Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 592: Someone takes the rhythm

Qu Xiaomei didn't like Lin Rui, because when she was shooting a variety show, she found that Qi Junyu's eyes kept revolving around Lin Rui!

Yes, Qu Xiaomei is Qi Junyu's poisonous fan.

Therefore, even if Qi Junyu just looked at Lin Rui a few more times, she couldn't stand it, and it was about to explode!

When Cheng Yunyun heard it, her pretty face suddenly sank.

Why is this Lin Rui again!

In the days before Lin Yuanzhou was with her, he told her a lot about Lin Rui.

To say that Lin Rui is particularly ignorant, it is properly a problem girl.

The temper is particularly irritable, especially defiant.

Lin Yuanzhou sighed many times that he had no choice, so he had to let this cousin everywhere.

Cheng Yunyun immediately believed what Lin Yuanzhou said.

Even if Lin Rui is particularly hot during this time, in Cheng Yunyun's view, it is nothing more than the packaging of the performing arts company for the artists and the strong people!

Originally because Lin Rui's stepmother turned out to be Cheng Jing's ex-wife, this was enough for Cheng Yunyun to respond.

As a result, Lin Rui still relied on being a star to steal their room?

Cheng Yunyun sneered and said to Qu Xiaomei, "Heh, our room is not so easy to grab!"

Qu Xiaomei's eyes lit up, "Yes, yes, is the celebrity amazing? I think she only has a face, and she has no works until now. At first glance, it is just a vase of money and resources!"

"Xiaomei, the cut-out picture of the record you booked earlier and sent me, I have a way to make her stink!" Cheng Yunyun said vowedly.

Qu Xiaomei nodded sharply.

She immediately sent a screenshot of the mobile phone reservation record to Cheng Yunyun, but said worriedly, "However, I heard that Lin Rui has signed a contract with Yunyu."

Yunyu is the Yun family.

Let alone ordinary people like them, even the Cheng family would definitely not dare to confront the Yun family.

The Cheng family had few children, no sons, and in the generation of Cheng Yunyun, there were only two granddaughters.

She has been spoiled.

So Cheng Yunyun just hesitated for a few seconds, then snorted, “We didn’t deliberately hack her. She did this. Let Yunyu’s people see how many people they signed. Reliable!"

Qu Xiaomei turned to think about it too.

Here, Cheng Yunyun immediately went to find someone to post, with a rhythm.

The screenshot of the booked room and the photos sent by the cookies are very clear.

Yunyun is still a little bit brainy without the process, she is looking for someone to send it, even the IP address is foreign.

After all, she just wanted to disgust Lin Rui and didn't have the courage to make things too much.

On the Internet, there are so many keyboard players who are brainless.

They only care about gimmicks, they only care about sucking fans, and they don't care about the truth.

Especially when Lin Rui was so hot, he had been spotted by those sunspots a long time ago.

Now that the negative news about Lin Rui came out like this, those brainless blacks were immediately caught up like leeches, and they shook the rhythm in it!

In fact, during this period of time, Lin Rui's number of fans has dropped, and there is no way to do this. After all, there will be some zombie fans and other fans.

However, Lin Rui's fans have stabilized at around 10 million and 1 million.

The cookies saw it, and immediately rolled up their sleeves and went out to spray those sunspots.

It just took less than half a day to enter the top ten of the hot search.

"Lin Ruifei is domineering and grabbing rooms."

Zheng Yi was still sleeping, and he was bombarded by phone calls.