Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 556: quarrel

The female classmate was very aggrieved and angry, but seeing Lin Zijian like this, she couldn't say anything else.

After all, Teacher Lin is not to blame for this matter!

She looked at Wang Jie in disgust, and then said to Lin Zijian, "Teacher Lin, let's go first."


After the three classmates left.

Only the couple Lin Zijian and Wang Jie remained in the studio.

Lin Zijian silently cleaned up the messy drawing boards and scratch paper on the ground, as well as the dyes that had been knocked over by Wang Jie.

The red paint was sprinkled directly on the snow-white straw paper.

Very glaring.

There is also a picture that is about to be drawn, which has been torn apart from the middle.

After Lin Zijian picked up the painting, he became more silent.

Wang Jiechu was there. She didn't like Lin Zijian's silence. It made her feel that Lin Zijian only cares about his broken paintings, not her at all!

Wang Jie twitched at the corner of her mouth and said, "I, I didn't know that they came from three students."

Lin Zijian was still very silent and did not speak.

Wang Jie was angry. She stared at Lin Zijian, "Isn't it just a misunderstanding, and I don't know, Lin Zijian, can you say a few words, don't be so dull gourd!"

Lin Zijian paused slightly when he was finishing the painting book.

He raised his head, looked at Wang Jie, and said, "One misunderstanding is over? Okay, then you know it's wrong. Now go call that student of mine and apologize to her and her parents!"

"You, haven't you already apologized." Wang Jie's voice became weaker, so she wouldn't apologize to the female student.

Wang Jie thought, look at that girl student, she looks so pretty! Not to mention, the girl's eyes looked at Lin Zijian, full of admiration!

Humph, even this female student doesn't have that nasty idea for now.

But who guarantees the future?

Lin Zijian was so angry that he couldn't say a word, he looked at Wang Jie with extreme disappointment.

Wang Jie was a little uncomfortable with Lin Zijian's quiet eyes. She fiddled with her hair and said, "Okay, stop making trouble, come home with me."

"Which home to go back?" Lin Zijian asked in a deep voice.

Wang Jie was taken aback for a moment, "Go back to our house, otherwise do you plan to go to your brother's house?"

"Is that home still home?" Lin Zijian raised his head and looked at Wang Jie quietly.

Wang Jie frowned fiercely, and the lack of patience was immediately exhausted.

She snorted coldly, "Why isn't that home counted as a home? Lin Zijian, are you still thinking about what was just now? I have already said, I don't know if they are three students together, what else do you want? Do you really want me to apologize to that dead girl?! Is it possible that you can stop looking for trouble if you let her slap me back?!"

Lin Zijian quietly looked at his wife's pungent appearance, and suddenly sighed, "Xiaojie, you haven't noticed until now, has there been a problem between us?"

Wang Jie was startled, "What's the problem?"

"Everything in the house is up to you. Every time you quarrel, I am the one who finally gave in. This is what happened in Zikang's house before, and what happened today is the same. Xiaojie, don't you always Isn't it wrong? Have you never seen your own mistakes?" Lin Zijian raised his head, his eyes were sad, "Why did you become what you are today!"

Wang Jie staggered back two steps. She raised her head and looked at Lin Zijian, suddenly becoming hysterical.

"Yeah, my temper has always been bad, Lin Zijian, are you finally tired of me? But who do you think I do all this for? If I don't fight or snatch, then everything in the Lin family will be It will all fall into Lin Zikang's hands. If you are fine, you can paint, then what about me and Yuanzhou? Lin Zijian, have you ever considered me and Yuanzhou?!"