Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 561: Is it really that wayward?

Lin Rui is now too well-known in the experimental middle school.

No one of the guards who went up to the principal and down to the door did not know Lin Rui.

After this year, Lin Rui's hair has grown a bit longer, and she is not used to draping it loosely, so she tied it up, revealing her long neck.

But even so, wearing a simple school uniform, a simple ponytail in his hair, and no powder, the whole person is still amazingly beautiful.

As soon as she entered the office, all the teachers and students in the office for one year couldn't help but look at her.

Lin Rui walked to Li Yingzhi's desk and said, "Teacher, I want to talk to you."

Li Yingzhi nodded, then picked up the lesson plan and the test paper next to it, and said, "Let's talk while walking."


Lin Rui reached out to take the test paper and walked out with Li Yingzhi.

Now the weather is getting warmer, and the willow trees are beginning to sprout. Walking in the sun, the body is warm.

Li Yingzhi said, "Lin Rui, did you come to me because you were in the entertainment industry?"

Lin Rui nodded and said, "Teacher, I won't delay my studies."

This answer was within Li Yingzhi's expectations, and she was also very pleased.

She knew that Lin Rui was not the kind of student who didn't care about it. There must be a beginning and an end in everything.

The next moment, Lin Rui continued, "Teacher, I want to inquire about what I need to do if I take the college entrance examination in advance."

"You plan to take the college entrance examination when you are in the second year of high school?"


It takes less than a year and a half to take the college entrance examination in the second year of high school.

Li Yingzhi looked at his students and asked seriously, "To take the college entrance examination in advance, you need to enter the experimental class in the second year of high school, but this should not be difficult for you. There is also an assessment of your first and second semesters. Test scores. The evaluation method is different every year."

Lin Rui nodded, taking notes one by one.

Anyway, if you take the first place in every next exam, it should be no problem.

Li Yingzhi looked at the calm face of the beautiful girl before him, thought for a while, and asked, "Have you thought of which school to take the exam?"

"I want to take an entrance exam for the Performance Department of Dicheng Film and Television University."

Li Yingzhi:...


She sighed from the bottom of her heart and said, "It seems that you still intend to take the path of the entertainment industry. Although I think it is a pity, but anyway, Lin Rui, the teacher knows that you must choose this path. With your own considerations, then the teacher will support you."

"Thank you, Teacher Li!"

Lin Rui really likes the teacher Li Yingzhi, because she is not rigid in teaching, and she puts herself in her mind for the sake of students.

In fact, Li Yingzhi is also internally injured. Two years later, this girl can properly fight for the provincial champion!

However, she wouldn't be arguing about the future of this child for the sake of being a provincial champion.

Everyone’s future is his own.

Li Yingzhi just thought about it for a moment and accepted the reality.

But when she gave the information to the principal and the dean of education, both leaders fell into deep thought.

The dean of education has a bit of liver pain, and a champion seedling is a good one, so do you have to throw yourself into the embrace of the entertainment industry?

She also watched that variety show, and thought... she thought it was Lin Rui who went to play on a whim!

The director of the teaching department said, "Is it really that wayward? Can't it be changed?"

Li Yingzhi nodded.

The deans of colleges and universities are also a little unbelievable. You must know how important a provincial champion is to a school.

However, due to Lin Rui's special status, it is difficult for him to take the students directly.

After thinking about it, Principal Gao called Lin Zikang.