Cultivating In The Entertainment Industry

Chapter 544: I always thought he looked a lot like Shen Gongbao

"Yes." Lin Rui smiled lightly, walked over and sat on the sofa.

The old lady Lin was a little excited.

She looked at her granddaughter in surprise, and said, "Did you shoot this variety show during your winter vacation, when you went out of town?"


Old Mrs. Lin suddenly remembered that at that time, she said that her granddaughter had gone out to run wildly.

Suddenly a little guilty.

Although the old lady realized that she had said something wrong, she didn't know what to say because of her face.

Then she turned her gaze back to the TV.

The clips in front of the variety show were actually not very friendly to Lin Rui, after all, Xue Yumeng had the rhythm at the time.

For example, taking the bodyguards to shoot, airborne the rich lady, when choosing the bed, all kinds of hypocrisy.

The barrage suddenly became black.

"Who is that woman? Although she looks pretty good, but with this charming look, is she here for a variety show, or a young lady traveling?"

"Look at how good the rain is at my house, gentle and considerate, especially loving."

"Damn, there are still light raindrops, isn't your Xue Yumeng already cold?"

"You are cold, your village is cold!"

Then began to crook the floor.

However, because Xue Yumeng was blocked for a period of time before, the number of light raindrops dropped sharply and the combat effectiveness was also much weaker.

After pinching for a while, it was overwhelmed by many barrage.

As the variety show aired later, many fans from other homes began to emerge.

"Wow, it's my Brother Yu! Brother Yu is so handsome, I love you!"

"My little Ye Zi is so cute, take it and hide it."

"Fuck! The Poison Tongue Demon is so handsome. I am disillusioned. I always thought he looked a lot like Shen Gongbao!"

At the same time, in the WeChat group of my brothers and sisters, several people were all laughing.

Geng Le sent the screenshot of the barrage about Fu Yunzhi very thoughtfully.

Geng Le: Hahahaha, XSWL, Brother Fu, I didn't think you were such a father-in-law!

Fu Yunzhi: I want to report to your coach, you have three mobile phones.

Geng Le: Hmm, you can't help it, my coach doesn't use Weibo.

Fu Yunzhi: I just met a very good hacker. I asked him to help and send it to your coach's mailbox. (* ̄︶ ̄)

Geng Le: Really?

Fu Yunzhi: If you don't believe me, ask Lin Rui.

Geng Le: Σ(⊙▽⊙"a Brother Fu, I was wrong, can I kneel and sing Conquest for you?!

Xiaoyezi: Hahaha, Geng Le, how about your backbone, why less than a second?

Geng Le: How can my backbone compare with a mobile phone? Without a mobile phone, I can't play games, and I can't chat with you secretly.

Qi Junyu was also watching a variety show. He glanced at the message on the phone faintly, and the corner of his mouth tickled.

Qi Lan, who was sitting next to him, said helplessly, "You still laugh and don't see how the variety show looks like you photographed."

Qi Junyu looked up and said helplessly, "Mom, what's the matter?"

"You also asked me what's wrong, why are you like a piece of wood? Didn't I tell you how to create topics for yourself in variety shows?" Qi Lan pointed to the TV screen with hatred of iron and steel, and said, "You too Only this face is left."

However, after watching for a while, Qi Lan watched Lin Rui become more and more brilliant inside, and finally sighed.

It is estimated that the handsome is gone in the end.

In the WeChat group of Class 10 here, it was also exploded.

As a little **** fan of Lin Rui, Jiang Ling called on everyone in there to call Rui Ge!

"Fuck, it's Rui Ge! 666"

"My Rui Ge V587!"

"My Rui Ge is so handsome and so cool it's impossible to compare!"

But soon after Yunze came out, the barrage was all occupied by clouds.

But even so, there was only one person in Li Tao's eyes.