Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 610: Tiger and hello kitty

The group drove and arrived at the address mentioned by Luohua City.

It is a high-end residential building with duplex flat floors. The most secluded building is five and six.

Ouyang Qian and Zheng Yi also took suitcases, and Lin Rui's luggage, they took them down together.

As a result, Ouyang Qian saw that she and Zheng Yi had more luggage than Lin Rui.

She was embarrassed.

Lin Rui calmly began to visit this house.

Two-story duplex, the fifth floor has a living room, kitchen and dining room, and two rooms. There are three rooms on the sixth floor. The largest room in the south also has a large terrace.

Lin Rui said directly, "I will live in this room."

It is more convenient when it rains and thunders, cough.

Because that room was the largest, no one else had any objections. It was finalized, and when the square came, they lived with Zheng Yi in the two rooms on the fifth floor.

Ouyang Qian lives on the sixth floor with Lin Rui.

Several people went back to the room. Zheng Yi immediately took out his computer and placed it on the desk. After thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone and immediately sent a WeChat message.

Zheng Yi: I have received the boss, she is resting in the room now.

Zheng Yi: Fang Ge and I live on the fifth floor. The boss chose the big room on the sixth floor with a terrace facing south, and Ouyang Qian lives in the other small room on the sixth floor facing south. The small room facing north from the big room is still empty.

Yunze looked down at the phone and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Luo Huacheng, who was sitting opposite him, gave a light cough.

Okay, I'm talking about a serious topic. Cousin, you suddenly laughed so beautifully. Didn't you see that the female investor on the opposite side turned red!

When the discussion was over, Yunze got in the car, Luo Huacheng sat down beside Yunze, and said with a sigh, "Aze, is it because Lin Rui is here and you are in a good mood?"

"If you know, ask."

"... How reserved are you, you are not afraid to scare the little girl?"

"She is bolder than you."

Luo Huacheng:...


How can people continue this!

Cousin Luo is a bit autistic.

He turned to look around and suddenly saw a trolley case in the car.

Luo Huacheng asked curiously, "Whose luggage is this?"


"Oh," Luo Huacheng subconsciously responded, and then raised his head in surprise, his movements were so great that he almost twisted his neck!

He said, "Yours? Where are you going?"

"Brother Luo, don't you know, we are going to live in Jianglan Yunting for a while."

Luo Huacheng:! ! ! ! ! ! !

Jiang Lan Yunting, isn't it the place where Lin Rui will live in Emperor City for a month? !

This car is all his own, so Luo Huacheng... just went crazy.

"Aze! You have to think twice! Don't make any scandals!"

"No, I won't go in and out at the same time, and so many people live there." Yun Ze lowered his eyes slightly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"If there are paparazzi who are not eye-catching around, then his dog legs and doghouse are not needed."

Luo Huacheng was shocked.

No matter how sick the person in front of him is, how much he laughs makes people let go of defense.

He is still the heir of a huge family!

Seeing Luo Huacheng's surprised eyes, Yunze smiled slightly and asked, "Cousin, what's the matter?"

"I just thought of a sentence."

"What is it?"

"Tiger and Hello Kitty."
