

Lin Yuanzhou said eagerly, "Dad, you know my mom's character, she has no other meaning. As for her work or not, you can just talk about it yourself. There are also stocks and stocks, which will be discussed later. what."

Lin Zijian looked at his son's face when he suddenly realized that he used to think his son was very smart.

But now it seems that those cleverness may only be used where he wants to use it.

Lin Zijian lowered his eyes slightly and said, "Yuanzhou, in your heart, you know who those stocks are important to your dad. What's funny is that at the moment I actually hoped you really You care about my father very much. You keep saying that I don’t care about my home for more than 20 years. The people who really don’t care are you!"

"Zijian!" Wang Jie shouted.