Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 582: Sympathize with father-in-law for a second

When the suspicion reaches the top, explain it clearly at once, and then you will get a good rebound.

Then Lin Rui's fans went up again like they were sitting on a rocket.

After seeing it, Luo Huacheng sighed, "This column group is quite good at operating."

The next part of the program is Ye Chuan's picking poisonous mushrooms, which also added a lot of jokes to make the audience laugh.

Then Geng Le and others helped Ye Chuan to pick mushrooms again, and they also had a lot of good feelings.

And everything in this picture, when Fu Yunzhi asked Lin Rui what he could do, Lin Rui asked him whether you want to kill chickens or fish.

At that time, Fu Yunzhi's expression... was unlovable.

The post-production teacher also gave his close-up shots with text and facial expressions.

It made everyone happy again.

"A generation of poison-tongue men encountered the Waterloo incident! Is it moral degeneration or humanity distortion!"

"Hahaha, tears came out of laughter, sympathize with Father Fu for a second!"

"Why do you feel that father-in-law Fu has no boyfriend power than Rui Ge?"

"Hahahaha, I just want to laugh, don't stop me from anyone!"

"Only I feel that Father Fu is so cute? Then I will take it away."

In my group of seniors, everyone laughed.

Geng Le: Ha ha ha ha ha father-in-law~

Ye Chuan: Hahahahaha father-in-law~

Qi Junyu: Hahahahaha father-in-law~

Lin Rui: Hahahaha father-in-law~

Fu Yunzhi: Qi Junyu, it affects your cool image very much!

Qi Junyu: It's okay, it's not with your mouth anyway.

Fu Yunzhi:...

Fu Yunzhi: -_-||The boss, why are you following me?

Lin Rui: I followed the copy and paste line, ^_^.

Fu Yunzhi: (?_?) Don't explain, boss, you are missing one.

Lin Rui:...

Ye Chuan: Huh? Rui Ge, you hired father-in-law, how much is it for a month?

Lin Rui: Very expensive!

Several people chatted indiscriminately, Lin Rui put down the phone, turned around and continued to do the question.

Variety show directly reached its peak when Lin Rui prepared the dishes.

"I suddenly feel like watching a food show? (ˉ﹃ˉ

"Rui Gewu can hunt, Wen can cook food, my God, what kind of fairy sister is this!"

"Love, love!"

The camera lens is particularly accurate to capture the freshly cooked dishes, the color and fragrance... well, the fragrance and taste can not be experienced through the screen.

But just by looking at it, you know that this dish is definitely produced by the chef.

Of course, there are still some passers-by who are skeptical.

"This person is a bit too far, a little girl, who is less than twenty, will she cook such a good dish?"

"Maybe I don't like it, or I seriously suspect it is hype."

"But I think why do they eat deliciously?"

"If it doesn't taste good, Xiaoyezi will definitely not eat so much!" This is the loyal fan of Xiaoyezi's family.

"Damn, watching Brother Yu eat so focused, I want to eat too!"

"Want to eat +π!"

Several guests looked happily eating, and some attentive audiences discovered at this time that Xue Yumeng was actually in the camera.

"So Xue Yumeng didn't go hunting with him."

"Neither did they follow along to cook."

"Then what did she do? Rest all the time? Ha ha, is this for a show or a trip?"

"People are delicate, shhh, keep quiet, don't be scared to cry."

"Only I saw that her hand was bandaged, it was injured? If it was injured during filming, why not broadcast it?"