Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 571: Your heart is getting softer and softer

"Yeah, you and Mrs. Li are very good." Mrs. Lin sighed, but she thought in her heart that if Yu Luo did not pass away unexpectedly, perhaps the relationship between Zi Kang and Yu Luo would be better than that of Teacher Li. The couple is even better.

what a pity.

The square driving in front suddenly raised his alarm bell.

Could it be that Miss Lin Rui began to envy this kind of affectionate feelings?

So after sending Lin Rui home, Fang Ge immediately took out his mobile phone and reported to his boss Yunze.

Fang Ge: Boss, Miss Lin said just now that she envied the relationship between Li Yingzhi and Jiang Lincheng!

Fang Ge: Boss, Miss Lin told me yesterday that she likes you.

When Yunze sitting on the plane was about to shut down, he suddenly saw this message.

He held the phone slightly hard.

At this time the beautiful flight attendant came over and said softly, "Sir, please turn your phone into airplane mode or turn it off, okay?"

"En." Yunze nodded, feeling calmer.

He wanted to reply to a text message, but suddenly couldn't bear to ask the truth about Grid.

After adjusting the phone to flight mode, Yunze leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes slightly.

He knew that at this time the little girl's feelings towards him were very simple and pure.

It just cares.

So this liking must be just a simple, pure liking.

It's as simple as she likes her family and likes to do a certain thing.

Yunze let out a sigh of relief.

So, let me misunderstand and fly for a while.

At least in this short period of time, he will feel satisfied and heart-warming.

Grid waited for a long time and didn't receive a message from the boss. He blinked and had to read the novel first.

After Lin Rui returned to the room, he began to practice again.

After running for a small week, her cell phone rang.

Bai smiled on the phone.

When Lin Rui got on the phone, the voice of a white smile was full of tension and worry.

Well, to put it simply, it's just crying.

He said, "Uncle Lin, what should I do? It's been several days, why the old man hasn't left the customs yet."

There was no movement at all, which made people panic.

The others were calm, but Bai Yixiao couldn't sit still.

He had no choice but to call Lin Rui. After all, Lin Rui was now the only person in the foundation.

Lin Rui asked quietly, "Is there anything abnormal?"


"They retreat before, how long will they have to retreat?"

"There are more than ten days, there are also one month, oh, there are people who have been in retreat for two months."

You can't bigu, but you can prepare everything in the closed room.

Lin Rui said quietly, "Don't worry, wait a few more days."

Bai Yi smiled and cried, "A few more days to wait? Uncle Lin, I can call your ancestor, can you come over?"

"That's OK. If Bai Jinchuan hasn't left the customs three days later, I'll go and take a look."

With Lin Rui's assurance, Bai Yixiao finally stopped crying and hung up the phone thankfully.

Lin Rui sat there cross-legged.

Qibao said, "Master, I found that your heart is getting softer and softer."

"Why do you say that? The Bai family... have a causal relationship with me. I went to see Bai Jinchuan, and it was common sense."

"But the cause and effect depends on whether we are willing to admit it or not. Besides, you have already sent him to build the foundation. Master, if you were the previous one, I probably wouldn't agree to smile. Because you also know that the foundation of Baijinchuan It’s definitely okay, you don’t have to go to see him again."